The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 986: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (112)

  Chapter 986 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (112)

However, within one or two days of work, Helian Moxuan abolished Mu Sisi’s status as a concubine, and even forced the Royal Doctor Fang to give her medicine for minor births and put her into the cold palace, which spread throughout the emperor. city.

  Except for Mu Sisi and the people who conspired with her, Helian Moxuan did not increase the number of innocent killings, and the other palace members who were accompanying them all saved their lives.

  But everyone’s mouths were very harsh. Although they were lucky enough to survive, no one dared to be so courageous to spread the indescribable things between Mu Sisi and the court lady Hong Xing and the guard Li San in the Buddhist hall.

  The guard Li San is not too eye-catching on weekdays. Helian Moxuan directly said that this man drank too much wine during the night and stepped on the lotus pond in the imperial garden, so he died.

  And the real way of death is naturally not like this, but for this usually inconspicuous nameless pawn, no one thinks that the way of death of the guard Li San is not like this at all, but Helian Moxuan's death is divided by five horses.


  Even if Helian Moxuan has long disliked Mu Sisi now, he has no impression of the so-called court lady Red Apricot, but it does not prevent him from casting a shadow on the green light on his head.

   Even with it, Helian Mo Xuan was not willing to visit Su Qinghuan recently.

  After all, the little fox would always mention the round room that didn't exist at all by the two of them intentionally or unintentionally, and looked at him with surprise and distress from time to time.

  ——The emperor has not seen you in this period of time, so why did you lose weight again? It doesn't seem to be as energetic as the previous day.

In fact, Helian Moxuan is not fat or thin at all. He always thinks of Su Qinghuan from the “innocent” pupils of the little fox who don’t know anything. He misunderstood Helianmo because of the dead guard. Xuan's figure now.

It is inevitable that Helian Moxuan is angry, but he is reluctant to tell Su Qinghuan the truth, let alone exile her from the palace.

  So, the man can only put his heart on the front things, hoping that he can get busy, and don't always think about the little fox that makes people happy and worrying.


  Su Qinghuan was a little surprised, Helian Moxuan actually left Mu Sisi alive.

  It wasn't until she went to Lenggong to see that woman collapsed at the moment. I'm afraid that being alive is sometimes a punishment that is more terrifying than death.

  Mussi was dressed in a dirty and worn-out palace costume, and her hair seemed to have not been combed for a few days, looking like a madman.

   But when she saw Su Qinghuan, Mu Sisi, who was fighting for an expired steamed bun with the other cold palace women, suddenly seemed to have noticed something and turned her head abruptly.

   "Su, Qing, Huan!"

  Mussi had never called Su Qinghuan's name word by word like this, if it wasn't for the imperial concubine, it would be the concubine Su.

  Unexpectedly, the hatred in the woman's eyes at this moment seemed to be a blazing fire, and it seemed that the cold palace had not yet smoothed her will.

  Perhaps because Helian Mo Xuan forced him to drink the fetal pill, Mu Sisi could still be regarded as having a somewhat delicate and plump face, but at this moment, she can't see the slightest beauty at all.

  It was clear that she seemed to be a little blessed when she was eating before, but at this time, in just a few days, she was already thin and some cheeks sunken.

   Such abnormal rapid weight loss is enough to see that Mu Sisi's life in the cold palace is really not something normal people can tolerate.


  The little fox stood coldly and indifferently. There were many eunuchs and maids serving beside him. Even if Mu Sisi rushed over, the first one was held down by Su Qinghuan’s maid Xiaotao.

  "Who allowed you, the waste concubine, to call my master's name directly!"

  Xiaotao thought of the grievances Su Qinghuan had suffered in Mu Sisi in the past, and even almost lost her life because of this woman in the lotus pond of Yuhuayuan, Xiaotao was so angry.

In the past, Xiao Tao was still worried about Su Qinghuan’s words. After all, Mu Sisi was Helian Moxuan’s sweetheart at that time. Raising his hand, he slapped Mu Sisi severely.

  "This slap is to avenge your revenge for pushing my master into the water at the Royal Garden that day."

   Mu Sisi screamed in pain, she wanted to grab Hua Xiaotao's face, but at this time, she was weak, how could she be stronger than Xiaotao.

  Xiaotao suddenly opened her bow again, giving Mu Sisi two consecutive slaps.

   "This slap is to beat you to death without repenting, and you still haven't admitted your mistakes."

   "There is one last slap. It's to slap the wicked words you used to say to your master. If you don't do anything like this, my little peach won't mind putting a few more scars on your face."


  Mussi did not expect that one day she would fall to the point where she was bullied by the subordinates.

  Even when she was exposed in Wangjiang Tower and plagiarizing other people's poems, Mu Sisi knew that with the child in her stomach, she still had a place in this cannibal palace.

   But now, the situation is so involuntary, even if Mu Sisi can't believe it, she has become the newest member of the cold palace.


Seeing that she couldn't get rid of Xiaotao's shackles, Mu Sisi looked at Su Qinghuan with blood red eyes.

   "What are you doing like this! Do you bully others?! Unexpectedly, Concubine Su is such a sinister villain who allows her maid to slap others at will. Is this your upbringing?"


  Su Qinghuan smiled suddenly when she heard Mu Sisi's accusation.

   “Isn’t it recognized in the Sixth House that the education of this house is bullying, domineering and arrogant?”

  This is indeed the reputation of the original owner in the sixth house.

  But in fact, although the original owner's character is a little arrogant, he has never bullied other palace guards for no reason.

   But ah, even so, Su Qinghuan still carried the pot unexplainably.

  Because of the reputation of the original owner, half of it was exaggerated by Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi.

  Everyone has spread too much, even if it is fake, it has become true in everyone's hearts.

  The original owner is just a little arrogant and doesn't like to make friends, but in this harem, how can there be true friends?

  Su Qinghuan never thought that the original master’s actions were wrong.

  It’s just a pity that, despite this reputation, the original owner died because of Helian Moxuan and Mu Sisi.


  At this point, Su Qinghuan felt that Helian Mo Xuan could keep Mu Sisi alive, and Mu Sisi was already considered to be a heroine.

If    is replaced by the original owner, I am afraid that a bottle of Crane Top Red would have been given a long time ago.

  Su Qinghuan sighed. Thinking of the original owner’s wish that Mu Sisi would collapse, she suddenly grabbed Mu Sisi's chin.

   "Jealous? Painful? But Mu Sisi, if you have ever seen the past that should belong to you, it will definitely be more painful, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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