The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1139: Pursuit and Fall (Second Update)

The attacks came one after another, and the gatekeeper was shaking constantly, and it seemed that he would fall down completely at any time.

But they were not happy, because the gatekeeper's breath did not decrease at all.

An inexplicable power was accumulating in the opponent's body, and everyone attacked more frequently.

The true powerhouses were outputting madly, and their own power was increased to the extreme.

Almost all of them reached the second stage of the true power.

This mighty power was incredible, and every attack could destroy a life place.

At this time, the two life places that had not participated in the war, countless people in them looked at the battle outside, and their faces changed wildly.

That was not a war they could intervene in at all, and entering meant death.

At this time, they had already launched the power of the world's true destiny.

Because the indescribable power kept colliding with the true destiny, the power emitted had already caused the two life places to fall into a shaky state, and it seemed that they could collapse at any time.

At this time, the gatekeeper standing in front of the gate of truth suddenly stopped moving.

The next moment, countless rays of light composed of indescribable power burst out from his body and shone in all directions.

A True Fate-level warrior with silver light all over his body was hit by one of the rays before he could react.

But he didn't seem to be hurt. He looked down at the place where he was hit strangely.

There was no scar, but the next moment, fear appeared on his face.

Something he couldn't understand happened, and his True Fate seemed to collapse.

"No, how could it be possible?"

"Save me, save me."

He struggled frantically, but the next moment, he froze.

A Mok's nameless power emerged from his body.

Then, his body turned into a piece of black rock.

Finally, he shattered into countless fragments.

And this was just the beginning of everything. This chaotic light was madly shooting around.

These lights were dense and covered every area around.

As if they had eyes, they swept towards those True Fate-level warriors.

At this time, the True Fate-level warrior closest to the gatekeeper died, which immediately awakened everyone.

They began to use various means to avoid the pursuit of this force.

Lin Yi was shrouded in the power of True Destiny Boundless and True Destiny Perseverance.

Now, he has been penetrated by a ray of light.

Although this ray of light caused great consumption, it could not kill him.

His body flashed slightly and disappeared from the path of this ray of light.

This ray of light seemed to have some mysterious power, and quickly turned around and locked onto him and kept chasing.

Looking at the mysterious ray of light chasing him, Lin Yi frowned and pointed directly with one hand.

The power of the root of true destiny flashed, and directly collided with this indescribable ray of light.

An amazing thing happened. Under the power of the root of true destiny, this ray of light directly solidified into a tangible substance.

This substance shattered into countless pieces in the next moment.

At this time, in the indescribable ashes around, one by one, the True Destiny-level strongmen used all their strength to break the rays that tracked them.

But everyone had a considerable degree of consumption.

A thought sounded in everyone's mind.

"No, this gatekeeper is too powerful, his power is almost unlimited."

"In this indescribable environment, his power will never have an upper limit, and there will be no day when it will be exhausted."

"We must do our best to defeat him once and for all and destroy his existence, otherwise we will lose the war of attrition."

The idea came from Tuo Gu. As an existence that has ruled the holy land for countless years, he was keenly aware of the problem.

The other true destiny-level strongmen were not fools either, and they also noticed the changes in the gatekeeper.

After emitting countless indescribable rays of light, the gatekeeper's breath dropped sharply.

But it recovered to its peak in a short time, with an interval of only a few seconds.

All the people stopped attacking and quickly moved away from the gatekeeper.

Although they were moving away from the gatekeeper, the gatekeeper did not let them go.

At this time, he exuded indescribable power all over his body, took huge steps, and tracked them.

All the true destiny-level strongmen quickly dispersed and communicated through the thoughts of their hearts.

"It's not easy to destroy him with one blow. What do you think?"

One after another, the thoughts were communicating with each other. Everyone was thinking, what should they do?

The situation was very dangerous at this time. The gatekeeper began to chase them, bringing terrible pressure.

He walked while waving his fists. Every blow was accompanied by an indescribable torrent of power.

His power was irresistible. Any single strong man of true destiny could not resist it.

At this time, the stars of the holy land just appeared on the track of the torrent.

The hair stood up, and the glory of true destiny was instantly raised to the extreme by him.

The spiritual power was gushing out crazily, infusing true destiny, and staying away from the track of the torrent.

But the farther the range of the torrent was, the wider the area covered was, and it spread in a fan-shaped structure.


With a huge collision sound, the lower body of the stars was hit on the spot.

It exploded directly and turned into countless fragments.

But the stars also avoided the fatal blow by a hair's breadth.

The radiance of his true destiny flickered throughout his body, as if he was recovering from the attack.

But this blow was not so easy to recover from, and he was surprised to find that the injured part of his body could not grow again.

It was as if his lower body was wiped out from the root.

A trace of fear flashed through his heart, and at this moment, a huge foot came from a distance.

It stepped towards him with an extremely terrifying force. Looking at the oncoming attack, Fanxing's face was instantly filled with fear.

But there was no way, he was hit by endless shocks in an instant.

The remaining body also exploded at the same time, leaving no trace, and died so simply.

Fanxing, one of the three sub-true ones under Daojie, fell.

This extremely terrifying scene shocked all the true destiny strongmen!

Everyone was farther away, and they were all working their brains frantically, looking for a way to break through.

And Fanxing was just the beginning, and soon another true destiny-level existence fell.

The one who fell was a strange, and he was directly caught by the arm of the gatekeeper.

"You want me dead? Impossible."

"Get out of my way."

Endless dark green light exploded from his body, and his body expanded rapidly, turning into a monster even bigger than the gatekeeper.

His whole body was covered with green carapace, and the dark green true power seemed to be corrupting everything.

Facing the oncoming gatekeeper, he showed no fear at all.

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