The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1062: Shattering, Destruction, and Transfer (First Update)

The most terrifying thing is that the light vibrates slightly, and everything around it is shattered directly.

This kind of shattering is shattering into the smallest particles, which seems to be the nature of this ultimate power.

This weapon made by Lin Yi has both defensive and offensive power.

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Smash everything, it can be used for attack or defense, as long as the spiritual wave is enough, the power can be continuously improved.

Two weapons are made, and the eyes look at the third one.

This is a golden ultimate power crystal, and its power nature is quite peculiar.

It represents a certain coordinate and has the ability to set coordinates.

The light it emits seems to form different coordinate effects.

For example, you can reach another coordinate from this coordinate in an instant. If it is two coordinates that are absolutely impossible to approach, you can make others never touch you.

You can even send others to a coordinate point that cannot be left.

Or an extremely dangerous coordinate point, a very peculiar nature.

The power of the true destiny was activated again, and the next moment, this mysterious original crystal turned into a wonderful eye.

The eye slowly flew up and fell directly into Lin Yi's left eye.

Then his left eye saw countless points at this moment, and these points seemed to be various coordinates.

And these points exuded a completely different aura, as if there were infinite time, distance, dimension, level and other gaps.

In his left eye, everything became very special.

This kind of vision is different from the true destiny solution.

The true destiny solution is to see everything, trace the roots, and analyze everything.

And this eye sees specific things.

The spiritual wave was injected into it, and the golden power flashed in his eyes.

Lin Yi's heart moved, and he saw a moving harvester in the dark ocean outside.

In an instant, the harvester's body stiffened slightly, and then disappeared at that coordinate point.

Under the cover of a golden power, he came to a wonderful coordinate point.

This coordinate point is full of countless tides, which are the tides of the chaotic dark ocean, containing the characteristics of swallowing everything.

The moment he entered, he was swallowed by the tide and torn to pieces here.

Surprisingly, only the power of the mind should be able to harm it.

But the tide here can actually destroy it.

The most peculiar thing is that this tidal world does not know where it exists.

Time, space, and level are unknown, but it is filled with black sea water.

Lin Yi felt the wonderful power and effect in his left eye and nodded with satisfaction.

These three weapons can all be activated by spiritual waves, and their power is huge, far less than the consumption of true life.

This means that as long as he can maintain a balance between recovery and consumption, using weapons is far more durable and safer than using true life.

"Then we will test the full power of these three weapons next."

Thinking of this, his mind moved.

In a flash, he had come to the outside of the spaceship, raised his hand and waved, and the spaceship disappeared in his sleeves.

The blue light flashed around him, crushing the dark ocean water that wanted to approach him.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of the harvesters.

Like sharks smelling blood, the harvesters rushed towards him like ghosts.

The spiritual wave increased its injection, and the blue light around him surged ten thousand times.

The spiritual wave consumed was only 1/10000, and this consumption would be restored instantly.

1/10000 is the current recovery limit of the spiritual wave. As long as it does not exceed this amount, Lin Yi's spiritual wave will never be exhausted.

The light blue light enveloped an area of ​​10,000 meters in radius. Within this area, everything would be turned into powder in the vibration.

The power of the spiritual wave was transformed into a wonderful spiritual power.

And this power is the essence of the ultimate spiritual power.

One harvester after another rushed into the blue light, and then their bodies suddenly stiffened, shattered in an instant, and turned into countless fragments.

Then they continued to decompose into the smallest particles, and finally disappeared in this blue light.

Lin Yi has been maintaining this state, and no harvester can get close to him.

But soon the changes here attracted the attention of those huge harvesters.

The terrifying figure quickly crossed the infinite coordinates in the dark ocean and approached him.

An extremely terrifying aura quickly affected the surroundings, and the ocean seemed to be roaring.

The boundless undercurrent, surging and washing everything, countless harvesters were knocked down by the undercurrent.

Lin Yi naturally felt the oncoming danger, and his face was slightly condensed.

The size of this harvester was at least 10,000 meters high, and the whole body was wrapped in black smoke.

A giant sickle had been swung out, and it came down with boundless power.

Facing the oncoming attack, Lin Yi's eyes flashed slightly, and a golden light flashed in his left eye.

In an instant, countless coordinates appeared in his eyes, and a magnificent golden light shot out from his left eye.

It fell directly on the huge harvester that was coming towards him.

The huge light began to tremble violently, and the harvester's whole body stiffened instantly.

But a huge force burst out from his body, the golden light was shaking violently, and the next moment the light flashed suddenly.

The huge harvester disappeared from Lin Yi's sight and was sent to an unknown place.

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and gently raised the black long sword with his right hand.

In an instant, 1/10 of the spiritual wave was injected into it, and then he gently waved his hand forward.

A black line flew forward like a crescent.

Every time the black line extended one meter outward, the black line became larger, and finally formed a terrifying tide of destruction.

Wherever it passed, everything was collapsing, and nothing could exist.

Countless harvesters were crushed and shattered in the dark tide.

Countless dark ocean waters were swept into the destruction and destroyed together with the harvesters.

And the dark tide spread forward to a position that could not be seen with sight.

A black tide of destruction covered the plane with a height of 100 meters in front, an infinitely far distance.

The power of the three weapons in a row was simply earth-shattering, and Lin Yi was very satisfied.

"This kind of power is quite good. It can deal with large harvesters."

After some exploration, Lin Yi returned to the spaceship and flew away again.

He still wanted to continue to explore this dark ocean to see if there was the source of all disasters.

Lin Yi drove the spaceship and moved forward very cautiously. There were countless dangers in this dark ocean.

In addition to these harvesters, there were countless strange phenomena.

The dark ocean was not as calm as it seemed.

It was filled with countless undercurrents.

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