The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1349: Spread and Jump (Second Update)

Brandy's voice showed a hint of trembling, "I can't move my hands."

Everyone looked at him, and Brandy's hand was fixed in the air at some point.

He tried hard to pull his arm back, but it was useless, as if his hand was embedded in the air.

Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

"You can't stay here any longer."

As he finished speaking, an orb spiritual weapon appeared in front of him, which they had used before.

With a wave of his hand, a ray of light flashed past Brandy's arm and cut it off directly.

Brandy felt the pain, but didn't say anything. He directly mobilized the magnetic field to quickly heal the wound.

There was a flash of light, and all the members of the House of Everything were included in the orb.

They hid themselves well, and only Lin Yi was left alive in the whole house.

As for other people on Earth, they have already left the Wanshiwuwu.

Especially after the last mission he released, this was what he did on purpose.

He always had a feeling that this time things would not end so simply, so he did not continue to resurrect the people on earth.

So far, he has resurrected 80% of the people on earth, but 20% are still sleeping.

Every day he resurrects people, he will use the title of savior, and load the true life interpretation for true life observation.

The true destiny of 80% of the resurrected people has been fully understood by him.

There are endless truths accumulated in his mind. From these endless truths, he is thinking about how to condense the ultimate life, which is an extremely difficult thing.

After bringing everyone in the House of Everything into his own spiritual level, Lin Yi's will was connected to the entire House of Everything.

The huge formation composed of hundreds of millions of spiritual patterns was under his control.

He can exert great power at every moment.

With the Wanshiwu as a unit, we can fight back against any force. Even the fluctuations in time and space can no longer easily affect this place.

Time passed by, and suddenly, a black arm appeared out of thin air in the Wanshi Room.

After this arm appeared, it grabbed Lin Yi straight away.

The other party came prepared.

But unfortunately, the moment it grabbed Lin Yi, Lin Yi had disappeared.

The black arm was empty, and a mysterious power fell on it.

This power seems to be able to directly erase all traces.

The upper half of the arm disappeared in an instant.

After being attacked, his arm suddenly shrank and disappeared.

At the same time, the Wanshiwu suddenly began to tremble and became blurry.

The next moment, he disappeared into the cave.

When it appeared again, it had arrived at another underground cave.

At the same time, various life-affirming effects still enveloped him.

Lin Yi emerged from the air, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

"The double protection of the safety point and the true life effect has been breached."

"It seems that the influence of this weird arm is getting more and more serious."

In his eyes, you could clearly see that time and space were somewhat frozen.

The air is condensed, including inside the Wanshiwu House, and there are also places where it condenses.

His eyes looked at a space in the All Things House, where a hole appeared.

It was during the move just now that this solidified space could not be taken away, causing a hole to appear in the space of Wanshiwu.

However, the rules of time and space quickly repaired this hole and filled it with other powers.

Lin Yi was not happy. This change would come to him sooner or later.

His eyes kept flickering, "No, something will happen if you continue to stay here."

"I'm going to a safer place."

"But now time and space are becoming more and more chaotic, becoming more and more unstretchable, and eventually everything will stop."

"By the way, there seems to be no such phenomenon in other coordinates of space and time."

"Maybe I can travel directly through it and hide in other coordinate points."

"Those times and spaces are things that have already happened, and there will be no new extensions."

"It just keeps repeating that moment."

"As long as I don't affect those things, I won't be affected by the power of time and space."

Thinking of this, he planned to give it a try.

In the Wanshi House, countless radiances of true life are shining.

The next moment, dozens of life lights seemed to lock onto something.

Immediately afterwards, Wansshiwu disappeared here.

When the House of All Things appeared again, it was near the abyss of despair.

But this is the time when the golden crowned one was at war with the mysterious being.

At this time, the war here is still going on, and terrifying fluctuations explode in the Abyss of Despair, destroying countless continents above the Abyss of Despair.

However, Lin Yi clearly felt that there was also a huge problem here.

Countless black arms also appeared at this coordinate point.

They spread from the coordinate point where the cave under the abyss was opened.

Once the living and the living dead here are caught, they will also be dragged to that coordinate point and become a member of countless arms.

It seems that the power of time and space cannot cause great harm to these arms.

Lin Yi hid cautiously. He could feel that this piece of time and space was also frantically repairing everything.

Suddenly, he frowned.

"It still doesn't work. The time and space here are also collapsing, and the time repair seems to be getting weaker and weaker."

"The entire present time and space are collapsing, not just the future "present" time and space."

A chill rose in his heart, "Do we have to go to the more distant past?"

"Unless I use the True Destiny, but I only have a moment of opportunity,"

"Once I travel to the past, if there is a slight change, or if it affects history, I am afraid it will be wiped out by time and space."

"The risk is no less than here."

"What should I do?"

Lin Yi's heart was anxious, and he felt that no matter what choice he made, it seemed to be a dead end.

For the first time, he smelled the breath of death.

"First, jump to the coordinate point that is further forward in the present time and space."

"Buy some time."

"The further forward, the more stable the time and space should be."

"The further back, the more coordinate points there are, and the more difficult it is to repair the time and space. This is a cumulative process."

The Wanshiwu began to jump, constantly approaching the more initial coordinate points of the present time and space.

He saw "history", which was all things that happened in the "present" time and space.

In a blink of an eye, he seemed to have advanced countless years, and finally came to the end of the "present" time and space.

He saw a huge death boundary, which was rapidly expanding in all directions.

A huge world was disintegrating in the death boundary.

That world had four pillars supporting the sky, which was clearly the Four Pillars Heaven.

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