The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1126 Continuity, Rhythm (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

What greeted them was an extremely terrifying torrent, which was a torrent composed of pure true destiny power.

In just a moment, the three of them were caught in it, and the second stage of true destiny burst out instantly.

The light bloomed in an instant.

In the crisis of life and death, no one dared to hold back.

Two fireworks exploded, and Yazhen only supported for one thousandth of a second before it exploded and turned into ashes.

Daojie's true destiny has been raised to the extreme, and his whole body is emitting golden light, like an eternal existence.

The next moment, all his brilliance was submerged by the infinite true destiny.


A bigger firework exploded, and an infinite chaos distorted everything.

Daojie and two Yazhen fell, and there are currently 53 remaining group trues.

Along with the huge distortion and chaos, the channel that was originally torn apart by the group trues also collapsed directly in this violent chaos.

Wugui and Yi came out of the ambush, and the power of a torrent of true destiny tore through the void again, as if to penetrate the void and descend to the location of the group of true beings.

But unfortunately, a huge force destroyed the channel, making their idea of ​​attacking in the opposite direction along the channel invalid.

At the same time, Wugui and Yi's thoughts sounded, "Immediately descend into the chaotic area and eliminate all the seven sub-true beings trapped in it."

"As long as it is done, the group of true beings will be completely at a disadvantage, and they must not be given time to react."

Qishan and Duomu came from the chaotic area, so they naturally marked the coordinates of where they were and could descend there at any time.

The terrifying power exploded in an instant, and the terrifying power mixed with more than fifty kinds of true destiny shook everything, tore through this chaotic time and space, and directly opened a time and space channel.

Time went back, and just as Lin Yi contacted Qishan and Duomu, a note also appeared in the chaotic area.

Fanxing, Qiyao and others looked at the note in front of them, all with a look of doubt.

This chaotic area is filled with countless rays, energy, and violent fragments of time and space. Anyone who exists here will encounter great danger.

Even they must support the power of true destiny to gain a foothold here.

At this time, the note was shrouded in a layer of mysterious green light, ignoring the effects of all forces. This is clearly the power of true destiny.

Words appeared on the note, and the moment they saw it, Fanxing and the others understood the meaning.

"Hello, friends of the Holy Land."

"My name is Lin Yi. I run a shop that can realize what others expect."

"But the greater the wish, the heavier the price to pay."

"In order to make you believe, I will give you a message."

"First of all, you are about to face a catastrophe."

"The ten weirds chasing you have received news from all the true destiny-level weirds in the Weird Continent, asking them to tear time and space and go to a fixed coordinate."

"Where, they will ambush the Holy Land Group to support you."

"Yes, the information that three of you have fallen has been known by the Holy Land Group , they are on their way here. "

"By constantly tearing the coordinates, the strange also noticed their arrival, so they planned to gather all their strength to ambush them. "

"As long as we kill a few Yazhen and let them retreat, the next step is to encircle you. "

"Your coordinates in this area have been locked. As long as the strange army chasing you joins, it will be very simple to come here again. "

"With your wisdom, you must understand that I am not lying. "

At this time, all the Yazhen saw this and their faces changed drastically. The content on the note is completely possible, and they can't stop it.

Qi Yao immediately said, "What do you want?"

"Since you appear here, I'm afraid it's not just to tell us this information, right? "

"Of course, I'm doing business. "

"As long as you are willing to pay the price, I can tell you the coordinates of the group of reals. "

"You can leave here immediately and go to where to join them, gather all your strength, and calmly avoid being surrounded and killed by the strange. "

Hearing this, Qi Yao and others all changed their faces.

They immediately reached a consensus. They knew that things could not be delayed, otherwise the result would be very bad.

"What conditions do you want," Fanxing asked coldly.

"It's very simple, the spiritual origin of the entire land of life harvested."

Hearing this, several people's faces sank, but considering the current dangerous situation, they had no choice.

"Okay, we promise you."

"You are very smart, sign the contract. This is a contract from the entire weird essence. Once violated, it will inevitably usher in attacks. You can rest assured."

As he said, the note appeared in front of everyone.

The contract was written in detail on it, and everyone wrote their names.

At the same time, a crystal filled with spiritual power appeared in Fanxing's hands.

Along with the power of the contract, the crystal disappeared in Fanxing's hands, and at the same time a stream of information flowed into their minds.

"This is where the strong men of the Holy Land will arrive, wait a moment."

At this time, Qishan and others outside the chaotic area were also waiting for Lin Yi's coordinates at the same time.

Fast forward, the next moment when the Holy Land Group's channel was attacked and completely collapsed.

A note appeared in the eyes of the five real people, "Hello, I am Lin Yi, a businessman who runs Wanshiwu."

"The ones attacking you are true life-level beings from a strange continent. The Daojie clan has fallen."

"Next, they will go to the chaotic area to encircle Fanxing and Qiyao."

"Where do I have the coordinates here? Are you willing to pay the price? I can give you a cheap price."

"The price I need is the spiritual origin of all life in a place of complete life."

"Rescuing people is like putting out fire. If it's too late, you'll have to collect their bodies."

The five real people were extremely furious at this time, with boundless murderous intent flashing through their hearts. Countless thoughts were running through their minds in an instant, but they had no choice, now was not the time to care.

Tuogushi directly threw out a crystal, which was full of spiritual origin.

"You are really decisive, then sign the contract."

A note appeared in front of Tuogushi, and Tuogushi signed the contract without blinking.

Then, the contract burned, and a force enveloped the crystal and disappeared.

At the same time, a piece of coordinate information appeared in Tuogushi's mind.

At the same time, in the chaotic area, Fanxing and others had also opened the passage and disappeared here.

Less than a few seconds after they disappeared, the Five Weirds and Strangers also arrived here.

The vast torrent rolled down, and the boundless chaotic area was enveloped in an instant, and was completely wiped out.

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