“Miss He, someone from our guild contacted you before, hoping that you would join the guild, get promoted and operated, and become a professional anchor, but you refused, can I know why?”

Ye Cheng’s voice came out from the mobile phone.

“I’ll call you President Ye, it’s like this, I shoot Hanfu, it’s just an interest, and I’m still in graduate school, it’s impossible to be a professional anchor.”

He Yingxia said, “By the way, I still have things to be busy here, so I’ll hang up first.” ”

“Miss He, in this way, when you have time, I will call you again, or I can come to you personally.”

Ye Cheng said.

“Evening, in fact, we don’t need to talk about it anymore.”

He Yingxia had a little headache and said immediately.

“Okay, then at night, if I can’t convince Miss He, then I will definitely not bother you in the future.”

Ye Cheng said with a smile.


He Yingxia said.

After hanging up the phone, she smiled bitterly, knowing that she would not post short videos on Douyin.

She put her phone in her bag and walked over to a few girlfriends.

“Xiao Xia, what phone?”

A girlfriend said.

“It’s still that what kind of Xinghai Guild let me become a contracted anchor.”

He Yingxia said.

“Xiao Xia, in fact, it seems to be good to be an anchor. I heard that some anchors are Internet celebrities who are very profitable. ”

Someone said.

“I just want to be free and pat Hanfu.”

He Yingxia said.


In the office, Ye Cheng hung up the phone and shook his head.

This girl is more difficult to get rid of than expected.

At night.

Ye Cheng was in the study and called He Yingxia again.

Soon, He Yingxia’s very nice voice came out of the mobile phone.

“Miss He, can I ask you, why do you like Hanfu?”

Ye Cheng asked.

“I feel that Hanfu is a symbol of national clothing, in foreign countries, there are costumes with specific meanings, such as Fuso’s kimono, we as an ancient cultural country with thousands of years of history, should not let Hanfu this traditional costume be buried, so that more people know and like her…”

He Yingxia seemed particularly interested when he talked about Hanfu.

“I can see that Miss He, you really like Hanfu and love Hanfu, but don’t you think that shooting Hanfu videos through Douyin can better promote Hanfu and let more people realize the ancient beauty of Hanfu?”

Ye Cheng said: “Maybe you just want to shoot and play, but why don’t you want to go further, if because of the Hanfu you photographed, more people like and wear Hanfu?” ”

“Is that possible?”

He Yingxia was slightly stunned.

“Of course it is feasible, you know why our Xinghai Guild wants to cooperate with you, in fact, it is to specifically promote Hanfu, in our plan, through Douyin, hundreds of millions of users will see Hanfu, recognize Hanfu, and like Hanfu… Even if there is only one percent of people, there are millions…. And all this requires an image person who can show the beauty of Hanfu, and Miss He, your temperament matches Hanfu very well. ”

Ye Cheng said.

“However, I usually have to go to class, and I don’t have much time at all.”

He Yingxia said hesitantly.

“Miss He, there are several kinds of contracts in our guild, I can prepare a special contract for you, you can freely arrange your time, you only need to upload Hanfu videos on time. And we will also promote for the operation, all without you wasting too much time. ”

Ye Cheng heard He Yingxia’s intention, and immediately increased his strength and said.

“I’ll have to think about it.”

He Yingxia did not make up his mind.

She even wanted to talk to someone.

She didn’t want to be scammed and help with money.

“In this way, I will add your prestige, and later I will send you a contract that is drafted, and you can take a look at it yourself, if you are not at ease, you can find a professional person to take a look.”

Ye Cheng said.


He Yingxia said.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng called Li Renbo and asked him to send contract 3 over.

In response to He Yingxia, Yecheng Li Renbo drafted three contracts in accordance with Ye Cheng’s requirements, mainly for use according to different situations.

It didn’t take long for Li Renbo’s contract to be sent.

Ye Cheng first added He Yingxia’s prestige.

Wei Signal is a Xia language iceman.

After passing, Ye Cheng sent the contract over.

Of course, this contract does not have the words Xinghai Guild and Dust Rim Co., Ltd.

If this kind of contract is passed on, it will be very problematic.

On the other side, He Yingxia opened the contract and looked at it in detail.

When she saw the support money of 10,000 a month, and with the increase in the number of fans, the support money would be adjusted accordingly, and she was surprised.

Although her family is quite good, her father is a section-level cadre, and her mother is a university professor, but the support of 10,000 a month is definitely not low.

Later, there are also about advertising commissions, live broadcast sales commissions, etc.

In addition, there is no limit to the live broadcast time, etc….

This contract level is basically comparable to [email protected] level.

It can be seen that Ye Cheng definitely made a heavy bet in order to sign He Yingxia.

Of course, Ye Cheng also pinned his hopes on this He Yingxia.

He Yingxia was still a little unable to win, so he found a few girlfriends in the prestige group and talked about the contract.

“Xiao Xia, such good conditions, why don’t you agree.”

“Yes, when you increase your fans in the future, the support fee will be higher, as well as advertising and live broadcast sales commissions, by the way, I finally know this Xinghai Guild, it is this guild that opened the first live broadcast selling activity on Douyin, what a powerful guild.”

“I heard that Crazy Little Plum is from this Xinghai Guild, Xiao Xia, if you become a signed anchor of this guild, can you help me get Xiao Lizi’s signature in the future, I am his fan.”


Seeing the statements of several girlfriends, He Yingxia finally made a decision.

However, she was still not at ease, and contacted her cousin, who studied law and worked as a lawyer in a law firm.

After reading it, her cousin replied: “The contract is very good, there are no traps, but you must be careful, because there may be some supplementary agreements and the like, so let’s go, if you really want to sign, I will accompany you.” ”

“Cousin, thank you then.”

He Yingxia replied.

Since she had made a decision, she sent prestige to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng had just finished taking a bath, when he saw the mobile phone vibrate, he picked up the mobile phone and saw that it was a message sent by He Yingxia.

She promised.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for monthly passes!!!!!

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