The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1297 Transparency, Model (Second Update)

A blank face appeared in front of Lin Yi. He seemed to have no idea what he had encountered.

It was not until then that he noticed Ke Lan in front of him. Then he suddenly woke up and realized everything.

"You are Lin Yi. Am I alive?"

"Yes, I have fulfilled my promise and revived you in this new world."

The awakened man looked around in confusion. This was a wilderness with countless weeds growing on the ground, a slightly desolate world. .

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Just then, Lin Yi raised his hand and waved, and the eternal nature of this world began to operate. Under his control, the ground rose from the ground and formed a huge urban cluster.

"From today on, you can all live here."

"I will gradually restore all the sleeping people. You can continue to gradually as in the past until you achieve your true destiny and jump out of the shackles of this world."

After that, Lin Yi disappeared in front of this person.

Then, something magical happened.

In this tiny universe, life appeared out of thin air one after another.

Each of them has a talent of divine body level, and relying on the spiritual energy of the new world, they can easily obtain eternal life.

On countless planets, individuals have begun to practice silently and are restoring the prosperity of civilization.

After confirming that his method is feasible, Lin Yi uses his control over this world to continuously create countless bodies and inject fundamental consciousness to let them revive in this world.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

All the life forms that Lin Yi had contracted in the Land of Life have had their consciousness revived.

The Land of Life in the basement is booming, and vigorous vitality is spreading in it.

However, the life in this world is much smaller than that in the outside world.

Along with all the people who had signed a contract in the Land of Marine Life left his mind.

Lin Yi felt that his mind became more transparent in an instant, and there was a feeling of unloading a heavy burden.

At the same time, there are more than one billion humans on Earth in his mind.

The consciousness of these humans is sleeping in their true destiny, located in Lin Yi's spiritual world. Now Lin Yi does not intend to revive them all.

As a deal, their true destiny information has not been mastered by him.

However, he will select a few trustworthy people to revive and become a member of the Wanshiwu.

Among them, Zhao Hongxia is his first choice.

At this time, the Wanshiwu is also undergoing tremendous changes.

In half a year, Lin Yi's Wanshiwu members have almost completed all the tasks that have been piled up.

They have harvested a large number of true destiny fragments and spiritual pattern tools, all of which are piled up in the Wanshiwu.

The true destiny fragments have reached a huge number of millions, and there are tens of thousands of spiritual pattern tools, including more than 3,000 real spiritual pattern tools and about 7,000 virtual spiritual pattern tools.

Everyone in the Wanshiwu will carry various spiritual pattern tools as long as they go out to perform tasks, for any emergencies.

Half a year has passed, hundreds of different tasks, basically each task can harvest about 10,000 true destiny fragments, and about 100 spiritual pattern tools.

Of course, there are some strange things, such as various residual information.

And this information has pieced together a slightly complete death boundary information at Lin Yi.

The crown, the administrator, the boundary of death, the expansion and erosion, and the true land gradually formed a huge model.

First of all, the true land is composed of the universe and the starry sky structure is the true land's body.

Outside the universe and the starry sky structure, it is called the wasteland.

The so-called wasteland is a world composed of countless fantasy bubbles. Everything there is illusory, originating from the true land, countless planets, and fragments of civilization history.

I hope that the false can also become true, because everything is idealistic. When an existence has consciousness and mind, it also has the essence of life.

He only needs to practice continuously and perfect his mind, and finally evolve his own true destiny to enter the true land.

The so-called true destiny is real life. Only the existence with true destiny can be called real life, because true destiny is indestructible.

The destruction of the body is meaningless to true destiny. It only needs to go through the operation of the long river of true destiny to be naturally reborn.

The reborn life seems to have a phenomenon called the mystery of the fetus, but this does not mean that your consciousness has changed.

When you die again, the fundamental consciousness will awaken, undertake, absorb, and a new life memory.

The reincarnation process of life is just a journey for the true destiny, a journey of self-consciousness cultivation.

Some people will safely pass through the mystery of the womb during the reincarnation process, and then they can create a new true destiny in the new life, and finally step into the legendary realm by constantly improving the true destiny system.

The reason why this happens is that in the true land, everything will change forever.

Only the true destiny can protect consciousness from changing, and everything else cannot resist this change.

In the countless illusory worlds of the wasteland, the lives in them condense their own true destiny in constant cultivation.

You can reach the true land through various methods, integrate into the operation of the true land, and become a real life.

All life in the true land seems to come from this.

Over a long period of time, some people in the True Land have gradually mastered long lives through physical methods, and their true life limit has also accumulated to a whole new level.

This realm is called the Four Pillar Heaven Realm, and it can already affect the operation of the True Land, and this will cause a reaction from the True Land.

The True Land will repel them, and at this point they will move deeper into the starry structure of the universe.

There is a huge world there, and countless beings who have reached this realm will gather there to interpret countless stories.

This place is called the Four Pillar Heaven Realm.

But all of this changed in an unknown era.

The border of death appeared inexplicably within the Four Pillars of Heaven, and war broke out.

This war spread to the universe and the starry sky, and many planets showed traces of the death boundary.

A large number of lives fell into the border of death. Although there were people from the Four Pillar Heaven Realm fighting hard, the result was tragic, a hopeless war.

With the destruction of the four pillars of heaven, the huge world collapsed and was swallowed by the death boundary.

Most of all the tasks Wanshiwu has undertaken in the past six months have been to explore ruins, all of which come from the remains of the legendary four-pillar heaven.

Of course, some of these missions are the remains left by various mysterious organizations and resistance organizations scattered after the destruction of the Four-legged Heaven.

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