The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1170 Monitoring and Pursuit (First Update)

, update the latest chapter of the Wanshiwuwu I created as soon as possible!

"Then we need to continue to observe all the choices he will make throughout the incident."

"Send your people to monitor him and collect all his actions and performances as he travels through the city."

"Following this incident, a second complete assessment will be conducted based on all the information we gathered."

"This man is the most incredible existence we have encountered since we encountered the strange phenomenon. He is by no means just an ordinary human being."

Taiwan Novel Network→𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Paul Weir nodded slightly, "Okay, I will mobilize my strength to arrange this matter."

The two sat in the jeep and drove away quickly, while Lin Yi was wandering around leisurely.

Soon he discovered the difference between the cities in the beautiful country and those in China.

There are no independent communities, either apartments in one building or single-family houses.

The people living here are almost black and white, chaos and order, there is a clear difference according to the degree of prosperity.

The more black people live in a place, the more poverty there is.

The more white people there are, the wealthier they are, and the class differentiation here is very obvious.

Moreover, the gun ownership rate is quite high. When he walks on the street and glances casually, he can see people with guns.

Although these guys with guns usually hide well, they can't be hidden from his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yi had been wandering here all day, and soon it was night.

Except for those arrogant people, there are actually no people on the street.

Lin Yi walked specifically in some alleys, because these places could clearly see the bottom of the city.

Only those at the bottom can see clearly what this country is like.

And he concluded after observing that the poor people in this country are really hopeless, waiting to die like pigs.

They are not even useful for being harvested, but they have subsidies from the government. They eat, drink, sleep, and live a good life.

But this is based on wealth and economic taxation. Once the economy fails, it will really be all over.

Lin Yi, who was walking in the alley, stopped.

Several people appeared in front, and a woman stood there calling for help.

"Help, help me..."

It was a white girl, about 20 years old.

At this time, he was surrounded by seven black men, and half of his clothes had been torn off.

It looked like she was about to be raped. She saw Lin Yi walking towards her and immediately screamed for help anxiously.

"Help, help me..."

When the three black men saw Lin Yi, a lewd smile appeared on their faces.

"Yellow-skinned monkey, just right, this woman is not worthy enough."

With that said, five of them turned around and walked towards Lin Yi, eagerly looking to surround Lin Yi.

Two black men grabbed the woman and pushed her to the ground.

Facing the black people surrounding him, Lin Yi sighed slightly.

"Why are you people always so stupid?"

His figure instantly split into three afterimages, one with each palm, all of which were captured on the oncoming Uncle Hei.

The five black men flew up directly. One lay on the ground, two hit the wall, and three fell to the ground. They rolled their eyes and fainted.

Two other black men, who were about to engage in some kind of exercise, were startled.

The two of them quickly climbed up, looked at Lin Yi warily, and then took out the pistol at their waist.

They looked at Lin Yi with frightened expressions and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang.

The sound of bullets sounded, and Lin Yi was in front of them in a flash.

The trajectories of the two men's shots were all caught by him, and they could not really aim at him, so they easily dodged each other's projectiles.

With another two light palms, the two black men flew out and fainted in mid-air.

The woman who had half of her clothes torn off and was pushed to the ground now looked at Lin Yi in shock.

She struggled to sit up, leaning against the wall with a look of disbelief on her face.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at her and said, "Go home quickly. Don't run around at night."

At this moment, the woman suddenly realized, then she screamed and ran quickly, rushing out of the alley.

Lin Yi shook his head slightly, turned around and was about to move forward. Suddenly, he stopped.

His eyes flashed with the brilliance of his true destiny, and he looked behind him.

A figure appeared in the dark alley there, and the figure was quickly approaching him.

A creepy feeling arose in my heart.

Lin Yi immediately flashed, and with the power of Zhenming Wujiang, he directly penetrated the wall next to him and moved a thousand meters laterally.

When he reappeared, he had stopped on a road, and the power of his true destiny slowly stopped.

Zhenming Daojie was already looking in the direction he came from.

He saw a figure in his sight, it was the clown he saw during the day.

At this time, the other party stopped where he was just now, his head turning strangely, as if looking for his shadow.

Lin Yi immediately realized that the other party came specifically to find him, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "If there is a problem, why would he come to me directly?"

At this time, the satellite in the sky, which had been tracking Lin Yi, suddenly lost sight of him and was replaced by the clown.

Conference hall of the Strongan Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau.

Zhao Hongxia and Paul Will looked at the clown on the screen and were both shocked.

"What's going on? Why did the clown go to him?" Zhao Hongxia's face was cold.

Paul Will's face was also solemn, "It should be that he entered the clown's lair without invitation today and was marked by some kind of power."

At this time, in the conference room, in addition to the two of them, there were more than a dozen people of different skin colors and races.

They are all cutting-edge psychologists and behaviorists. They have been observing Lin Yi's every move through satellites and describing him.

Finally, they analyzed and summarized, looking for his weaknesses and strengths.

But they didn't expect the picture to suddenly become like this. Lin Yi, who had been locked, disappeared.

Then appeared the ferocious clown, the legendary protagonist of the ghost story.

Paul Will looked at Zhao Hongxia, "What should we do next?"

"Let the satellite lock on the clown. If he can find Lin Yi once, he can find him a second time."

"Let's continue to observe and see how he will deal with this clown."

The entire conference room was silent, and everyone was watching the screen quietly.

The clown seemed to feel very strange because there was no trace of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was also observing the clown at this time. He found that the clown seemed to be a little different from the human skin grandmother.

The human skin grandmother seemed to have intelligence, but in fact it was completely a mechanical law.

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