The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1323 Sensing and Preparation (Second Update)

After the phenomenon of the non-existence of the left hand was transferred out, the left hand recovered again. Read

The reason why he couldn't recover just now was because the continuous use of the true life transfer caused his true power to fall to the bottom.

Just now, he turned around and didn't encounter any danger, so his true power naturally recovered.

He took a deep breath, feeling the true power exhausted again, and he couldn't help but sigh.

"We have to wait a little longer, at least transfer all the fatal injuries on our body."

At this time, his body had become very bad inside, and the weird tentacles were slowly spreading from the chest to other parts of the body.

He looked at the outline of the monster in front of him, thinking about what to do next.

He looked at the monster bit by bit, "Logically, their battle should be nearby."

"The remains of the monster appeared here, and the Crown should be here too."

"Why can't I see his remains?"

"Or are they fighting remotely? The two monsters are far apart?"

Thinking of this, he frowned again, and this situation is not easy to solve.

After feeling his body, a faint magnetic field spread out from his body.

His magnetic field began to interact with the surrounding magnetic fields, and he used the magnetic field of his body and the magnetic field of the outside world to sense.

There are still magnetic fields in this world, and magnetic fields exist in all matter and all energy.

The magnetic field seems to be one of the most basic phenomena of all things in the world. No matter where it goes, it always exists.

Lin Yi's copy consciousness slowly transmits to the surroundings following the magnetic field.

Soon he sensed a large amount of information, which filled every corner, twisted, chaotic, evil, and terrifying.

This information even impacted his consciousness, as if to corrode him and twist him into one of them.

Lin Yi was frightened, but he always stood firm in his will and was not moved by this information at all.

Even if countless information impacted, his will was as solid as a rock, firmly blocking the torrent of information feedback from the magnetic field.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the surrounding scenes began to slowly emerge in his consciousness.

At first, there was only an area of ​​one or two meters around him. As he processed more and more information, the range was constantly expanding and gradually came to 100 meters away.

The huge monster was a ball of pure black in his consciousness. Its magnetic field was too distorted, and his consciousness could not process this huge amount of information at all.

In the end, all he could see was a ball of pure black.

As time went on, a huge information model covering tens of thousands of meters appeared in his consciousness.

Some of this information would become a complete picture, while others would be pitch black or some weird distortions.

Countless pictures continued to expand, allowing him to see a lot of things.

In this area, he did not see any life, not even the second-stage living dead.

There was only a constantly changing environment, and some terrifying fluctuations appeared from time to time.

At this time, something attracted his attention.

5 kilometers away from the other side of the monster, he also found a ball of darkness.

This ball of darkness, like the huge monster, could not be captured by him.

"Is this a wreckage?"

A hint of surprise flashed in his mind, and there was also a hint of expectation.

However, he did not rush over, but quietly waited for his true life to recover.

He needed to wait for everything to return to its peak before continuing to explore.

There were countless dangers in the area 5 kilometers ahead.

Every kind of fluctuation could threaten his life and turn his efforts into ruins.

Several hours passed in a blink of an eye. After at least 5 true life transfers, Lin Yi finally removed all the dangers in his body.

Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, no longer in imminent danger of life.

Now he has planned to go to that new darkness.

At this time, he closed his eyes, relying on the magnetic field to capture dangerous information and avoid various dangers.

In the world of magnetic fields, he can even clearly see the sudden appearance and sudden disappearance of dangers.

In the whole process, there will be a trace of omen, which is that the magnetic field around will fluctuate unstably.

As long as he catches this fluctuation, he can avoid the upcoming danger at an unimaginable speed.

The distance of 5 kilometers is much easier than falling from the mouth of the abyss just now.

But every time he moves a distance of more than ten meters, he has to stop and re-strengthen the induction of the magnetic field.

His induction of the magnetic field is a reaction after connecting with the magnetic field around him with himself as the center.

Once he starts to move, this induction will be affected to a certain extent and eventually become gradually blurred.

Every time this happened, he needed to re-establish his senses, but as he became more skilled, he quickly discovered quite a few sense techniques.

It took him several hours to reach the dark place.

What appeared in front of him was a decayed outline.

It was barely possible to see that this was originally a humanoid figure.

He was still wearing decayed armor, but the armor was no longer dark gold, but had turned into a rotten material that looked like biological tissue.

Seeing this scene, his heart was filled with wonder.

"Their battle can also change the material? What kind of battle is this?"

He looked at the rotten body carefully, and could no longer see any of the Crown's original grace.

The only thing left was the infinite terrifying fluctuations contained in it.

Every strand was concentrated and could easily kill him.

Feeling this huge danger, Lin Yi shook his head slightly.

"This thing is really hard to deal with?"

"Is this the remains of the Crown?"

After he waited for 5 minutes, the voice of the final order system slowly sounded.

"Bound, please note that you have found the remains of the Crown."

"Next, while you collect information, the main body will use the true destiny and perseverance to interrupt all obstacles."

"You must touch the remains at the same time, so that this system can accurately capture the information."

"You only have one chance. The moment you touch the remains, you will be torn to pieces by the backlash."

"Please be prepared."

"This system will control time with the main body. The next time my voice sounds, the time will count down. When my voice reaches 0, you must touch the remains. Do you understand, Bound?"

"Understood," Lin Yi's heart was awe-inspiring.

He slowly opened his eyes, and all his true power was mobilized in an instant.

"Which of the three true destinies should I choose? I must concentrate all my power to ensure that I can touch the remains of the Crown."

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