The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1022 Energy, Inquiry (First Update)

In the House of Time, Lin Yi's body was already condensing the ninth imaginary Daohen universe.

You must know that an imaginary Daohen universe is composed of 270 billion imaginary Daohen small worlds.

A small world is composed of at least 365 imaginary Dao Marks, with a total of 98.55 trillion Dao Mark inheritance items.

All the Daohen inheritance items in Lin Yi's hands were obtained from hundreds of billions of world groups.

Through his calculations, it can provide him with about 100 different imaginary Daohen universes, representing hundreds of eternal properties.

This is an incredible asset, but it will take a lot of time to complete.

In 100 void days, he only completed the construction of the 9th Daohen Universe.

At this time, he already possessed unimaginable power.

He raised his hand and waved lightly, and a stable space-time hole appeared in the basement.

This space-time hole is directly connected to the void, and countless energy spurts out from it.

These energies include spiritual energy, as well as countless other energies unique to the Nest of Life.

Has countless properties.

When these energies enter the void, it seems as if they have been filtered, and all the violent energy will calm down.

Like running water, it quickly fills the entire House of All Things. All people living in the House of All Things can absorb these powers to practice.

After doing all this, Lin Yi's body continued to fall into practice, constantly perfecting the new Daohen universe.

At this time, his third clone looked at the only person still in the hall - Champagne.

"What kind of changes do you think this incident will ultimately trigger?"

Champagne's face showed a trace of solemnity, "Just as you speculated, there may be a war that sweeps away countless nests of life."

"Even if it is a strange place, it may not be avoided."

"Will it spread to strange places?"

"I have always wanted to ask you a question. What is the relationship between the six behinds of your history and the ancient gods?"

"They'll come looking for trouble for you as soon as they arrive."

A strange smile appeared on Champagne's face.

"Of course they will come to us because we are their shadow."

"The ancient gods were born in the original state, not in the void."

"They are not living beings that can exist in "empty"."

"Once they leave the original state, they will die."

"After their birth."

"The original state has developed for countless years, and countless ancient life forms have been born inside."

"Until one day, the ancient gods discovered the world."

"They found that small worlds occasionally appeared in the original state, although these small worlds only existed for a few seconds and then disappeared."

"After their observation and understanding, they figured out what was going on?"

"These small worlds appear because the primitive state inadvertently gave birth to the most primitive rules."

"But these original rules are not perfect, so the existence of the small world is only a short time."

"The ancient gods discovered the existence of the world, and then they began to extract the basic particles in the original state."

“Also learning to understand the imperfect rules born in a small world.”

"Eventually, they began to try to use the basic particles in the original state to compile complete rules."

"And those are the five innate rules."

"With the birth of the power of the five innate rules, the void was born from the original state,"

"All the primitive states were absorbed by the void and became the food for the growth of the void."

"During this process, changes occurred in the ancient gods."

"The imprint of the five principles appeared in their spirituality, and new eternal nature was born in their bodies."

"In the process, we, their shadows, are also affected by the nature of eternity."

"We have emerged from them, half-eternal."

"Then we lurked, even though they were always looking for us."

"But because we possess half of their eternal nature, we can avoid the search for void authority."

"Until they left, they couldn't find us in the end."

"And that's who we really are,"

Lin Yi heard his description, and there was a trace of thought in his eyes.

"Then why do you stay in the void?"

Champagne said with a somewhat ethereal look, "First of all, we are the shadows of the ancient gods,"

"Our power is only half of the eternal nature and is not perfect. We need time to make ourselves perfect."

"When the ancient gods existed, we were completely suppressed and didn't dare to show our heads at all, because showing our heads would mean being eliminated."

"In order not to be eliminated, we must do one thing, and that is to hide our existence."

"During this process, we can only maintain the status quo, and we don't even dare to absorb the energy in the void."

"Until something happens."

"Strange things appeared in the void, and even the ancient gods were eroded by them."

"The star whose body I have taken over is the only ancient god that was corroded in that war."

"And precisely because the stars were eroded by strangeness, the ancient gods also understood that they were not truly eternal."

"They are just stronger and cannot be harmed or restricted by normal power."

"It comes from weird power, but it can hurt them."

"After that, the ancient gods left behind countless experimental relics and disappeared."

"After a long time, we surfaced only after confirming that the ancient gods had indeed left."

"The first thing we did was to enter various ancient god relics, collect information related to the ancient gods, and use our authority."

"At the same time, we constantly improve ourselves and improve our eternal nature."

"Gradually, we were called the back of history, guiding the development of the universe in the shadows."

"However, we know very well that the ancient gods left behind a lot of things, some of which were meant to deal with us."

"For example, miracle coins are all this kind of thing."

"But we also Very smart, never thought of surfacing, at least before we figure out where the ancient god went? "

Lin Yi heard this, his face thoughtful, "So that's it, is this your origin and truth?"

"I heard from another member of yours that you seem to want to rule the entire void."


Champagne looked at Lin Yi, "The purpose is very simple, to control the true authority of the void."

"Then let the void devour the entire desert void and increase its size."

"At the same time, we will also benefit from this process."

"Our purpose is to become the only existence."

"This information is in the information left by the ancient god."

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