The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1175 Testing and Rescue (Second Update)

Lin Yi's eyes fell on the three people, all of them were teenagers around 17 or 18 years old.

At this time, the faces of these teenagers were full of fear. They all fell into a coma, and the fear on their faces did not disappear because of the coma.

On the contrary, they seemed to be having nightmares in their dreams.

10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and a light suddenly appeared on the top of the empty cave.

A figure jumped down from above, holding a woman in revealing clothes in his hand.

The one who jumped down was the clown, and he threw the woman to the ground like a rag.

Then, his body disappeared like a phantom, without stopping at all.

More than ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

The clown quickly caught some people back, and these people were thrown to the ground without exception.

He was like a tireless hunting machine, catching prey one after another.

At this time, Lin Yi kept watching him, hiding in the shadow of the passage, using the light of the true destiny solution to observe.

The picture and content he saw surprised him a little.

When the clown caught a prey and sent them here.

He found that the clown seemed to become pure.

The original clown was composed of countless black lines.

But with the arrival of the prey, the lines that made up his body were being replaced.

It can even be clearly seen that the lines derived from these prey have become the main body of his body.

Finally, after a few hours, the clown has caught 10 prey.

A large number of black lines extended from these prey, which have completely replaced the original black lines on his body.

At this time, the clown seemed to be composed of the lines extending from these 10 people.

At this time, the 9 unconscious people in front, along with the arrival of the 10th prey, also began to wake up one after another.

The clown stood in a shadow passage, quietly watching the ten awakened prey.

A twisted smile rose on its face, as if waiting for something.

The 10 people who were caught were both men and women, including 7 men and 3 women.

A strong black man showed a trace of fear on his face.

"This is the clown, the lair of the clown legend."

"Oh no, we've been caught by the clown."

Fear instantly filled everyone's heart.

They looked at each other, and then the black man turned around and ran, rushing towards a passage.

Others also woke up as if from a dream.

"Run, run, only by leaving here can you survive."

Many of them have heard the legend about the clown.

At this time, Lin Yi keenly observed something.

The moment these people felt fear, there was a fear emotion that merged into the clown's body along the black line.

The clown's body changed rapidly, expanding slightly.

"Sure enough, he expanded by absorbing fear."

"Then if you want to kill him, you have to do the opposite and make him feel fear."

"Other people's fear makes him expand, and his own fear makes him shrink."

At this time, the clown rushed out instantly when these people expressed fear, and a hideous smile appeared on his face.




Strange cries sounded, constantly echoing in the ears of these people.

The clown was very fast, and in an instant he surpassed these ordinary humans.

At this time, the clown was rushing towards a woman, with a ferocious smile flashing, and his right hand was grabbing the woman's head.

The woman was about to be pierced through the head.

At this time, a figure shrank into an inch and appeared behind him in an instant.

The power of the true source of life flashed in Lin Yi's hand.

A palm slapped the back of the clown's head.


A violent sound sounded in an instant.

The clown was knocked to the ground directly, and the power of the true source of life flashed on the back of his head, and his head was quickly petrified.

At the same time, Lin Yi jumped over, grabbed the woman running in front, and flashed to a safe place.

At this time, the woman was still in shock and screamed.


She had no idea what happened, she just felt like she was flying up like a cloud.

At this moment, Lin Yi's voice rang in her ears.

"Don't scream, or I'll throw you out if you do that again."

The woman was a 17-year-old girl with long golden hair and beautiful facial features.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, she immediately stopped talking and looked at him with horror.

Lin Yi looked at the clown and said to the girl.

"Look, is that the clown?"

The girl looked at the clown following Lin Yi's hand.

The clown stood up from the ground at this time, and his head had turned into stone.

The clown stretched out his hands and instantly broke his head off.

Then his neck began to grow a head. In Lin Yi's eyes, there were 10 black lines that were growing slowly.

The source of the power of growth came from the fear that permeated the 10 lines.

Lin Yi's voice rang in the girl's ears, "The clown is made up of your fear."

"The more you fear him, the more he can get power from your fear and become immortal."

"So you don't need to fear him, I will protect you."

Lin Yi's voice was full of a bit of confusing power, and he was using his magnetic field to affect the girl's body.

Calm the girl's body state of fear.

When the girl heard Lin Yi's words, she felt her body begin to calm down, and the original fear seemed to disappear.

They felt that the beating of their hearts was recovering rapidly, and it seemed that they were no longer afraid of the clown.

Without the supply of fear, Lin Yi keenly discovered that the growth of the clown's head slowed down.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Sure enough, just as I thought."

"Then the next step is to solve the problem."

With his eyes narrowed slightly, Lin Yi instantly picked up the girl and chased in the direction where the other people disappeared.

He was very fast, and he could run more than ten meters with just one foot, and his body was extremely sensitive.

He could capture all kinds of information left in the air at any time, and those people could not escape his pursuit at all.

In just three minutes, he caught up with the two running men.

Lin Yi appeared in front of them with the girl in his hand, and a strong magnetic field permeated his body, instantly affecting the two.

A confusing voice sounded in their ears.

"The clown is not scary. As long as you are not afraid of him, he can't hurt you."

"From now on, follow me and don't leave?"

The two black men completely lost themselves under the magnetic force of Lin Yi.

Their eyes were confused for a while, and then they quickly lost their fear and followed Lin Yi.

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