The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1237 Extinction Technology (Second Update)

"The result is that we have developed a highly developed civilization and science and technology, follow the rules of this world, directly transform our bodies, and make our bodies immortal."

"And in the process, we used our own bodies to create many races as experimental subjects."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

"Today's human beings are also one of the experimental subjects."

"And it's also the most special kind. After they appeared, real life-level powerhouses joined in one after another."

Lin Yi looked at them in surprise when he heard this, "Since you have achieved immortality, why have almost all your traces disappeared now?"

Lingshan's eyes showed a trace of solemnity when he heard this, "Because of the occurrence of strange stories, there are still more and more people."

"You should know that all of us are born long, conceived directly from the ocean."

"But each of us carries with us memories of the past."

"Although advanced civilization has given us unlimited lifespans, more and more three-eyed life is growing in the ocean."

"When there are more people, there will naturally be conflicts. Coupled with some of the humans we created, they also have the True Life Level integration and also carry their memories, and finally conflicts arise."

"Someone was killed in the fight, but the dead person did not disappear, but changed and turned into a horrific and strange incident."

"After the Kaitan incident occurred, we were horrified to find that all the real power could only temporarily delay their threat, but could not eliminate them at all."

"Even directly attacking their true lives is useless, because true lives cannot be destroyed."

"There are a lot of weird black lines growing on the real life of the Kaitan Incident, and we don't know what you are."

"Kaitan has powers similar to those of true life, and their power seems to have no end and can be used continuously."

"But we can't. Our power will be consumed. Once it is exhausted, it will be an ordinary living body and it will take time to recover."

"With the emergence of the first Kaidan incident, a large number of people died in the process of eliminating Kaitan."

"Then we found that after almost 99% of people die, their true lives will enter a mysterious time and space."

"There, these true lives come together, like a torrent, flowing towards some unknown place."

"Some of them will turn into ghost stories, which are monsters full of resentment, terror and killing."

"Some have true destiny, some do not have true destiny, some are very mechanical, and some have high intelligence."

"Due to the skyrocketing population at that time, hundreds of thousands of sky cities were flying on the entire surface of the earth. It was an extremely splendid era, because each person represented the existence of countless civilizations and wisdom."

"But such a developed civilization is vulnerable to strange stories."

"We lost a lot of people, 99% of them died in that melee."

"The ghost stories at that time were full of violence, destroying all living things they saw."

"That era is also called the first era of mass extinction."

"In the later stages of the war, we were completely caught up in the attacks of the Kaidan Incident and were almost in a state of defeat."

"We gathered all the wisdom and the characteristics of the true power, and followed the basic rules of this world to create the Cave System."

"Dongtian? This is the world you are in," Lin Yi looked at this empty space that was only about 1 kilometer away.

Nodding slightly, Lingshan showed a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Yes, this is the Cave Sky System?"

"Actually, the principle of the so-called cave system is very simple."

"Use the power of true life as the basis of energy, and then use science and technology to study the time and space theory of this world as the skeleton, so that everyone can create their own cave."

"Maintain the existence of the cave with minimal consumption to ensure that we are isolated from the outside world and stay away from strange incidents."

Lin Yi immediately realized what it was, "This is equivalent to a disaster shelter."

Lingshan nodded, "In the end, there were only tens of thousands of us who survived."

"From that era to now, I basically never go out again."

"With our disappearance, the era of the first mass extinction has also ended."

"About 100 million years have passed, and those strange events began to disappear inexplicably. Eventually, the Blue Star regained its calm, and the surviving weak creatures began to evolve again."

"I'm not too clear about what happened in the later era."

"As far as I know, in the later era, some survivors of our era left the cave and started the second civilization."

"But I am a cautious person. In view of the strange incidents that occurred in the first civilization, I think the second civilization may also cause strange incidents."

"So I didn't go out again."

"I have contacts with some other people, and they sometimes bring me some news."

"But slowly, as time went by, they had less and less contact with me."

"And because I have lost the ultra-high technology of the first generation civilization, my body will inevitably age."

"Our immortality relies on technology, which requires a large amount of foreign substances to repair the body's genes, etc.,"

"This world strictly follows the basic laws of energy and material conversion."

"Including entropy increase and entropy decrease, all isolated environments will lead to chaos."

"Only by relying on technology to continuously disintegrate the chaos inside the body and artificially create entropy reduction can we continue to extend life."

"Although we have created a cave system, it also needs external energy to supplement it."

"That's why most people eventually have to go outside because their supplies have been depleted."

Lin Yi looked at the Lingshan family in front of him. All the information the other party said opened his eyes.

He had never thought that the Blue Star where humans live had such a glorious and glorious past.

Countless questions flashed through his mind, "Your so-called sacrifice to gain life span is a mysterious power system. It shouldn't be science, right?"

Lingshan smiled lightly, "In the world of Blue Star, science is magic. As long as the original physical laws of this world can be well utilized, various effects similar to mysterious power can be produced."

"Just like the magnetic fields created by your body, these magnetic fields already exist in your body."

"You just completely integrated these magnetic fields through some method, and they were under your control, and then all kinds of incredible phenomena occurred."

"The same principle applies to the cave system. It is just a technology that utilizes space."

"The source of power is our true destiny."

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