The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1281 Target, Empty (Second Update)

Facing the search of these people, Lin Yi dodged underground and quickly moved away from here. He did not want to bump into these people.

The moment he entered the ground, he saw a dozen black shadows suddenly appearing in the surroundings and chasing him at high speed.

Lin Yi quickly disappeared into the distance like a fish swimming away, avoiding these shadows.

But these shadows seemed to have the power to jump in time and space, and could move freely in the soil, constantly shortening the distance between them and Lin Yi.

Lin Yi returned to the ground in a flash, avoiding them again and staying away from the temple.

Based on his memory, he could still determine the general information about this immortal fortress.

That temple is the control center of the entire Eternal Fortress, and the idol is the core system of the control center.

However, with the end of the mysterious trial, this core system has completely lost its function.

Lin Yi's next target is the energy core system.

He has not forgotten that there seems to be trillions of true lives there, and if he can get them, he might get some benefits.

His figure was like a stream of light, passing through passages or corridors one after another, quickly approaching the core of this area.

Although most of this place has been broken, dangers are everywhere. The origin of these dangers is unknown. They seem to have evolved over countless years, or they may have been left behind after something happened during the destruction.

However, Lin Yi didn't know the specific situation, and he didn't have much memory about the Eternal Fortress.

"I'm not sure what happened after the destruction of the Eternal Fortress, so be careful next time."

"Hope everything goes well."

Lin Yi's figure quickly approached the energy core system. At this time, he had arrived at a huge crossroads.

Originally this was supposed to be a closed corridor, but now the dome has completely disappeared.

It was as if it had been directly wiped away by some terrible force.

Lin Yi stopped when he arrived at the intersection. A statue appeared in front of him.

This statue is only three meters tall. It is wearing armor all over its body and has spiritual patterns all over its body. It exudes an inexplicable pressure.

This is the fighting puppet in the Eternal Fortress. This kind of puppet is a humanoid existence composed of spiritual patterns.

The internal super-intelligent system composed of spiritual patterns has powerful and rich combat experience. Its original energy comes from the energy core of the Eternal Fortress.

However, now that the energy core system has stopped operating, it is still unclear whether the puppet can move.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes were shining with the light of his true destiny, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because there is still a powerful true power in this puppet's body, but this power is blocked in the energy device in the body and has not exploded.

"After all these years, the true power can still be stored in the spirit pattern system. This is really amazing."

"The Eternal Fortress, the Fire Organization's technology is really powerful, a bit beyond expectations."

"This is turning spiritual patterns into the most basic rune system of the entire civilization."

"I really want to find out how to simplify the eternal nature into spiritual text."

Lin Yi has not forgotten that he has countless eternal properties in his hands.

As long as he can convert all this information into spiritual patterns, he can use these spiritual patterns to build a civilization.

Rebuilding a complete Tinder organization is not difficult.

But unfortunately, he vaguely remembered that he could not find this information in the Eternal Fortress.

Although he no longer remembers the spiritual patterns possessed by the Eternal Fortress itself, he knows that he just forgot.

But he had never received any information about the transformation of eternal nature into spiritual patterns. It was not that he had forgotten it.

Facing this powerful fighting puppet, Lin Yi was eager to give it a try and took one step forward.

In a flash, he was in front of the puppet, raised his hand and slapped the opponent's chest.

The next moment, his attack activated the fighting puppet, and violent true power spurted out from it.

The puppet opened his eyes, and two sword lights shot out from his eyes.

The moment he saw the sword light, Lin Yi felt a terrifying power that could kill the soul.

And it seems that this kind of sword light cannot be avoided, and he has already been hit by the sword when he sees it.

The blow penetrated his mental will and heart, but he spent about 5% of his true life and perseverance to block the blow.

Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat, "This is a bit expensive."

At this time, his hand had passed through the puppet's body silently and reached his energy core.

The source of true life was activated, and the true power at the core solidified in an instant, turning into a crystal. The puppet's body shook and immediately lost its movement.

Lin Yi raised his hand and waved, and the power of the true source of life enveloped the entire puppet in an instant. In an instant, the puppet became a spiritual state.

This thing was directly put into the Everything House. It has many spiritual patterns on it, and it is also a good thing to use for research.

The puppet was just an interlude encountered on the road, and Lin Yi quickly passed through this passage.

After traveling at high speed for about a few minutes, he came to a huge gate.

This gate is 10 meters high and three meters wide. There are countless spiritual patterns on the gate, forming a complex pattern of spiritual patterns. Even though countless years have passed, the spiritual patterns on it still exist.

At this moment, he also discovered a problem.

There was a gap in the middle of the door, just enough for one person to enter.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's heart sank slightly, "It seems that someone has been here."

"There is probably nothing left of the true life inside."

Lin Yi walked in a few steps and saw an empty hall.

The area of ​​the hall is only about a few thousand square meters, which is completely different from what he saw in the Immortal Fortress.

He swept his eyes across the walls, ceiling and floor of the hall. The dense spiritual patterns there had been completely destroyed, and the compressed time and space disappeared.

"It seems that the most valuable thing is the title of savior, and everything else has been emptied."

Slightly disappointed, Lin Yi turned around and left here.

He was very clear about the structure of the Immortal Fortress, and there were only a few that were useful to him.

Now there was no benefit, he planned to go back and observe those mysterious explorers.

When he returned to the location of the group of people, there were only 70 people left in the range covered by the handkerchief light curtain.

At this time, Lin Yi turned into a grain of dust and appeared in the group of people.

At this moment, the leader's face changed, as if he had discovered some danger, and he shouted, "Everyone gather, we're leaving now."

Everyone heard this, without changing their expression, and quickly approached him. A teleportation array had been set up on the ground at some point.

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