The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1289 Harvest, Essence (Second Update)

The battle was in full swing, and some defenders on the town walls were in danger, but these people were very cunning and had made various preparations, and almost no one died.

As long as there is danger, special spiritual patterns such as escape or true life will be activated immediately.

It is quite difficult for Zhang to let them die.

After they escaped, the city wall would not fail because there were a large number of people below watching them.

As long as someone is defeated, someone will immediately make up for it.

The person who makes up for it must have the ability to restrain the monsters on that section of the city wall.

This has basically become a unique fighting mode.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

Running away is not wrong, it’s about making room for others who have the ability to exercise restraint.

After Lin Yi killed two living dead, the bearded voice sounded in his ears.

"You can go down now. With your record, no one will comment."

"Our vigil does not have to last until the second day. As long as we have achieved enough merits, we can temporarily retreat."

"After all, there are many people who want to earn merit."

Lin Yi nodded slightly when he heard the words, "I understand, thank you."

At this time, many people at safe spots under the city wall were waiting there, waiting for someone to vacate a space.

Lin Yi did not retreat immediately, but started fighting the two living dead monsters again. After a seemingly hard battle, he finally captured them.

Only then did he abdicate and return to a safe point.

Others took his place and began to fight fiercely.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at the eight true lives in his hand. Seven of them were filled with strange twisted lines, which looked very abnormal.

The night was not long. After the battle basically lasted for about three hours, the monsters outside seemed to retreat.

The mysterious observing being seems to have taken no further action.

At this time, someone was already shouting, "I guess everything will be fine tonight."

"Let's go and exchange for merit."

Lin Yi looked at the people around him. They all showed excitement on their faces and rushed towards the bar.

He himself quickly followed them. He wanted to see what these people wanted to do.

Three minutes later, everyone returned to the bar, numbering at least seven or eight hundred people.

Fortunately, the bar was big enough to accommodate so many people silently, and every table was filled with people.

There are already many people waiting in line at the bar.

There were even five identical bartenders appearing at the bar. This must be some kind of true power.

These people are the ones who captured their true lives on the battlefield.

Soon it was Lin Yi's turn, and the bartender looked at him and smiled.

"It seems like you got a good harvest tonight," the bartender said with a smile on his face as he looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded, "It's not bad."

As he said that, he took out the real life in his hand, 10 in total.

The bartender had a serious look on his face, and took out a strange mirror in his hand. He glanced at these real lives, and at the same time a suction force exploded, sucking these real lives into it.

Then, he looked up at Lin Yi, and a jade plaque appeared silently in his hand.

"Your first guard job has been successfully completed. From now on, you will be able to receive the identity badge in the safe point."

"This jade card contains your merit points. As a newcomer, your merit points on the first night are 1 point."

"You killed four living dead, according to Safe Point regulations."

"The value of a living dead is 5 merit points, a total of 20 merit points."

"Today all your achievements are blackjack."

"Of the eight true hits you harvested, seven are true lives that are in the second stage of living dead transformation."

"The calculated price is 630 life fragments."

As he spoke, a row of jade boxes appeared in front of him, seven in total.

"There are a total of 630 life fragments in these 7 jade boxes. Please keep them."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, collected all these jade boxes, and put them in his pocket.

However, he felt that these jade boxes were inconvenient to collect.

The bartender also noticed it and said with a smile on his face.

"I have a spiritual pattern weapon here, which is a bracelet of space nature."

"You can create space inside to store various things, and you can also create space to trap enemies. However, it is not a complete world, so it cannot be used as a base for cultivation."

"The price is about 100 life fragments. Are you interested in buying one?"

Lin Yi nodded slightly when he heard this, "If you are interested, sell one to me."

The bartender raised his hand and a silver bracelet appeared in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi picked up the bracelet, paid 100 pieces of true life, and then poured the power of true into the bracelet.

He was surprised to find that there was a huge space-time in the bracelet.

Although there is nothing in this space and time, only pure space, it is enough for him to use.

With a thought, a mysterious light enveloped the pocket on his body.

In addition to the 7 jade boxes he just got, he also has the jade box with fragments of life that he got after selling the two spiritual patterns of the hiding order.

There are seven boxes of true life fragments floating quietly in the vast space.

With a movement in his heart, these jade boxes opened with a bang, and pieces of true life fragments floated out from them, floating in the vast space.

These true lives are of various kinds, emitting faint radiances, and there are a lot of chaotic consciousness hidden in these true life fragments.

These true life fragments are not what they originally looked like, but have been transformed into spiritual patterns.

The chaotic and broken consciousness is hidden deep in these spiritual patterns.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with the radiance of the true life, and he found a place to sit down at random and began to observe the spiritual patterns of these true life fragments.

In the continuous observation, he was understanding the structure of the spiritual patterns bit by bit.

As time passed, he gradually unraveled the cocoon and saw the full picture of the spiritual patterns.

The true life fragments are not real fragments, but a complete eternal nature.

It's just that this eternal nature is separated from the true life.

It contains a part of the consciousness of the original true life owner, and this unconsciousness is hidden in the core of the eternal nature, which cannot be awakened and has no autonomy.

This eternal nature is very strange, containing the characteristics of the true life after transformation.

Although it is an eternal nature, after being separated from the true life, this characteristic belonging to the true life will not disappear.

The so-called spiritual pattern is this characteristic, which makes the eternal nature become a special structure.

The spiritual pattern was not invented by anyone, but something that was naturally formed after the eternal nature of the true destiny was divided.

The eternal nature of the spiritual pattern also has a peculiar effect.

That is, it is constantly combined with different spiritual patterns, and information will flow between them.

If this flow forms a perfect cycle, a new true destiny will be generated.

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