The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1336: Owner, Waiting (First Update)

The living dead are also frantically looking for various swords, and after finding them, they are sent to specific places in each cave.

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Like slaves, they are tirelessly controlled forever, or they know that they are controlled, but they cannot get rid of and reject this control.

Lin Yi walked in the passages, moving forward silently, heading towards the direction he sensed.

Time passed slowly, and the death border was still bustling.

The earthlings in the Wanshiwu are also working constantly, hunting various second-stage living dead.

At the same time, they are familiar with the death border and exchange the true life spirit pattern device through the Wanshiwu to enhance their own strength.

In addition to studying the sword light of the earth sword, Lin Yi's body uses the true life fragments and the materials transformed from the true life root to refine the spirit pattern device.

The spirit pattern device itself is not a complicated thing, but just another application of the true life fragments.

With his strength, it is easy to forge it. The real difficulty is to select the right fragments of the true destiny to form the right true destiny effect.

This takes a certain amount of time to deduce.

Basically, he will make a complete true destiny or a complete spiritual pattern device every day.

Supplement the spiritual pattern devices and true destiny that have been exchanged in the Wanshi House.

There are also many people in the Wanshi House who collect mysterious swords as weapons.

That day, the sword light crossed the entire death border, broke into countless pieces, and a sword was inserted into the ground. I don’t know how many people’s attention it attracted.

The people in the Wanshi House are naturally no exception. Many of them have found weapons that are suitable for them, increasing their chances of survival in the death border.

The Wanshi House is getting stronger and stronger, and the people on Earth instinctively gather here and develop here as a base.

Even if some people have found other safe spots, no one has left.

All places from hometown people always have a strong sense of security.

Since stabilization, Lin Yi will resurrect one or several earthlings every day.

The resurrected earthlings will naturally master their original true destiny.

Usually they would join the team of God-given people and get familiar with the border of death little by little.

Through the way of old people leading new people, they quickly integrated and adapted to this chaotic world.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yi's clone still did not reach the place where he sensed.

At this time, his clone had advanced at least hundreds of millions of kilometers.

This long time made him very speechless, and he didn't know why the sword of the Earth Sword would fly so far.

But there was no way, he could only be patient and let his clone continue to move forward with the sense.

Finally, today his clone arrived at the location of the Earth Sword.

The location of the Earth Sword was on the ground, and he now appeared on a vast grassland.

The grassland was densely packed with countless coffins.

There were also places like camps, full of dead faces.

They were a group of people who had long lost any hope, like zombies.

At this time, Lin Yi turned into a speck of dust and was moving forward quietly.

He was gradually approaching the location of the Earth Sword, where there was a camp.

His consciousness was connected to his body, carefully sensing the location of the earth sword.

Finally, he saw a person in the camp.

It was a warrior in a black robe, sitting in a corner with disheveled hair, holding a khaki sword in his hand.

The sword was bumpy and not smooth at all, and looked like it was crudely made.

But the warrior held the sword tightly, and the sword was like his life.

Lin Yi frowned slightly when he saw this scene, "Is it something owned by an owner?"

"It's not easy to get it."

He took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed with thought.

"Maybe there is only a chance if I go to the battlefield with him."

He had been at the border of death for a long time.

Lin Yi figured out the purpose of these coffin gathering places.

A place where soldiers are simply gathered.

When the number of people is enough, they will go to the battlefield called the front line.

After several rounds of battles, the dead will come back, lie in the coffin to rest for a while, and then be re-recruited to go to the front line again.

Over and over again, it will never stop in the end.

Henan's clone waited quietly, hiding his existence.

Time passed slowly, and a bright light flashed in the camp.

A figure came out, and it was a manager who had possessed a living dead.

He said coldly, "Everyone gather and prepare to go to the battlefield."

Those people in the camp walked out expressionlessly, looking at the manager indifferently.

They all focused on the manager, and a speck of dust silently stuck to the back of the black-robed warrior.

A pale golden light flashed, and everyone in the camp disappeared here.

When the scene appeared in front of everyone again, they had come to a vast battlefield.

This is another battlefield on the ground, and the earth is shrouded in blood red.

It's as if it was stained with blood.

Lin Yi followed the living dead and moved to this strange battlefield.

He stuck tightly to the mysterious warrior, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

At this time, the manager who sent them over said coldly.

"Everyone, the war has begun. I hope you can survive next time."

These living dead said nothing. They didn't know the existence of the manager. They just mechanically repeated the war again and again.

They wanted to get rid of it, but they couldn't. Every escape would eventually return to the camp.

They didn't know why, but they vaguely felt that there was a terrifying force controlling them, affecting them, making them like slaves, unable to make free choices.

Faced with this desperate daily life, they had no way to do anything. They could only wait patiently and look for opportunities to get rid of it.

At this time, the warrior tightly grasped the clay sword in his hand, and under his disheveled hair was a resolute face.

There was only one breath of true destiny on his body, and this true destiny was very special.

Lin Yi possessed him and had already noticed the nature of this true destiny.

True destiny cut off.

This true destiny has only one effect, cutting off everything.

Whether it is marriage, time and space, or energy, matter, whether it exists or not, it can be cut off.

This is an indomitable true destiny. This person has sublimated his swordsmanship to the level of true destiny.

This is the true destiny composed of countless swordsmanship principles, and it exists purely for the sake of seeing the way forward.

Cut off all the forces that bind him and prevent him from moving forward.

Although this true destiny is only composed of 81 eternal properties, its power is very strong.

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