The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1303: Entering and Discovering (Second Update)

About half an hour later, he crossed a 10-kilometer area. Read М

Along the way, the further he advanced, the more frightened he became.

The ground was full of corpses of the living dead, tens of thousands of them, and he could only move forward on the corpses.

At this time, he had come to the location of a city wall.

When he saw the city wall, a trace of shock appeared on his face, full of disbelief.

The city wall was densely covered with a kind of black dry flesh and blood, and there were also thick black meridians on the city wall, which formed a strange flesh and blood city, which made people feel terrified when they saw it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi became more cautious and began to observe around the city, his eyes constantly sweeping around.

Lin Yi quietly circled around the city wall, and finally did not find any dangerous existence.

The whole city seemed to be in a dead silence, and there seemed to be no living creatures.

The location of the city gate was open, a door covered with flesh and blood patterns.

Lin Yi remained ignored and slowly entered the gate through the crack of the door. What he saw was a huge and boundless city.

The area of ​​this city exceeded tens of kilometers, like a huge city, and the height of the city wall reached the level of 100 meters.

The height of the city gate was also 30 meters. Standing in front of the city wall gate, Lin Yi felt that he was as small as dust and was not noticeable at all.

He looked into the city gate, and countless corpses appeared on the streets on the ground.

The buildings in the city were also very strange, and they were magnificent buildings like palaces or towers.

The streets were also very wide, and the ground was covered with a layer of black bricks and stones.

It fits tightly, and a sense of simplicity comes to the face.

The buildings in the city are usually very tall, and palaces and towers rise one after another, extending to the center of the city.

In the center is a more magnificent hall, which is even higher than the height of the city wall, hundreds of meters high.

The style of the building is somewhat similar to Western architecture, with a round dome, and there is a sharp spike directly above the dome, which goes straight to the sky.

All the buildings here are very tall, and the height of the gates is basically about 20 meters.

Lin Yi walked carefully on the street, looking left and right with vigilant eyes. He can be sure that some giant creatures should live here, but at the same time they also have true lives.

However, at this time, all the buildings here are filled with countless blood and flesh meridians, which looks like a terrifying city built of flesh and blood.

Looking left and right, he stared at the most ordinary palace, which is at the outermost edge of the entire city.

According to basic logic, in the urban environment, the farther you live outside, the lower your status and position are generally, and the farther you go inside, the higher your status is.

He chose the outermost edge because these low-status beings do not have too strong power, and they can get certain information.

This palace is also a dome-style palace, surrounded by huge columns, and within the column range is a corridor surrounding the four sides.

The huge palace has only one gate, and at this time the gate is also half open.

Lin Yi stood in front of the gate, and the position where the gate was opened was just enough for him to enter.

Looking at the weird and dry blood and flesh meridians on the gate, a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.

He did not intend to touch the flesh and blood, and was extremely careful when entering the gate.

There was a dead silence inside the gate, very empty, and a faint light fell from the top of his head.

Lin Yi looked up and saw that there were several skylights on the upper part of the dome, which were directly connected to the outside world without any cover.

He looked carefully at the palace, and then showed a hint of surprise.

There was a huge throne inside the palace, and on the throne sat a giant who was more than ten meters tall.

However, this giant had been dead for many years.

His appearance had also changed.

Countless black muscles were connected to his head, hands, and body.

These black meridians spread out from his body, entwined around the ground, walls, and ceiling of the hall, and stretched out of the palace along the skylight.

Lin Yi could see that among the countless strange black muscles, there was a black meridian connected to the heart of this person, as if extracting something.

At this time, his eyes began to look at other things in the palace.

A bookcase appeared on the left side of the palace, with books densely placed one after another, as high as three meters.

The books were very old and filled with a breath of history.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"There are books, this is a good thing."

Thinking of this, he quickly walked towards the bookcase.

Standing in front of a book, looking at a book that was almost as tall as himself, a hint of helplessness appeared on his face.

The True Destiny Prophecy was activated, "This book will walk out of the bookshelf, then open it, and tell me what is recorded in it in a language I can understand."

With the activation of the True Destiny Prophecy, amazing things happened.

The book he locked his eyes on slowly flew out under the influence of a mysterious force, and opened directly in front of him.

Then the words on the book turned into information that Lin Yi could understand and entered his mind.

In just one minute, Lin Yi knew what the book recorded.

It records research materials, and studies the theory of constructing the True Destiny.

How to use the fragments of the True Destiny to construct a brand new True Destiny.

Lin Yi saw a lot of useful information in it, which can greatly enrich his understanding of the true destiny.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"This is really good stuff," he smiled as he looked at at least hundreds of books on the bookshelf.

"An ordinary palace has so many books. If I read all the books in the whole city, maybe I can inherit all the knowledge of this organization."

Then Lin Yi completely forgot about everything else and began to use the true name prophecy to read and understand one book after another.

The information of these books is transmitted to the main body in real time through the copy consciousness.

Then, through the true destiny interpretation, this information is further analyzed and quickly incorporated into Lin Yi's own knowledge system.

He also has a more detailed understanding of the entire true destiny.

For example, when the true destiny fragments are used to construct the true destiny, various phenomena will occur.

These phenomena are classified to a certain extent in the books, and seem to have become a system.

In the process of integrating the true destiny fragments, what phenomena occur, what possibilities they represent, and what dangers there will be, there are some detailed descriptions.

There are also various things that make up a complete true destiny, what are the fragments of true destiny, and so on.

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