The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1338: Going to die, getting started (first update)

"Don't be nervous. If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead."

Lin Yi said lightly.

The warrior's heart tightened and he felt an inexplicable chill. He thought for a while and said.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I can help you get rid of the control of the mastermind behind the scenes, regain your free will, and survive in this border of death."

"But in exchange, I need something from you."

The warrior frowned, and his eyes fell directly on his hand, looking at the Earth Sword.

This is the only thing on his body that comes from this world, and it has an unknown value.

"You want the sword in my hand?"

"Yes, because it is a very important weapon and exists to deal with certain people."

The samurai frowned even deeper when he heard this.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "To show my sincerity, I will tell you everything I know."

"I hope you won't despair after hearing this."

"You tell me, I'll listen."

The warrior's heart tightened, and he felt as if he was about to hear some incredible story.

He held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, and his face was full of solemnity.

"This is a place called the Death Boundary, and the Death Boundary originates from the future..."

Along with Lin Yi's description, the warrior's face showed disbelief, shock, and a hint of despair.

If it was true as the other party said, he had almost no hope of winning.

Everything is under the control of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Now that you know this information, are you desperate?"

The warrior fell into deep silence. At this moment, a red figure appeared not far away.

The other party stared at the warrior with red eyes and rushed towards him suddenly.

His arrival broke the warrior's meditation. The warrior's heart was filled with despair and he suddenly swung his sword out.

This sword was filled with a kind of despair.

The sword light swept past, and the oncoming man was split into two halves.

At this time, Lin Yi's voice sounded in his ears.

"Have you made your decision now?"

"If you want to be free, I can help you do it."

"In this world, only I can do it."

A wave of fluctuation flashed through the warrior's heart, and he looked down at the Earth Sword in his hand.

"You know so much information and yet you come to collect this weapon."

"Obviously you are fighting against the person behind this."

"I'm just an ordinary real-life strong man who comes from an illusory wild land."

"I finally entered the True Land, but I didn't expect it to be a world without any hope."

"If I give you this weapon, can you defeat the mastermind in the future and let us regain hope?"

Lin Yi listened to the warrior's words, thought for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"I can't guarantee 100% success."

"But there is a certain chance that it can give you hope."

The warrior nodded slightly, "If you take action to bring me freedom, will there be any trouble?"

"If there's trouble, maybe I'll be found."

"So there are unpredictable risks."

"Originally, I wanted to wait for you to die on the battlefield and successfully obtain this sword."

"But your caution and sensitivity make me feel that you are a talent."

"That's why I communicated with you."

The warrior had a deep face and took a deep breath. He seemed to have made some kind of decision.

"I'm going to die later."

"This sword will be thrown before I die."

"The rest is up to you to figure out."

Lin Yi was silent for a while after hearing this, "Don't you want to be free?"

There was a hint of solemnity in the warrior's eyes, "There is no point in being free now."

"Once you're dead, you're probably really dead."

"According to you, when we die here, we just return to the coffin and will be summoned again after a while."

"It will recover at the right time and enter the war again."

"It's just that the true destiny will be alienated bit by bit in the process of death."

"At some point in the future, it will completely transform into the second stage of the monster living dead, enter a safe point, be killed, and finally be completely consumed."

"But this process is very long, and I will not die in a short time."

"Once I am free, if I am targeted, I may not even have a chance to be resurrected."

"So I choose to die and give this weapon to you."

"When you solve the problem in the future, I will naturally gain freedom and hope."

"I put all my hopes on you, because I know that with my own strength, I cannot fight against the mastermind behind this."

Lin Yi was silent for a moment as he listened to the warrior's monologue. He felt the pressure of being placed on someone's hope.

"What you did made me very embarrassed."

"Originally I just planned to give it a try, but you want me to go all out."

A sly smile appeared on the warrior's face, "Who gave you this ability? I can only use your conscience to force you forward."

"Although I don't know if you really have a conscience, even if it is just a trace of emotional influence, it is valuable."

"I will try my best to avoid alienation. I hope you can succeed as soon as possible."

With that said, the warrior had already picked up his long sword and charged fiercely into the depths of the bloody battlefield.

The sword light that connected the sky and the earth burst out from his hands, instantly killing several blood-colored humanoid beings.

The fierce fighting broke out in a short time, and the warrior was also severely injured.

The enemies around him launched a siege on him, and he was blown to pieces on the spot with a violent explosion.

A yellow sword silently sank into the ground from the explosion.

The mysterious warrior threw the sword to the ground at the moment of death.

The earth sword was extremely sharp, and with the blessing of his true destiny, it was directly inserted into the ground hundreds of meters deep.

Lin Yi turned into a dust and attached to the earth sword.

In the dust, a hand slowly stretched out and directly grabbed the hilt of the earth sword.

The next moment, the earth sword disappeared in the dust.

Lin Yi quickly went away, away from this endless bloody battlefield.

Soon he came to the edge of the battlefield, avoiding all dangers and searches.

He found an underground cave and flashed into it.

Lin Yi, who got the Earth Sword, immediately set off and returned to the Wanshiwu.

He did not use the title of Savior, because this power was too strong and he was afraid of being noticed.

Especially when carrying the Earth Sword.

Instead of forcing a move, it is better to wait quietly. What he has to do now is to lie dormant.

But Lin Yi felt a little emotional in his heart. He did not expect that the mysterious warrior would choose to die on the battlefield.

He gave hope to himself.

"Warrior, you are really decisive."

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