The Host is Getting Beautiful Every Day

Chapter 997: The imperial concubine must climb the wall (123)

  Chapter 997 The imperial concubine wants to climb the wall (123)

  "This is not like a rebellious script arranged by Jingyan..."

  Su Qinghuan’s eyes flickered slightly, if it were true, Su Rui should have told her in the letter.

   Not far away, Su Rui, who was sitting at the bottom right of Helian Moxuan's main seat, was also squinting at Su Qinghuan's eyes vigilantly.

  Obviously, Su Rui was answering Su Qinghuan’s doubts invisibly.

   also told her to be careful with the lips that Su Qinghuan could understand.


   Seeing a magnificent dancer from the Western Regions walking towards Helian Moxuan with Chu waist, Su Qinghuan’s sense of speechlessness was overwhelming.

   "Tong'er, even the rebellious script these years, is anyone rushing to act with us?"

"Ahem, host, you really guessed it. Normally, the palace inspections are too strict, and it is difficult for ordinary people to settle into the anti-thief, unless it is like Su Rui who holds great power and his biological father also has great military power. Influential, how else would ordinary people rebel?"

  "And these Western Region dancers, not so much to seek the usurpation of the throne, rather they came to assassinate Helian Moxuan. After all, the Western Regions Fanbang was dissatisfied with the Daqing Dynasty's exorbitant taxes and taxes over the years."

"Furthermore, Helian Moxuan has no children at his knees. As long as he is killed, in the minds of Fanbang people, the Daqing Dynasty will have to be in chaos for a long time even to elect the next emperor. Of course they have to wait for opportunities. And these Fanbang women also borrowed it. She looks soft and charming, with a soft sword hidden against her skin."

"Ordinary guards can't be so courageous to pull off their performance dance skirts to see what's underneath. After all, they were originally dressed in a way that would seem inappropriate to the people of Central Plains, and they are beautiful and charming. Once the emperor takes a fancy to, she is not the emperor’s woman."

  The analysis of system 233 is very reasonable, but Su Qinghuan wanted to laugh.

   ", how do I think Helian Moxuan will definitely die today?"

Su Qinghuan thought like this, she had already made up her mind to watch the changes, she couldn't help looking at the king on the main seat in a cool manner, only to see that Helian Moxuan still didn't know it, and she was playing with Rupi. The greasy game of feeding grapes.

And Rubi is also really bold, taking advantage of the dazzling dance of the Western Region dancers, he is almost boneless against Helian Moxuan, his hands are not idle for a moment, and the degree of his eyes is no more indescribable. The live version is too good.

  So sometimes it is said that ancient people are conservative, and Su Qinghuan can't help but want to raise a question mark.

  After all, Helian Moxuan often ordered a few beauties to the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart. You can only talk about the emperor’s life, don’t ask, it’s chic.

  The most disgusting thing for Su Qinghuan is that it's all like this. Helian Moxuan is embarrassed to think that there is only Su Qinghuan in his heart, and the deep love for the little fox in his heart, but my heart is to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch.

  In the eyes of Helian Moxuan, he was originally the Lord of the World, so why should Su Qinghuan have the courage to shake his face because he favored other palace people?

  As for his secret plan to hack the Su Family Mansion, it is nothing more. After all, on the side of the couch, it is impossible to allow others to snore. He is still willing to keep Su Qinghuan alive, which can be regarded as very benevolent.

   Therefore, the three views of people are really different.


  Su Qinghuan sneered in his heart, and Helian Mo Xuan would look at Su Qinghuan from time to time. At first he saw that Su Qinghuan had been ignoring him, and the man was still angry.

   Seeing Su Qinghuan's eyes looking towards him at this moment, Helian Moxuan's heart was even more beaming.

  ——He said that the noble concubine has him in his heart.

  Otherwise, how could you pretend for a while, and finally you still can’t pretend and start to be jealous?

  As long as he rubbed Su Qinghuan for a while, he would be able to smooth the arrogant edges and corners of this little woman, letting her know that if he wants to be happy in the harem in the future, he still has to look at the face of the emperor himself.

  He can indeed give Su Qinghuan the most and most favors, but it does not mean that he will only turn over Su Qinghuan’s brand alone, nor does it mean that Su Qinghuan can be petting. A smart woman should always understand and show weakness to men.

  Not to mention, he is the emperor.


  Helian Moxuan was complacent in his heart. Following Su Qinghuan’s eyes, he quickly noticed the woman in the Western Regions who was fluttering in the dancing skirt and secretly sending Qiubo to him.

  Even through the veil, the other's deep and charming eyebrows seem to be expressing love.

  Central Plains women, no matter how bold they are, they only dare to lose their purse in front of their sweetheart, pretending to almost fall down to attract men’s attention.

  But the dancers of the Western Regions were completely different. The white waist of Chu Yao quickly attracted Helian Moxuan's eyes, causing him to push away from his side with a bit of reluctance, and tried to feed him grapes with thin lips.

   "Your Majesty, how are you..."

  Ru 嫔 is downhearted, she has a crystal-like grape in her mouth, which is a bit vague at first, but at this moment, seeing Helian Moxuan being fascinated by a Fanbang woman, she is still extremely unconvinced.

  ——They are all so demon-like, arms, legs and waist are all exposed, and the beautiful curve also allows everyone to see.

  This kind of woman is not as good as the style of the checkbox, how can Helian Moxuan like it?


  Ru 嫔 almost jumped with anger, she gritted her teeth and looked at Su Qinghuan, only to see that Su Qinghuan was only raising a glass to her with a smile, as if she didn't care that there was another Panbang woman beside Helian Moxuan who was fascinating.

  "...The imperial concubine is really good-natured."

  Ru Bing couldn't help but sneered at Su Qinghuan.

   "Previously the imperial concubine gave her concubine an emerald green jade bracelet. Nowadays, the girl from this country is also smiling. Wouldn't you tolerate a girl from the country crawling on you and me?"

   "When will this palace be you and me?"

  Su Qinghuan gave a cold and indifferent look.

  Ru 嫔 suddenly became aphrodisiac.


  However, what Su Qinghuan said was not wrong. In the harem, Su Qinghuan now has the highest rank, the best family background, and the most beautiful appearance. Even the birthday party of Helian Moxuan was mostly held by Su Qinghuan.

  In these six houses, who can be qualified to be compared with Concubine Su?


  But Rubing was still furious.

   Just when Ruyu was furious, Su Qinghuan reminded him coolly.

   "Like a maiden, if you continue to perform in front of this palace, I am afraid that before your majesty, the limelight will not be able to rob that Western Region dancer."

"……you are vicious!"

  Ru 嫔 gritted his teeth and glared at Su Qinghuan, then quickly lifted the skirt to prepare to lean towards Helian Moxuan.

  And the dancer from the Western Regions just wandered around Helian Moxuan with all her heart. She has a charming appearance, and her waist is like a snake. Most of the people present are enthusiastic.

  Women are angry, but men, I’m afraid they are happy to see the hunt.


  Just as the atmosphere was high, a silver soft sword protruded from the waist of the dancer!

  (End of this chapter)

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