The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 973: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (99)

  Chapter 973 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (99)

  The handsome emperor, dressed in gold-embroidered court clothes, stood with his hands down and stood with such a beautiful, fifteen-year-old little palace girl. It was a seductive picture like a golden maiden.

  It was just this picture, but it suddenly hurt Mu Sisi's eyes.

   Mu Sisi subconsciously looked at Su Qinghuan, but saw that Su Qinghuan was still just that cold and indifferent appearance, and there was no wave in his eyes.

  At that moment, Mu Sisi even felt a trance.

  ——Is the imperial concubine really not angry at all?

  Is it wrong to make this move by yourself?

  But no matter what, as long as Yinzhi can enter the eyes of the emperor, the probability of Helian Moxuan coming to Shou'an Palace in the future will be high, and then she will have the opportunity to let Helian Moxuan take a good look at their two children.

  It is said that love will die sooner or later. Even modern monogamy often cannot withstand the passing of time, but it is the child who connects two people with the constant blood bond.

  In this case, Helian Moxuan should gradually have a good impression of him, and even love her again, right?


  At the moment when Mu Sisi was in a daze, Su Qinghuan had already coughed slightly, breaking the scene in the courtyard that seemed like the encounter between the hero and the hero of the costume idol drama.

   "Your Majesty joked, there is such a refreshing person in the court's concubine's yard, this girl with silver branch, but the maid who has been waiting for her close by, she came to visit her with her today."

   Suddenly heard Su Qinghuan's light and pleasant voice, Helian Moxuan immediately recovered, and subconsciously followed the voice to look at Su Qinghuan.

  I saw a beauty in a purple palace dress standing under the corridor, with a hairpin with peony flowers on her side.

  The dress is rich and magnificent, coupled with such a mysterious purple, if it is placed on others, I am afraid it will look vulgar.

  But here, Su Qinghuan, she is a natural beauty like a golden carving and jade. No matter how gorgeous and maverick clothes are, she can’t take away the demeanor between her eyebrows and eyes.


Originally, when he saw the little palace lady Yinzhi, Helian Moxuan still had some teasing thoughts. After all, he was a rather fresh face, and his eyebrows were timid and delicate. He saw Moxuan's heart begin to feel a little bit. Restlessness.

   But at this moment, seeing Su Qinghuan coming from the courtyard, that kind of peerless charm suddenly captured the heart of Helian Moxuan again.


  In comparison, the court lady named Yinzhi was born beautiful, but she was so beautiful and overbearing like Su Qinghuan that she could take a breath as soon as she appeared on the stage. It was really rare in the world.

If Helian Moxuan was tired of Su Qinghuan, but after all, Helian Moxuan had never really contaminated the beauty of the country in front of him, so he instantly threw down the silver branch and walked towards the little fox affectionately. .

   "The breeze is cool at night, why don't you come out without a cloak?"

  Helian Mo Xuan glanced at Su Qinghuan with an annoyance, and there was no lack of greasy caring in his words.

  After all, this is Qiwu Palace, Su Qinghuan’s site. If he hadn’t teased a little silver-branch lady in the court before, the closeness at this time would have been more sincere.

  At this moment, this kind of action really fully demonstrates the five words "Hua Xin Big Carrot".


  Even if Helian Moxuan is the supreme emperor, it does not prevent Su Qinghuan from despising him.

  Su Qinghuan lazily gave Helian Mo Xuanfu a blessing, without even being thorough in etiquette, she seemed jealous.

"Your Majesty sees the concubines now? The concubines have been standing here for a long time, only to see your majesty and the little silver-branch girl talking very happily. The concubines thought that the residence of your concubines, It's not to see the concubines, but to see the beauties."


   Hearing Su Qinghuan's words like this, Helian Mo Xuan was not good at retorting it, and he was stunned on the spot. He saw the beautiful woman's slender and porcelain-white neck, and subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch Su Qinghuan's thin white jade neck.

  But how could Su Qinghuan be willing to be touched by this big radish, she was very dirty, so Su Qinghuan seemed to hide from the side arrogantly, leaving Helian Moxuan's hand directly empty.


Su Qinghuan’s face was so easily refuted. Even if Helian Moxuan now realizes that he has a certain affection for Su Qinghuan, after all, he is the emperor who has been held in the moon by countless concubines and stars. Su Qinghuan suddenly felt that Su Qinghuan had something wrong Recognized praise.

   "What is the concubine hiding? Wouldn't it be possible for me to get close to you?"

"The concubines dare not accept your majesty's closeness. Didn't your majesty see that Empress Wanbi is pregnant for you, and she has been standing in the air for a long time. Does your majesty care and care about it? The concubines are really empress Wanmi It's uncomfortable."


Su Qinghuan suddenly pushed him to the cusp of the storm, and Mu Sisi suddenly felt a little anxious.

  In fact, she felt extremely uncomfortable when she saw Helian Moxuan drop the silver stick and go directly to Su Qinghuan.

   Then Helian Mo Xuan ignored her the whole time. Even though Mu Sisi has been taken in by Helian Mo Xuan now, the feeling of being treated as a transparent person by the father of the child is really beyond the psychological quality of ordinary people.


   Mu Sisi was jealous and short-tempered in her heart. She blushed with a urn sound toward Helian Mo Xuan Dao.

   "The concubine has seen your majesty, and the concubine empress laughed. Your majesty may have ignored the concubine because he was standing far away?"

  Speaking, Mu Sisi looked at Helian Moxuan with her always pitiful eyes.

  If you look at Helian Moxuan from the way she used to be unbearable, she might be able to arouse a bit of tenderness in the hearts of Helian Moxuan's man.

But now in the eyes of Helian Moxuan, Mu Sisi has a bloated figure and mediocre eyebrows. The silver branch before Su Qinghuan looks like two or three points, but now that Mu Sisi is standing in front of Su Qinghuan, it is really contrasted. Become a rough girl.


  Helian Mo Xuan frowned immediately. Ever since he knew that Mu Sisi was not right, even the so-called first encounter was carefully planned, he no longer liked the woman Mu Sisi in his heart.

   "Get up."

   "Your Majesty..."

   Mu Sisi still wanted to watch what Helian Moxuan said eagerly, so as to relive their old dreams, but Helian Moxuan never looked at her again.

   Seeing Helian Mo Xuan's sight following Su Qinghuan the whole time, the anger in Mu Sisi's heart suddenly doubled.

  She blurted out almost without thinking.

  "Didn’t the imperial concubine and her concubine say that she wanted to go to the imperial garden to enjoy flowers with her concubine? Since your majesty can chat with the girl of Yinzhi, why not let Yinzhi be here to serve your majesty?"

  As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other people present all turned towards Su Qinghuan.

The palace lady Yinzhi's complexion was crimson, and Helian Moxuan also subconsciously looked at Su Qing happily.

  "What if I don't know the love of concubine?"

  (End of this chapter)

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