The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1251 Doomsday, Chaos (Second Update)

Countless people knew what was happening. It seemed that the end of the world had come, so fast and so inexplicably.

Soon someone calculated the time for these vortices to engulf the earth, which was about 350 days away.

But in the process, some people would die before this time, because Blue Star did not have so many materials to support more than 6 billion people for a year without production.

In this era of universal enlightenment, no one is a fool, and everyone knows what the next result will be.

The crazy rush to buy materials began, and everyone began to hoard materials frantically.

There were people and pigs on the streets.

Even if they could live one more day, they wanted to survive, and cars became a must-have item for everyone.

They must have a car to move and avoid this ever-expanding vortex.

But it is foreseeable that as time goes by, many people will die.

Everything in the outside world has begun to move towards chaos, and all organizations around the world have directly issued emergency declarations.

The Blue Star Rescue Committee appeared, and the news was being broadcast on TV.

"The Save Blue Planet Committee has just announced that after calculations by multiple supercomputers around the world."

"The 11 whirlpools are constantly expanding, and one place will be the last to be submerged."

"The Pearl River Delta in southern China."

"All the world's highest-level materials will be shipped there, and all humans can go there one after another."

"A huge city will be built there to accommodate all humans in the world."

"China's infrastructure has been fully launched, and 200,000 machines of various types have begun to build temporary residences at the same time."

"All materials in the world will also arrive within January, and food will be enough for all humans for a year."

"At the same time, the Ark and Space Base Plans are officially launched."

"Independent spaceships and bases will be built, and suitable humans will be selected according to race to enter them as the last spark of mankind."

"I hope everyone will abide by the arrangements of the Save Earth Committee, and the committee will not give up on anyone."

Lin Yi looked at the news displayed on the screen, and a strange look appeared on his face.

He didn't expect that such a Save Blue Planet Committee would be created in such a short time, and it would not give up on everyone. It sounded extremely suspicious.

At this time, he was still conducting experiments. The third prisoner appeared in front of him. The true fate of the first two prisoners had been completely analyzed by him.

Shaking his head slightly, he no longer paid attention to the news flashing on the screen of the base, but continued to concentrate on the experiment.

In the entire base, there was no one except the God-given.

The God-given prisoners were imprisoned, while the God-given of the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau and the God-given of the Doomsday Cult could move freely and maintain the operation of the entire base.

But every time they saw Lin Yi's experiments on those prisoners, they were horrified.

Expressionless, as indifferent as a butcher. It made them feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

They vaguely felt that they might be the next target.

The death row prisoners who were experimented by Lin Yi would not die, but they would appear irritable.

After all, how could ordinary people endure such a long period of pain? Three days and three nights were enough to cause psychological trauma.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, the entire Blue Star has become bleak.

The huge vortex spread wildly, and the black and white lights in the sky were always hanging there. No one knew what they represented.

Some countries even tried to approach them with airplanes, but they flew right through them. The two black and white balls seemed to exist in another time and space.

They might be the eyes of gods, looking down at the extinction of mankind. Countless people could only wait quietly for death.

In the Pearl River Delta region on the earth, an unimaginably large city has been built, covering hundreds of kilometers of ground.

This city is built of steel plates and steel columns, with only three floors at the highest, covering the entire ground.

Countless people have moved in. Each house is no more than 10 square meters in size, but 8 people live in it.

This large area of ​​houses was built three months ago and accommodated hundreds of millions of people.

Almost all of those who can come here are elites from all over the world, as well as local Chinese residents near here.

The remaining billions of people have no way to come here at all, because there are not enough transportation tools that can allow them to arrive here within 6 months.

Some continents have been completely in chaos and even swallowed by the vortex.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that there are 11 huge pits on the earth, occupying most of the area. There is despair everywhere, and the order of most cities has collapsed.

During the past six months, many terrible things have happened.

Some strange events hidden deep underground seem to be disturbed with the appearance of the vortex.

Then comes the outbreak of disaster.

A huge ancient ruins appeared in the entire North American region.

Countless terrifying beings rushed out of the ruins, which seemed to be some kind of puppet-like thing made of mud.

These puppets look like an army that swallowed up the entire North American continent two months ago.

However, this terrifying ruins and the puppets on it were also swallowed by the huge vortex, with no ability to resist, which was extremely terrifying.

The strange incident that was supposed to be unsolvable was swallowed up so easily.

All of this is so weird and terrifying that people can't understand the power of the black vortex.

The Pearl River Delta, a living area where hundreds of millions of people live, has become very chaotic due to the excessive population.

It is difficult to maintain public order, and tens of thousands of tons of garbage are generated every day.

These garbage will be transported to the nearest abyss, thus solving the human garbage problem.

"Abyss" is the name given to this all-devouring whirlpool by humans.

In the underground laboratory, in half a year, because of Lin Yi's busy day and night, he had thoroughly analyzed the true fates of all the prisoners he had selected.

As he becomes more proficient, his analysis of true destiny will naturally become faster and faster.

Only then could he complete the analysis of these true lives within half a year.

All that's left is to continue analyzing the Doomsday Cult and the God-given ones from the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau.

At this time, there was a God-given person standing in front of him, but there was a trace of fear and nervousness on the other person's face.

After all, they had been watching here for half a year and were very aware of Lin Yi's brutal methods. The miserable appearance of those prisoners was still fresh in their memory.

But because Lin Yi promised that they would not experience pain like the prisoners, he dared to stand here.

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