The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1232 Story, Mistakes (First Update)

There was no trace of blood in this pale hand. ReadМ

The figure slowly walked in, and the door slammed shut.

The room fell into darkness and silence again.

The red candle on the table changed the moment the door was closed, the burning flame turned green, and the whole room became eerie.

Lin Yi looked at this scene with a calm expression in his eyes.

He didn't say anything, just looked at the strange figure in front of him quietly.

The figure walked towards him slowly, with a very beautiful swaying figure, and sat beside him softly.

A delicate voice slowly sounded, "Husband, it's getting late, we should rest."

An aura full of ancient charm filled the air, and the owner of this voice was like an ancient person.

From the way he addresses himself to how he speaks, everything is completely different from modern people.

Lin Yi didn't move, just looked at the figure quietly, his eyes very calm.

Suddenly, I heard him say, "Let me ask you a question, why has everyone in this village disappeared?"

After asking this question, Lin Yi looked at the figure quietly, waiting for her answer.

For a while, the woman didn't say a word. Lin Yi frowned slightly. He was just thinking about what to say when the woman suddenly spoke.

"Ms. sir, let me tell you a story."

When Lin Yi heard this, a faint smile appeared on his face, "I'm all ears."

The woman's voice is clear and moving, full of a wonderful rhythm that makes people intoxicated.

"Many, many years ago there was a village called Fengmen Village."

"There is a tradition that has been passed down in this village."

"Every 16 years, a sacrifice must be made to the legendary mountain god."

"The object of sacrifice is a virgin, the bride of the mountain god."

"After the sacrifice, the entire village will receive huge benefits."

"Their lives will be extended by 16 years."

"But the object of sacrifice must be the villager's child."

"Every family has had daughters as sacrifices over a long period of time."

"The number of people in Fengmen Village will always be only 50, and the 50th person among them will always be a girl, and the girl born will always be the one who is sacrificed."

"Whenever the sacrifice is over, other families in Fengmen Village will give birth to a girl, and when she grows up, she will become a sacrifice."

"Until 30 years ago, an outsider came to settle in the village."

"The outsider was ostracized, but he fell in love with a girl from the village."

"But that year happened to be the 16th year of sacrifices, and this girl happened to be the sacrifice."

"But the girl discovers something is wrong and she discovers the terrible hidden history of the village's past."

"Then the girl told the man and asked him to take her out of the village and report the evil deeds in the village."

"The man from outside didn't believe it at first, but after quietly investigating, he found that it was all true."

"The man decided to run away with the girl, and the girl was very happy because she liked the man very much."

"She fantasizes about being able to live a happy life like a normal person after escaping."

"But they soon discovered that someone was watching them, and it was almost impossible for them to escape safely."

"So they carefully calculated and looked for the most suitable opportunity."

"But they never had the chance until the day of the sacrifice."

"The girl was dressed up beautifully, and then a worship ceremony was held."

"The girl was surprised to find that the man she was worshiping with was the man she loved."

"It's just that the person he loved has turned into a corpse with a mountain god's ranking tied to his body."

"Yes, the man has become the substitute of the mountain god, and this is the process of sacrifice."

"Every 16 years, an outsider will come and let him fall in love with a girl. When the time is right, he will kill the man, turn him into a substitute for the mountain god, and marry the girl."

"The girl was so desperate that she took out a hairpin from her head and pierced her heart with one blow. With boundless resentment, she chose to be buried and died."

"But the girl did not really die, but turned into an unknown existence after that. In order to take revenge, she wiped out the entire Fengmen Village."

"Originally, she wanted to find the mysterious mountain god, kill him, and avenge herself. It was its existence that led to the tragedy of the entire Fengmen Village."

"But she found nothing. The mountain god never seemed to exist."

"The girl wandered around Fengmen Village day after day, and the people she killed seemed to have become his slaves, and the scene of that day was replayed every day."

"The girl's resentment can never be cleared away. She will make everyone immersed in pain forever to pay for their sins."

"Until one day, outsiders entered the place where the girl was."

"Hope arose in the girl's heart, and he hoped to hold a formal wedding."

"She thinks that since the mountain god can find someone to be a stand-in, then the person she loves can also find someone to be a stand-in."

"So, she asked the villagers to capture the person who came in and use him as a stand-in for her loved one."

"Go to the church and get married with yourself and become a real couple."

"Live a happy life and make up for your regrets."

"Do you think she did the right thing?"

At this time, Hua Nongyu's voice has become cold, without any emotion, as if a machine is asking him.

The head covered with the veil has already looked at Lin Yi, as if waiting for his answer.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

"The first half, the girl is right, these people deserve to die."

"Using other people's lives to prolong their own lives, destroying other people's lives to fulfill themselves, they deserve to die anyway."

"But the girl should rest in peace after revenge, but she wants to use other people to fulfill her last wish, which is wrong."

"Is there any difference between her and those who want to kill him?"


"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you."

"This is the truth that the sages have already said."

Hua Nongyu turned her head slightly and looked at her own spirit tablet.

"But she was unwilling to accept it. Why did he only have 16 years to live? Why couldn't he have a beautiful future? Why did he have to be sacrificed in the end?"

"It's the world's fault, and the world should pay the price."

"So you should stay and be my husband."

"Become a substitute for my husband."

At this time, Hua Nongyu was still sitting there, looking at Lin Yi quietly. Her tone did not change at all, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing.

Lin Yi laughed, "That won't work."

"Because I have no interest in living with the dead."

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