The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1276 Waiting, Ruins (First Update)

"Report it, someone more senior will handle it. Read М"

The three bodies flashed, returned to their respective coffins, and lay directly in.

The whole cave quickly became silent.


After a hazy distortion, Lin Yi found himself in a strange place.

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They appeared in a dark place, a world without any light.

There is only infinite coldness here, and everyone who came here supported the power of true destiny at the first time.

Their true destiny power all comes from the spirit pattern device, all of which are protective true destiny power.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi saw an extremely magical scene.

Hundreds of mysterious people, they emerged with one after another spirit pattern device brilliance.

Basically, each person holds about 6, and Lin Yi was surprised to find that the true destiny power emitted by these spirit pattern devices is a system that cooperates with each other.

A black handkerchief appeared in the hands of the leader. He raised his hand and threw it. The handkerchief quickly rose into the air and enlarged. An invisible black slowly fell down, covering everyone. The light of the spiritual pattern instrument also disappeared in an instant.

Just as the light disappeared, a strange figure appeared not far away.

It was a shadow-like thing, it just stood there quietly.

All the people covered by the dark handkerchief looked at it solemnly.

The 6 true life lights surrounded them and flowed with each other, forming a strange state.

Lin Yi used the light of the true life solution to observe these people carefully, and he immediately noticed their secret.

All the true life lights constitute a unique combat system.

Attack, defense, amplification, treatment, movement, and other six different spiritual pattern instruments and true life properties.

The most peculiar thing is that these spiritual pattern instruments themselves are also continuously generating true power, and there is also a storage of true power inside.

However, in terms of quantity, it is much less than the true power generated by their own true life.

The true power of oneself is more used to activate these spiritual pattern tools and let them release power.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's heart moved slightly, "This is really magical."

"Spiritual pattern tools can actually generate true power like true destiny."

"But why the sword and invisibility card I got from Lin Linzi don't seem to work."

He keenly noticed the difference between the two spiritual pattern tools.

After careful observation, his heart suddenly moved.

He found the difference in the problem, that is, the spiritual pattern itself.

The two spiritual pattern tools obtained from Lin Linzi have very illusory spiritual patterns on them, which are condensed from various materials, essences and a kind of true power.

And the spiritual pattern tools in the hands of these people have spiritual patterns on them, which are like real objects. They are materialized eternal properties, and there are broken consciousness in them.

He immediately realized what this was, "This is a spiritual pattern tool made by breaking the true destiny and extracting the eternal properties in it."

Instantly he thought of a lot and saw the blood behind these people.

In order to make these spiritual pattern instruments, they probably killed a lot of true lives, and even had a way to destroy their true lives and extract useful things.

Seeing what was behind this, Lin Yi naturally hid better and did not move.

And the people covered by the light curtain of the handkerchief were also waiting quietly, as if waiting for the black shadow to retreat.

Time passed for a long time, and the black shadow outside slowly disappeared in the darkness, as if it had never appeared.

The people covered by the black handkerchief slowly breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

The leader of this group of people was a man in a white robe, with a white face and no beard, a pair of phoenix eyes, and a long hair. The whole person was filled with a chic breath.

Lin Yi turned into a speck of dust and carefully observed the people around him. His eyes fell on the leader.

This man was clearly visible in his eyes. There were 4 true lives in his body, and the weakest true life was also composed of 81 eternal properties.

He also carried 6 integrated spiritual pattern instruments on his body, and a trace of killing flashed between his eyebrows.

"Everyone, pay attention. The next step is exploration."

"Each of you will explore the ruins from different directions."

"Divide into 30 teams, with 15 teams in a wave, and rotate every 24 hours."

"During the exploration, you must not fight each other, and you must explore carefully."

"Are there any questions?"

He looked at the people behind him.

Everyone shook their heads firmly, "No."

"Okay, let's go."

A few minutes later, the first wave of teams going out to explore were ready to go.

There were about 100 people who came here, and they were divided into 30 teams. Almost every team had a person who had the true ability to hide traces.

The 15 teams were each shrouded in this concealment ability and quietly left the power coverage of the black handkerchief.

Then disappeared into the darkness ahead.

In Lin Yi's eyes, he could clearly see what was in the darkness ahead?

A huge piece of ruins, a half-collapsed palace, and some strange figures.

This seems to be a huge city, but after so much time, only ruins are left.

Lin Yi quietly hid himself, collecting information bit by bit.

24 ​​hours passed in a blink of an eye. Under the cover of the black handkerchief, everyone was quietly resting, waiting for their turn.

Suddenly, subtle waves appeared silently outside the range of the handkerchief wave.

The leader pointed to the black handkerchief in the sky, and hazy waves swept outward from the handkerchief, covering an area in front.

Then, teams of figures were swept into the range of the handkerchief in this wave.

Looking at the people who appeared, the people who stayed behind all had gloomy faces. Looking carefully, there were 15 teams when they went, and only 12 teams when they returned.

1/5 of the casualties are quite shocking.

Lin Yi was slightly surprised when he saw this scene, "This mortality rate is not low."

And the people who came back also took out a lot of strange things.

They were all some tools, but Lin Yi saw spiritual texts on these tools.

A thought occurred to him, "Hey, what is this? Could it be that the source of the spiritual pattern weapon that is circulated outside was excavated from here?"

"That is to say, there may be a more advanced method of using the spiritual pattern weapon here?"

After thinking about it, Lin Yi planned to follow them out to see what they were doing and where this place was?

At this time, the second wave of teams had also left, and Lin Yi turned into a speck of dust and sank into the ground.

Then, the power of the true source of life flashed, and he turned back into his original appearance.

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