The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 117-1 Forgetting to Eat and Sleep (Second Update)

Seeing the motionless imperfect essence, Lin Yi controlled the perfect essence to collide with the imperfect essence.

Soon a magical scene happened.

This imperfect essence particle, under the impact of the surrounding perfect essence particles, persisted for a few seconds before being completely shattered.

As soon as it shattered, Lin Yi immediately stopped the collision of perfect essence.

The fragments of the imperfect essence particles began to reassemble under the golden light of the perfect essence.

During this process, Lin Yi was surprised to find that the re-condensed essence particles turned into a perfect essence particle.

"Sure enough, it's the same as in the empire's research report."

"It seems that high-quality Jing Qi can affect low-quality Jing Qi."

"But there's a balance to this impact."

"A certain amount of high-quality essence can only affect a certain amount of low-quality essence at a time."

"Once the maximum limit is exceeded, high-quality essence will be affected by low-quality essence and produce impurities."

"The influence of the two essences is relative, and tempering the essence is a very cumbersome process."

Lin Yi came up with the method of tempering essence after referring to the empire's research report.

That is to say, he has the ability to understand the mystery of true life, so that he can do this.

Seeing that his approach was working, he immediately began to increase the number of experiments.

The first time it was one imperfect essence particle, and now there are ten imperfect essence particles.

He wants to find an accurate ratio in the process of constant trying.

This allows him to complete the tempering of his essence as quickly as possible.

Time passed minute by minute, and Lin Yi heard nothing about what was going on outside the window.

Everything in the Master House was handed over to Brandy.

Except for a few nights when strange beings came from another world, which prompted him to take action, he never left his room.

At this time, he had already lit up the 41st lotus mudra.

After a few days passed.

Lin Yi finally calculated the limit ratio of perfect essence to imperfect essence.

7%, this is a limit ratio. Once it exceeds this number, perfect essence will be negatively affected by imperfect essence.

After finding this ratio, Lin Yi devoted himself wholeheartedly to tempering his own essence.

After spending a day, he finally completed the tempering of all his essence.

A ball of pure golden light like the sun shone in his Dantian.

However, this group of light was very restrained at this time and did not shine out.

When all the essence remains in the Dantian Qihai, they will converge on all fluctuations.

After tempering all his energy, Lin Yi felt something strange about himself.

The perfect essences in the Dantian are beating slowly, forming a strong resonance with the energy from the outside world.

The damage in his body has been completely healed in the past few days, and he is now at his peak.

With every move he made, he felt that his energy was echoing with the energy from the outside world.

During his observation of True Life Path Interpretation, he could see a pure golden light all around.

It continues to gather and spread with your own breathing.

An area of ​​one meter in radius became an area of ​​this golden energy.

These energies resonate with the essence in the body, but cannot flow into the body from the top of the head.

The essence in his body has reached its extreme limit, and it can no longer hold a single particle of essence.

However, in this constant resonance, he noticed the location of his Dantian.

Countless perfect essences are undergoing some kind of change, which is a slow but steady change.

There was a vague suspicion in his mind, "Is this the spiritual pool slowly condensing?"

The condensation of the spiritual pool is not achieved overnight, but is a process of change.

It usually takes seven days to half a month, and finally there will be a drastic change.

When the time is right, the spiritual pool will take shape.

Martial arts practitioners will also step into the first level of human immortality and master more powerful power.

In ancient times, the condensed spirit pool was also called a human immortal.

Legend has it that when a person becomes an immortal, he can travel hundreds of miles in a day, and he can walk across mountains, rivers and swamps as if he were walking on flat ground.

You can even cast Taoist magic, the legendary mysterious power.

Lin Yi has also seen people use Taoism.

The mysterious illusion that Shirley Sakuramiya once performed in the sewers could create three clones, if not for its true destiny.

Lin Yi couldn't understand why, it was a very powerful method.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi felt certain in his heart that he had passed the most difficult step in entering the path of human immortality and had found the energy condensed in the spiritual pool.

The next step is to wait for the final change to come. During this time, he plans to recharge his batteries.

Looking at the time, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

"I haven't had a good rest for a few days, and I can finally have a good sleep today."

Lying on the bed casually, Lin Yi's mind wandered and he fell into sleep.

There is always a hazy atmosphere in the Wanshiwu House in this late night.

It seems as if it will disappear from this world at any time, full of mystery, weirdness and a hint of terror.

Occasionally when there is a sidewalk passing Wansiwuwu at night, I will unconsciously stay away from it.

It was as if there was some scourge here that would pounce out and drag them in.

In the Wanshi House, there are more and more inexplicable auras as time goes by.

No one noticed the increase in aura, but various weird phenomena continued to occur in the Wanshiwuwu late at night.

In the lobby, on the bar counter of the Wanshiwu, a phantom that seemed to be a passage appeared.

A small figure walked through the passage. It was a little man with a strange face.

It held a trident and had tattered wings on its back.

The dark skin was like black charcoal, with only a pair of blood-red eyes.

It appeared from one end of the passage and disappeared at the other end.

And after it disappeared, a second little man appeared.

But it looked different, with a spider-like lower body and an upper body made up of countless tentacles.

It moved quickly and disappeared at the other end of the passage.

The passage did not exist for long, just a few minutes, and it disappeared again.

At this time, in the kitchen, an illusory shadow loomed.

It was shrouded in a black robe, with only two dry palms exposed.

Each of these palms had six fingers, and there were many furry things crawling on the fingers.

The strange black robe floated in the kitchen, moving back and forth in a limited area.

At this time, an illusory little head came through the kitchen door.

The strange child saw it, but he did not take action, just quietly watching the strange black robe.

The black robe seemed to be unaware of the existence of the strange child.

After a few minutes, it quickly and slowly disappeared.

This strange phenomenon lasted for an hour before it gradually subsided.

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