The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1291 Reconstruction and Narration (Second Update)

The female staff member nodded slightly and took out a contract and map.

"This is the contract, just write your names."

"This is a map. You can choose a piece of land with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters."

Lin Yi spread out the map. On the map was a circular map of a small town.

This is an aerial view of the western safety point, about 1 kilometer in diameter.

There are small square shapes inside, 70% of which have turned red, which means occupied positions.

The remaining 30% are still blank, but the location does not seem to be very good, basically located on the edge of the town.

Lin Yi glanced around and chose an open space closest to Central Street.

In the entire western safety point, there are only four internal roads, which are shaped like a cross and divide the town into four parts.

The land Lin Yi chose was in the south, close to the city wall.

If it were a city where ordinary people live in the real world, this kind of location would undoubtedly be the worst.

But unfortunately, this is not a human city, and the location is not important.

Lin Yi chose a seat, and the staff looked at him and smiled.

"Are you sure you choose this place? If you are sure, I will go through the process now, and I can't change it later."

Lin Yi nodded slightly, "Choose here."

"Okay, please give me your identity tags, and I will deduct your merits."

Lin Yi, Brandy, Sakuragiya Shirley and others placed their identity badges in front of the staff one after another.

The staff looked at these ID badges and immediately began to work hard.

A few minutes later, a document was placed in front of Lin Yi.

"From now on, the land at this location belongs to you."

"You can do anything as long as it doesn't endanger the security of the safe spot."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and took the document.

Twenty minutes later, a group of them arrived at the vacant land on the south street.

Several people stood in front of this land, with a hint of complexity on their faces.

Lin Yi raised his hand and waved, and Wanshiwuwu, who was in a spiritual state, appeared on the ground.

A few flashes and it becomes a substantial house.

Ring ring ring

Lin Yi pushed open the door and walked in. A familiar scene appeared in front of everyone, and everyone returned to their familiar positions.

Sakuramiya sherry, brandy, Lafite red wine, absinthe, vodka, gin, whiskey and Lao Wei, the eight people's faces changed.

In a short period of time, they have experienced several apocalyptic disasters.

Now, they finally came to a temporarily safe place.

The appearance of the Wanshiwuwu gave them a sense of belonging again, an illusion of home.

Lin Yi's voice sounded slowly, "Starting tomorrow, Wanshiwu will reopen for business."

"But the world has changed, and all missions in the future will be dangerous."

"You all need to be prepared."

"I will make many clone bodies for you to use."

"In order to complete the task, we must use the true life that can copy and project consciousness to control these clones to complete the task and avoid risks as much as possible."

"Everyone can use the real life in rotation according to the needs of the mission. The real life should not go out casually."

Lin Yi formulated the rules for the future operation of Wanshiwu, and everyone nodded silently.

In the House of Everything, the real life, except his own, will become a weapon that can be used in turn.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and the latest Wanshiwu House in the western town attracted a lot of people's attention.

Especially the fine wine in the Wanshiwu House, which Lin Yi recreated using the source of his true life, attracted a large number of drunkards.

The price of spiritual wine is very low. Basically, one life fragment can make people drink a complete set of 365 kinds of spiritual wine, 10 glasses of different wines every day, for a month.

Although these spiritual wines do not have mysterious powers, they simply taste good.

But it is also a good refreshment for people living in this depressing world.

There are also many people who are willing to pay, which can bring a little profit to Wanshiwu.

At this time, the blue-bearded man was sitting at a wine table, sipping a glass of amber wine.

The mellow smell of wine made him miss it so much, "This wine is so delicious."

"Ever since I entered the True Gate and came to the True Land, I have never tasted wine with spiritual energy."

"When you enter the border of death, alcohol becomes a luxury."

"It's not easy to get it. The world's supplies are really scarce."

"Boss Lin, I really don't know how you reproduce these wines in this world."

"It seems that you have mastered a lot of mysterious powers."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "It's a small skill, not worth mentioning."

"It just allows everyone to have fun, it doesn't have much effect."

The blue-bearded man shook his head slightly, "Yes, since entering the True Land."

"I was sucked into this weird boundary of death again, and I realized that my previous life was so comfortable."

"We live here like humans and ghosts, just like ants."

"My previous ambitions have been almost worn out."

"If I had a choice, I really wouldn't want to come to a world like this."

"It's such a hell of a life to go from being a top person to someone fighting to stay alive."

Lin Yi looked at him with a smile on his face, "What kind of world were you in before you entered the True Land?"

When the blue-bearded man heard Lin Yi's words, his face was filled with memories.

"I used to be in a place called Blue Mist."

"It is shrouded in endless blue smoke all year round, and our race was born in this blue smoke."

"The blue smoke is integrated with spiritual energy, and we can master supernatural powers as soon as we are born."

"There are also worlds, continents, planets, universes, and countless prosperous civilizations."

"I climbed up to the top of "Blue Mist" step by step from humble beginnings, condensed the power of true destiny, and commanded "Blue Mist" for countless years."

"It's also my own stupidity. I live a leisurely and supreme life!"

"But I thought about pursuing a higher peak of life, but I found the mysterious door of truth and entered the land of truth again."

"Which I thought that it was actually an ordinary planet. "

"A universe without any supernatural power? A world? Or a mysterious level?"

"I can't use my past knowledge to define the place I landed in."

"In the end, I can only call it the real place."

"Originally, this is nothing, but who made me reincarnate as a local life form when I came here, and these lives have life limits."

"My life was originally endless, but it was shortened to an unbearable level."

"If I didn't have countless knowledge, I would have built a technological system in that world with the power of true destiny, and extended the life of this body through the power of technology. I'm afraid I would have died. "

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