The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 984: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (110)

  Chapter 984 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (110)

   Hearing the man’s guilty tone, Su Qinghuan felt extremely cold in her heart.

  —Now that you know you are guilty, why did you go?

  The most ridiculous thing is that just a few hours ago, this man was still flirting with the court lady Yinzhi in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart. It was so cool.

The little fox can see that Helian Moxuan really likes him so much. Otherwise, according to Helian Moxuan’s temperament, he would not return after the so-called "round room" between the dark guard and her. Keep her life.

  Even under her own deliberate fanfare, she could forcibly endure her irritated emotions and said softly that she wanted to sit in her Qiwu Palace.


  So I have to say that the nature of most men is too cheap.

  For them, a wife is better than a concubine, and a concubine is better than stealing, and stealing is better than stealing. Although this sentence sounds vulgar, it is actually a well-known saying.

  Because the unavailable will always be agitated in the heart, and the person who is favored can also be grandiose and confident.

Su Qinghuan remembered that whether he was in ancient or modern times, there would be people standing on the so-called high point, accusing the original partner because he was too strong and didn't know how to please men. Make men more and more bored.

  It is as if gentle and virtuous is the bottom line for a woman as a wife.

  But I don’t know where to realize the value of a woman. Is it true that a woman is born to be someone’s girlfriend, someone’s wife, or someone’s mother?

  Before you become someone else’s wife or mother, she is herself first.

  If the family born is not a strange patriarchal or extremely outrageous situation, then for most girls, the best thing for a girl in her life is the role of a daughter.


Every time I see some people who claim to have a complete family and teach other girls to tolerate all the shortcomings of men, as long as he returns home and pays, he will be a good husband, good boyfriend, and good father, little fox Just want to laugh.

  It is precisely because of the existence of these people that people in the world are so lenient with men’s personal virtues.

  While women are almost as black as the men taught in the world since they were young, if a girl is not good enough, she can’t get married without washing, cooking, and taking care of the family. Even if she marries, she will be rejected by her in-laws.

  Not to mention, both ancient and modern, both at home and abroad, generally have higher requirements for women’s moral qualities, especially for not being able to stand out with others outside, than men.


As a little fox born in Qingqiu, Su Qinghuan said that there is no such kind of rules on their side. Everyone is working hard to practice. Whoever has a high level of immortality has the right to speak, and Qingqiu teaches not to bully. We must help the weak.

  These moral concepts are unanimous. Whether you are the master of Qingqiu or an ordinary citizen of Qingqiu, you will only have one partner.

  If both sides feel that they can’t make it anymore, then they will pay respect to the mountains, rivers, and Daze, and the peace of the sky.

If someone still hooks up with others after having a Taoist companion, the little fox dare not say that there is no such scum in Qingqiu, but when it appears, it will always be cast aside by everyone collectively. .


  If a person has a high level of morality, he will not abandon you because your appearance is old, let alone feel that the married life is tired for a while and want to seek freshness, so he will go to other little girls.

  If a person really does this, but you still refuse to let him go, you and your family will end up pitting you, and it will even have a bad influence on the outlook on marriage and life of the next generation.


  Su Qinghuan felt a little sorrowful when thinking of these things.

   "Tong'er, sometimes when I read some memories of the original owner, no matter what, I always mourn the misfortune and anger, but in this kind of thing, the ancient women are always more pitiful."

   "Yes, host, after all, the ancient girls were raised up as their husbands and wives since childhood, and the monarch was the minister. How can she escape these shackles?"

  Modern woman, no matter what the original environment, but as long as she does not have problems with ears and eyes, the modern independent output point of view is really too much.

As long as a person is not lazy, even if he is going to deliver food to help others with children, or being a housekeeping cleaner, he can get a life-saving income. Yes, these ways of living are really hard, but at least, they can rely on themselves. live.

  If you can study hard to change yourself, then it is never too late to leave.

  In ancient times, women who even showed up and sold something might be pointed out by a thousand husbands. If they were ridiculed in the street, they might look down on you while using your subsidized household.

  The fact is that it is so chilling.

   Although public opinion in modern society is still more male-oriented, in any case, as long as you have the courage to go out, it is still much better.


  Thinking about this, Su Qinghuan was reluctant to talk to Helian Mo Xuan for a while, and she made a hesitating look on her face.

  Seeing the woman as if he wanted to talk, Helian Moxuan immediately looked at her with some concern.

   "Why don't you speak anymore? But my body feels uncomfortable? Would you like me to call Yuyi Fang to show Concubine Ai first?"

   "No need...actually, the concubine is just curious, why is your majesty so angry? The concubine saw the girl Yinzhi crying on the ground, and your majesty stopped the Buddha hall. What happened inside?"

  Su Qinghuan looked at Helian Moxuan pretending to be curious and ignorant, she just wanted to poke Helian Moxuan's heart disease.

  No man doesn’t care if there is a green light on his head.

  At this moment, Helian Moxuan has been watched by so many people on the spot, and it is still such a category that is beyond the normal one-to-one category, I am afraid Helian Moxuan's anger at this moment can already turn the river.


   Just when Su Qinghuan thought Helian Moxuan would tell a lie casually, suddenly, Helian Moxuan stretched out his hand and hugged Su Qinghuan’s shoulder.

   "When I came, I saw Wanbi's shameless thing, one of her court ladies, and a wild man twisted together. The picture was so unsightly that I didn't want Concubine Ai to see it."

   "I am even suspicious. I asked you to enjoy the flowers together before, but did you intend to plant it on you?"

   "Huh? Is that right?"

  Su Qinghuan's eyes widened in shock, and then wringed her fingers worriedly.

  "But isn't Empress Wanbi already pregnant with your majesty's child? Not sure, even that child is not your majesty's, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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