The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 134 Completion, Wraith (Second Update)

Turning his head to look at the three resentful spirits, the red-clothed child had already changed greatly in Lin Yi's eyes.

In the midst of resentment, he was wearing red clothes, his limbs and head were dry, and he looked very scary.

The whole person floated three feet above the ground, rushing towards Lin Yi with a rapid speed.

His parents beside him also attacked Lin Yi at the same time.

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Take a deep breath, a trace of cold light appeared in Lin Yi's eyes, and the phantom of the black seal in his body trembled.

A large amount of essence was injected. In this unknown illusion, Lin Yi was actually very cautious.

After finding the source of this incident, he planned to quickly resolve the whole incident.

The first to rush was the red-clothed child, whose short body was as flexible and sharp as a monkey.

The claws pointed directly at Lin Yi's chest, as if to dig out his heart.

But at this moment, a cyan-gold light burst out from Lin Yi's chest, as fast as thunder.

It directly hit the red-clothed child.


As if a thunderclap sounded in the flat ground, the light burst out with a heavy force like the earth.

The red-clothed child who rushed over was blown up, and countless resentments burst out, drowning everything around.


A shrill and terrifying scream sounded, and the red-clothed child's parents were furious and rushed towards Lin Yi frantically.

But two demon-subduing seals had already been blasted out, and before they could react, they had already been pressed on their chests.


Two more golden lights exploded, and the couple of resentful spirits were also blown into nothingness at the same time.

A black shadow flew out from the resentment, floating around Lin Yi like a meteor.

Lin Yi stood in front of Wei Mingtian, blocking the resentment that erupted when the red-clothed child exploded, preventing him from being affected.

In fact, all this is inevitable, although the red-clothed child has reached the level of a human immortal in terms of strength.

But he is just an ordinary person. Even if he has mastered the power, he is just a child holding a gun.

Although he has force, he does not use it reasonably, so it is inevitable that he will be killed by Lin Yi.

What's more, it is the explosion of magic weapons, which is even more difficult to defend against.

As Lin Yi killed three resentful spirits with one blow, the whole Hongyue Village issued countless terrifying wails.

The wind was gusting, and countless resentments were rising.

At this moment, the sky was filled with countless black air.

It seemed that all the resentment in the whole village was released.

The temperature dropped sharply in an instant, and frost appeared everywhere in the village.

It seemed that at this moment, it entered the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, and countless strange wails continued to sound, getting closer and closer to the direction where Lin Yi was.

It seemed that countless resentful spirits were rushing here.

Lin Yi's face changed slightly, and he bent down to lift Wei Mingtian and held him under his arm.

"Damn it, the contract hasn't been cancelled yet?"

A flash of green light appeared in his eyes, and he could see the situation outside clearly.

At least hundreds of vengeful spirits were rushing towards here. Once surrounded, he would be in danger.

Judging from the aura, these vengeful spirits had fluctuations that could at least match the level of Guanti.

Lin Yi moved and climbed over the wall, intending to choose a direction and rush out of this strange village first.

With the existence of the true destiny solution, he was naturally not afraid of any ghost wall, which could not confuse him.

Just when Lin Yi was about to break through, his mind suddenly changed.

An inexplicable force appeared and enveloped him and Wei Mingtian.

Their bodies turned into illusions in an instant, then quickly shrank and disappeared on the spot.

Accompanied by a dizzying rotation, they both came to a bloody vortex.

Under the traction of the inexplicable force, they rushed into the vortex and rushed towards the source of the vortex.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes flashed and saw behind them.

Wan Mingyuan, wrapped in a ball of resentment, also entered the blood-colored vortex channel.

"Huh? Is this guy dead? Will he be pulled back even if he becomes a resentful spirit?"

He was slightly stunned, and changes had already occurred around him.

He and Wei Mingtian returned to the underground secret room under the influence of an inexplicable force.

Before Lin Yi could take a closer look, he was pulled by a force and fell towards his body.

At this time, Wei Mingtian and Wan Mingyuan also fell into their bodies.

As soon as Lin Yi returned to his body, he immediately turned over and sat up, picked up Wei Mingtian in a flash, and put him on his bed.

At this time, Wan Mingyuan sat up in a flash, his dark eyes without a trace of white, looking at Lin Yi with a terrifying look.

Countless resentments rushed out of his body crazily, causing his body to change rapidly.

The black nails grew from the fingertips with blood, the skin quickly turned pale, and the blood turned black.

One by one, blue-black blood vessels appeared under the pale flesh.

All this took only a few seconds, and then he looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry to attack, as his fighting power was not afraid of Wan Mingyuan.

Even if the opponent changed, he was only at the top level, and he could be suppressed with a backhand.

At this time, Wan Mingyuan's transformation was over, and he had completely turned into a weird monster.

Although he still had a human form, he was no longer a human.

After the transformation was completed, Wan Mingyuan rushed towards Lin Yi frantically.

His claws instinctively grabbed Lin Yi's head, wanting to tear him apart.

However, the earth-suppressing seal in Lin Yi's arms flashed, and he jumped out like a bolt of lightning.

Indistinctly, an illusory image of a vast land emerged outside it, and mysterious forces were drawn in the surrounding void.

It rushed towards Wan Mingyuan's head with a sapphire-gold light.

The speed of the Earth Seal obviously exceeded Wan Mingyuan's reaction speed.

With a muffled sound, his head was smashed by a piece of light, like tofu pudding.

Then his body fell from mid-air and landed heavily on the ground.

He twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Lin Yi looked at his body, and his heart moved. The power of the strange magic cube spread around.

In a short time, the body was completely swallowed, and the basement became very clean.

Through the spiritual connection, Lin Yi could feel that after swallowing Wan Mingyuan's body.

The strange magic cube seemed to have grown a little.

"It's finally over. I gained a lot this time."

He turned his head and looked at Wei Mingtian who was sleeping soundly, and a green light flashed in his eyes.

A layer of faint black air still covered his head, so he was unconscious.

"Does the power of the red-clothed kid remain?"

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi moved Wei Mingtian out of the underground secret room and returned to his bedroom.

Then he called Old Wei.


"Hello, Mr. Lin? Is the matter resolved?"

Lin Yi nodded, "Resolved, come and pick him up."

Looking at the clock on the wall, it had been about two hours since he entered the basement.

"Is the time synchronized? I've only been in Hongyue Village for about an hour."

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