The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1285 Safe Zone, Stage (Second Update)

Some people were talking fiercely, some were laughing, some were drinking to excess, and some were sitting in the corner with a gloomy face, looking dejected. All kinds of people were playing out in the bar.

Lin Yi observed silently, took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

While enjoying the food on the table, he observed the situation around him.

At the same time, he was collecting various news in his ears.

The jade box containing the fragments of the true destiny was not big, only 10 cm long and only about 4 cm wide, a very small long box.

At this time, the box had been put in his pocket.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → Method 𝚠𝚔Build the situation of 𝚗.𝚌𝚖]

Lin Yi sat quietly in his seat, listening to the information around him, and sorting out the clues bit by bit.

Time always passed quickly, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi also got a lot of useful things.

First of all, this mysterious space was called the safe zone by them.

The safe zone is located in the death boundary, but for some reason, it can be exempted from the swallowing of the death boundary.

However, the safe zone is not absolutely safe. Every night, it may have a certain degree of connection with the time and space of the death boundary.

At this time, unknown existences or zombies may invade.

In the face of invasion, everyone must rise up to resist and rely on the defense system.

As long as you persist for a certain period of time. This connection will gradually weaken, and eventually the death boundary will be completely separated from the safe zone again.

Even if they are in a connected state, the power of unknown existences or zombies entering the safe zone will be suppressed in a special way.

This makes it easier for people in the safe zone to survive the dangers at night.

Therefore, the safe zone retains many people, but there is a condition for living here.

Newcomers can have a month of free residence time. If it exceeds one month, they have to pay for the fragments of their true life.

If you don't want to pay, you have to leave the town with a defense system and survive in the wilderness of the safe zone.

If you are lucky, you can survive. If you are unlucky, you may fall when facing the connection with the death world.

The reason for this expulsion rule is to maintain the operation of the entire defense system.

After all, you need resources to do anything, and building a defense system on the scale of a small town is a huge expense.

For the consumed materials, each person must contribute at least one true life fragment every day.

After the free period, people usually go to the death boundary to find a large amount of materials, send them back to the safe zone in exchange for true life fragments, and then pay the true life fragments to obtain the qualification to survive here.

The entire safe point has formed its own set of survival rules, and all those who violate it will be ruthlessly expelled.

Newcomers are undoubtedly the luckiest. They have a 30-day discount time to allow them to familiarize themselves with the operating rules here.

There is even a special guide for newcomers, which is on the notice board of this bar, and you can pick one up at will.

There is a detailed guide for newcomers in it, how to survive in the death boundary, where there are supplies? Which places are dangerous? What should I do when night comes?

Each item is written clearly, without any concealment at all.

Lin Yi also took out a novice manual, flipped through it alone, and sorted out various information.

The information he heard just now is also described in detail in the newcomer manual.

At this time, he was reading the most important survival guide in the newcomer's manual.

This guide clearly states the choices for newcomers, which basically have only two directions.

Lone ranger or joining other groups.

Joining other groups is the easiest way to survive, while being a lone ranger is the most dangerous.

However, joining other groups will also have a price, and usually some contracts will be signed, such as the lowest income in the entire team.

Unless you can show your great value, you can be distributed according to the normal team members.

These groups are large and small, and the leader he is following is a group called explorers.

Their goal is to collect materials, knowledge and everything from ancient ruins, and ultimately hope to save countless worlds and drive away the death border.

They are also one of the largest forces in the safe zone.

They even have their own members in multiple safe zones, not just the Western Safe Zone.

Each safe zone has its own title.

This is called the Western Safe Zone, and there are about three known safe zones recorded in the newcomer's manual.

They are the Western Safe Zone, the Canyon Safe Zone, and the Swamp Safe Zone.

These three safe zones are not far away, and the distance between them is about 10,000 kilometers.

Not everyone can enter the safe zone, there seems to be a strange mechanism there.

Only the truly alive can enter here, no living dead can enter here, except when the death boundary and the safe zone are connected.

Lin Yi also saw the description of some organizations in the death boundary in the newcomer manual.

Some living dead who think they are alive can even study spirit patterns, refine spirit pattern tools, and have their own organizations to resist those living dead and unknown existences.

They think they have never died once and are living beings, but in fact they are also living dead, another kind, called free living dead.

According to the description in the newcomer manual, the entire death boundary is like a stage.

All the living dead play their own roles in it.

The living dead are like evil, while the free living dead are like the righteous side. Justice and evil seem to be fighting forever.

No one knows why all this is happening.

Looking at the contents described in the newcomer's manual, Lin Yi naturally thought of the Holy Light Group, which is exactly the same as described above.

Everyone seems to be very free and sober.

But Lin Linzi's incident has made Lin Yi know that all this is just an illusion, and those people are actually controlled as well.

Imagine that these people think they are free and are resisting, but in fact they are just dancing under the control of others. What a sad and terrifying thing this is.

Even the soul and will are twisted at will, and they don't know what they are, just like a puppet on the strings.

The weird information made Lin Yi sigh slightly.

"The border of death is really too dangerous."

At this time, Lin Yi had already enjoyed his lunch, holding a cup of ordinary drink, and had been sitting here observing.

He already had some ideas about how to live in this safe zone.

He discovered something from the rookie manual: the safe zone itself was absolutely safe.

Although the safe zone had been breached before, even if the safe zone was breached, only the people inside died, and the safe zone itself had never been swallowed by the death boundary.

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