The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1116 Mistakes and Plans (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

The Devouring World Ghost nodded and said, "This plan is quite feasible."

"Once completed, we will have a huge advantage."

"The Holy Land will definitely shrink, and then we will fully launch our True Fate Network to replace the True Fate Network of the Holy Land and exert influence on the Eternal Sea."

"It is not impossible to reverse life and death and fulfill the long-cherished wishes of countless dead people."

The five ghosts looked at each other and revealed a hint of ruthlessness, "Yes."

A group of ghosts and strange things, do it as soon as they think of it.

A clone differentiated from their bodies and replaced the original body.

Their original body quietly left the Weird Continent.

With the existence of the clone, they continued to release false information, showing that they still exist on the Weird Continent.

All these changes are so rapid.


In the Eternal Sea, 10 sub-true beings exist, their speed is so fast that they can reach countless coordinates in a flash.

They are heading towards an endless river quickly.

The endless river comes from an unknown source and converges in the Eternal Sea.

But there are many endless rivers, and each one seems to be connected to a place of life.

Under the guidance of the stars, they have come to the endless river leading to the central continent.

They go upstream, and the powerful spiritual power allows them to pierce into the torrent like a sharp knife.

Their figures are like flowing light, moving towards the direction of the central continent at a very fast speed.

At this time, ten figures appeared outside the abyss passage leading to the central continent. They are all strange on the strange continent.

The leader is a monster in non-human form. His upper body has countless tentacles, his lower body is the body of a beast, and his tail has a twisted head.

A thought is transmitted from his body to the surroundings.

"This is the passage to the strange land of the Central Continent."

"In the past, because the Central Continent was so powerful, it had a strong repulsive effect on the strange land."

"As a result, our invasion of the Central Continent was not smooth."

"Now that the true destiny of the world has condensed, the strange land has been excluded and completely separated from the land of life."

"We can only reach the "empty" through here."

"After reaching the empty, we will look for traces of the land of life."

"Okay," the other aliens nodded one after another.

Ten figures rushed into the abyss passage, and behind them, a figure slowly appeared and quickly followed in.

When these 10 aliens arrived at the strange land, they were surprised to find something.

"What's going on? The car was destroyed."

"The strange essence of this strange land has been swept away."

"It seems that some power is devouring the strange essence."

Seeing this scene, they immediately realized that something was wrong.

The alien with countless tentacles on his upper body said coldly, "Don't worry about these now, our goal is the Central Continent."

The other aliens were no longer entangled after hearing this, but they were already alert in their hearts.

The destruction of the strange land must have a unique reason.

10 black shadows flew towards the sky above the strange land, passed through countless barriers, and arrived at a pure "empty".

After coming out, they saw the endless river broken in the "empty".

The tentacle alien said with some surprise, "The endless river was torn apart, this is incredible."

"Is this the power of the world's true destiny?"

"The Central Continent seems to have disappeared."

"It's up to you next to you, Duomu," the tentacle alien looked at a alien next to him.

It is a alien made up of countless eyes, a huge dense sphere, with only thick arms growing on both sides.

This alien full of eyes echoed with cold thoughts.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

The next moment, countless cold lights appeared in his eyes.

This light seemed to pierce the sky, looking at the coordinates in all directions in the sky.

A few minutes later, he said slowly.

"They went upstream."

"Those guys from the Holy Land are coming from the downstream."

"But there are 10 Yazhen coming from the Holy Land instead of 6."

"We have no chance of winning."

"What? There are 10? Did you see it right? Duomu."

"For countless eras, I have never seen anything wrong."

"What should we do now?"

The eyes of all the aliens fell on the leader of the aliens-Qishan.

Qishan thought for a while, "Let's wait first."

"Hide, wait for Yazhen from the Holy Land to go over, and then we will follow quietly."

"Wait until they go to war with those lands of life, and then we will surround them from behind."

"Unite those guys from the land of life and try to keep them."

"Kill as many as you can."

"This plan is feasible," Duomu said slowly.

With a plan and a goal, they quickly started to act.

In this empty area, there was nothing but countless black water rushing down from the broken endless river.

At this time, these anomalies were hidden in the river and disappeared.

After an unknown period of time, the figures of ten Yazhen appeared from the broken part of the endless river.

After they appeared, the other nine people looked at the stars.

"What happened? Why did the Land of Life disappear?"

Fanxing was also slightly stunned when he saw this scene, and then said with a gloomy face.

"These guys must have sensed the danger and ran away in advance."

"We have to find out where they went?"

A man dressed in red robes said among the group of real people.

"Let me do it."

After the voice fell, countless mysterious patterns flashed in his eyes, and a wonderful light bloomed.

This light quickly swept towards this void, searching for traces and breath.

Many pictures appeared in front of him, and one picture was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything, which made him frown involuntarily.

There are not many means to avoid his innate ability.

But soon he found his target, saw three huge life places, and rushed into the distant upper reaches of the endless river.

"Found them, they went to the upper reaches of the endless river."

Hearing this, Fanxing frowned slightly.

The upper reaches of the endless river are a very far place.

There were strong men from the Holy Land who had explored it before, but no one had ever reached the real upper reaches. The Endless River seemed endless.

"Let's go, catch up quickly, and don't let them get too far."

"The Endless River, it's not easy to find the source."

Fanxing's thoughts said gloomily.

As soon as the voice fell, 10 Yazhen had already headed upstream of the Endless River.

However, the Yazhen in the red robe quietly passed some information to the hearts of other Yazhen.

Watching these Yazhen leave, a group of aliens appeared from the black river.

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