The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 994: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (120)

  Chapter 994 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (120)

  Helian Moxuan's expression is a bit reluctant, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Helian Moxuan is praising the beauty of Ruyi against his will, but Ruyi himself did not understand this level.

  She shook the emperor green bracelet that she had taken from Su Qinghuan with complacency, only to feel a sense of beauty.

  "Your Majesty also thinks that my concubine wears this bracelet better? It is said that Chinese clothes are better than Huajiao. According to my concubine, jewelry actually has this effect."

   As the 嫔 said, he happily leaned towards Su Qinghuan, the contempt and show-off between his eyes were self-evident.

  Su Qinghuan's expression is plain and plain. For a superficial and petty woman like her, she does not regard her as an object to watch out for.

   even spoke very calmly.

  "Since the maiden loves this bracelet, she should wear it all the year round. This was bestowed by your majesty to the palace in the year that your majesty entered the palace. Now, if you give it to you, it can be regarded as a flower offering to the Buddha."

  Su Qinghuan said politely, but the four words of the year he entered the palace on his lips undoubtedly changed the expressions of Helian Moxuan and Rubi.

Helian Moxuan's palm under his sleeves could not help but clenched silently, and an indescribable tingling pierced into his heart. When Su Qinghuan first entered the palace, although he was very beautiful for a while, it was indeed a domineering and arrogant one. Young girl.

He was only fifteen years old, and he was spoiled by General Su when he was in the Su Mansion. He suddenly came to the court. Even though he became a big palace canary, he still knew what humility and punctuality were. Woolen cloth?

  At that time, Helian Moxuan was also extremely despised of Su Qinghuan. In his eyes, there will always be beautiful women, such a vase, it is also annoying to see.

  But in order to win over Su Qinghuan, Helian Moxuan still gave her a holy favor from the beginning. Gold and silver jewelry and silk satin were all sent into Qiwu Palace like money-free running water.

  And this emperor green jade bracelet, because of its excellent material and appearance, naturally made the young Su Qinghuan a thorn in the eyes of people in the sixth house at that time.

  Helian Mo Xuan just sneered coldly in his heart. Seeing Su Qinghuan being squeezed out by those palace people, he would not pay any real attention to her.

  Faced with this kind of cold treatment, what can young Su Qinghuan understand?

   Although she felt uncomfortable because of the rumors in the palace, she had just arrived after all, and Su Qinghuan's adoptive father, General Su, also passed away suddenly.

  Su Rui was still young, and there was no superhuman minister at that time, so that the Su family has the current situation today, let alone Su Qinghuan, who is two years younger than him?

  So the concubines of the Six Palaces at that time were secretly guessing whether they would wait for General Su’s death date to pass, and Su Qinghuan, who was originally canonized as a noble concubine, would plummet.

  However, Helian Moxuan did not do this, because just a month after Su’s father passed away, Su Rui showed amazing literary talent.

  In the face of this shocking young man, Helian Moxuan chose to watch the changes, and even allowed Su Qinghuan to leave the palace to mourn General Su.


   At this time, the spies sent by Helian Moxuan learned further that the rumors that Su Qinghuan and Su Rui brothers and sisters were at odds were not only true, but the relationship between the two was far worse than the legend.

  Even if it was because of the death of General Su, Su Qinghuan and Su Jinyan got together for a short time, but there was almost no conversation between the two, except for the necessary sacrifices, the two barely touched each other.

  Helian Mo Xuan gradually let go of his guard against Su Qinghuan, not because of respect, but because he looked down on Su Qinghuan more and more and only regarded her as a stupid and domineering pawn.

  Later, Mu Sisi appeared, and Helian Mo mysteriously used Su Qinghuan as a shield.


  It is said that if life is just like the first time, what is the matter of autumn wind and sad painting fan.

  But at this time, Helian Moxuan suddenly realized that if he was better towards Su Qinghuan at first, the two would not often have conflicts.

   Fortunately, Su Qinghuan still likes him.

  It’s just that it’s too jealous, and it’s too unbearable.


  At this time, Helian Moxuan still deceived himself and thought that he was a charming king.

   And Ru 嫔 sitting in his arms, naturally because when he tilted her head, she saw Helian Mo Xuan staring at Su Qinghuan as if he was a little lost, and she suddenly felt vigilant in her heart.

   Jiao Didi's woman complained, seemingly fake.

   "Your Majesty~ What are you doing so staring at the concubine empress? Is it because the concubine empress is heartbroken for this former love token? If the concubine empress can't bear it, then this bracelet, the concubine will continue to give it back to the concubine empress."

  Speaking, Ru 嫔 pouted her mouth puffingly, of course she didn’t want to give it back to Su Qinghuan.

  After all, no one in the palace owns such a good head bracelet except Su Qinghuan.

  She also didn't believe that Su Qinghuan would pull the face and want to go back.

   Asking Helian Moxuan's words now just made Su Qinghuan's thoughts of remorse.

  This move is to retreat, Su Qinghuan clearly sees it, but Helian Moxuan hesitated on the contrary, it is not that he does not understand the meaning of 嫔, but the man’s heart seems to be lightly pierced by a needle.

  He looked at Su Qinghuan with some hesitation.

   "What do you think of the imperial concubine?"

  The hint in the man’s eyes seemed to say that as long as Su Qinghuan was subdued, he would inevitably abandon the woman next to him who could not get on the table and embrace Su Qinghuan again.

  In front of the concubines of the Sixth Palace and the former courtiers, it shows who is Helian Moxuan's favorite concubine.


It's a pity that the man underestimated Su Qinghuan's pride. He didn't understand her at first, and he even moreoverestimated his own importance in the eyes of the little fox.

   Su Qinghuan smiled faintly in Rubi's three-pointed gnashing eyes.

  "A gentleman does not deprive people of love. Although the concubine is a little girl, there is no truth in saying that this bracelet can be liked by the maidens, and it is also the blessing of this bracelet."


   Hearing Su Qinghuan’s refusal again, Helian Moxuan’s face was ugly right now. He didn’t believe in such a clever and cunning woman as Su Qinghuan, he would not be able to see his hint.

   At the moment when Helian Mo Xuan was angry, a clear and cold male voice suddenly passed the ears of everyone present.

   "Weichen has seen your majesty and noble concubines, such as concubines."

  Following the voice, Su Qinghuan turned her head and looked at the young man who was not far away.

  I saw Su Rui climbing up the level. He was holding the official robe in one hand, and his appearance was facing the moonlight, as if a celestial being descended from the world.

  Unconsciously, the little fox's eyes are slightly hot.

  She greeted Su Rui almost subconsciously.

   "I would like to say that brother, how good is it?"

  ——They really haven’t seen each other for a long time.

  With only one look, the lovers who had been separated for a long time understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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