The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1050: Counterattack, Fusion (First Update)

Lin Yi sat quietly in front of the French window, his eyes looking at the gray fog outside the window.

A figure appeared there, he stood quietly in the fog, looming.

At this time, this figure had come to the French window.

A figure stuck to the French window, it was a pale humanoid object.

Its body was like rubber, and it was very smooth all over.

Lin Yi could feel that the other party was looking at him, although this monster did not have real eyes.

This monster was very strange, he stuck to the French window and stayed there quietly.

Neither came in nor left, but just looked at Lin Yi on the seat very "curiously".

Lin Yi also looked at him strangely, with the light of the true destiny flashing in his eyes.

This strange human figure is actually just a sub-body, and there is a strange pipe connected to his back.

This pipe extends all the way to the gray fog far away.

At this time, similar strange existences appeared in all places up and down, left and right of the Wanshiwu.

It's just that these strange existences have different appearances, but all have a unified feature.

There is a pipe connected to the back, which seems to be controlled by something.

Lin Yi looked at these with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

At this time, these things seemed to have received some kind of order and were squeezing into the Wanshiwu.

They slowly passed through the walls, canopy, ground, windows, etc. of the Wanshiwu as if they did not exist.

They moved very slowly, but they were strangely dangerous.

After the strange creature outside the French window entered, he raised his hands, smooth skin, pale, with five fingers, but no fingerprints or nails.

His hands slowly grabbed Lin Yi, as if to strangle him to death.

But at this moment, countless blood-colored tentacles rose from all corners of the Wanshiwu hall.

They instantly grabbed the monster, and it began to decay rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, it became a waste.

At this time, black hair and blood-colored tentacles appeared in every corner of the Wanshiwu.

All the invading strange beings were caught, or cut into pieces, or decayed into ashes.

In the end, all the weirdness will be absorbed by the Wanshiwu.

At this time, the Wanshiwu has integrated all the weird items in the past.

Any weirdness that breaks into the Wanshiwu will be killed instantly.

The Wanshiwu is also emitting a terrifying mental distortion force, and at the same time it is also deeply connected with the weird places around it.

The Wanshiwu and the surrounding space are merging, becoming more solid and indestructible.

The power of the distorted spirit enveloped the surroundings, and even the gray-white mist was affected.

A strange distorted area appeared, and those weird beings that broke into this area began to have huge problems.

Their bodies always suddenly stiffened and motionless, and then they would show weird movements.

As if they had become mentally retarded, some suddenly fell to the ground and squirmed weirdly.

Some suddenly attacked each other and eventually died together.

Others began to attack themselves and finally turned into a pile of fragments.

Within a kilometer around the Wanshiwu, everything was twisting, isolating all dangers.

Lin Yi looked at the autonomous counterattack of all things and nodded with satisfaction.

This is the Wanshiwu he wanted, a fortress with self-counterattack ability.

His eyes flashed with the true destiny, and he noticed the various changes in the void.

A more terrifying strange figure appeared in the gray mist, attacking various life nests.

At this time, the one who appeared in the Wanshi House was the human immortal Dao clone.

At the spiritual level, the third clone stood here quietly, and he was constantly sending creators who broke through the third spiritual level into the void level one after another.

As time passed, there would be more and more helpers around him.

He also saw the changes in the void, and frowned slightly.

"Strange suddenly appeared a big change."

"Will it affect my plan this time?"

At this time, he had seen some life nests swallowed by the gray mist.

The most terrifying thing is that all the swallowed life nests were destroyed without even a wave.

He frowned deeply, because some of the creators of these swallowed life nests had signed a contract with him.

At this time, these creators almost all entered the spiritual level, and there was no time to rescue their own life nests.

And he vaguely discovered a problem.

Most of the life nests of creators with only the second level of the spiritual level will be located in the lower part of the void.

This seems to be caused by some law in the void.

Thinking of this, a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes, and more spiritual waves diffused from his body.

Crossing one coordinate after another, returning those creators to the void at a faster speed.

But even so, Lin Yi could not make hundreds of billions of strong men return instantly.

Every second, he could only make millions of strong men return at most.

He shook his head slightly, knowing that this would be very troublesome.

He was racing against time to compete for the right to speak in the future void.

On the endless river, the harvesters seemed to have noticed the strange changes.

They also reacted, and some of them no longer attacked the life nests directly, and began to rush to the lower part of the void.

They fought with those strange beings rising from the gray smoke.

In each life nest, the creators also began to fight back quickly.

The majestic spiritual power expanded from the center of the life void to the surroundings, with one world after another as nodes, forming a huge spiritual power network.

The network was covered with light, and all the life nests turned into a huge radiant sphere.

And in the radiant sphere, countless worlds were rapidly approaching each other.

Under the power of the mind, these small worlds were constantly merging.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the creators forcibly merged countless worlds, which naturally caused landslides and various disasters.

However, most of the life nests have developed for countless years and have extremely powerful command capabilities.

Although a lot of dangers appeared in the fusion of the world, they were still able to keep most of the lives alive.

The worlds in the life nest merged with each other, and then began to float slowly.

A large number of spiritual masters who signed contracts with Lin Yi began to communicate with each other.

They began to help each other, learn about the Life Alliance, and began to merge their life nests.

This scene was also seen by the Life Alliance, but no one tried to stop it. They were also busy with their own affairs.

The current situation has become chaotic. No one knows where the future will develop. Everyone is conserving their own vitality.

Waiting for everything to reach a balance.

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