The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1351 Breakthrough, Breakthrough (Second Update)

"Could it be that the power to break the past is something they discovered after sealing the source. Read"

"So they should also be planning to draw out the power of the source of this monster."

"But in the process, they discovered the plan of the past beings, so they took advantage of the situation and let them complete all this, while they just watched from the sidelines."

"Just control the progress of the entire plan, there is no need to do it yourself."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's heart became even more gloomy, "If all this is planned, then these crowns are too terrible. They have completed an offensive to destroy the past without doing anything."

He felt a huge net, and everyone was dancing on the net.

All actions, all plans, are just what others asked you to do.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi suppressed his inner conjecture.

He quietly waited, observed, and looked forward to the occurrence of variables.

At the same time, his eyes would look to the past from time to time.

His spirit pattern device and the spirit pattern system in the Wanshiwu are not lacking in the power to observe the past.

There is no change in the past at present.

Everything is something that has already happened and cannot be changed.

Even if those past beings knew what would happen in the future, they could not change what was destined.

Lin Yi sighed deeply, "This is really a dead end for those past beings."

"Their plan has completely failed."


Despair Abyss, the coordinate point where the monster appeared.

A huge black hole appeared at the bottom of the Despair Abyss.

More and more terrifying arms surged out of it, impacting the three rays of light in the sky of the Despair Abyss.

The arms continued to collapse, but they also continued to penetrate into the countless coordinate points of the death coordinates, capturing the living dead and the living.

A huge body seemed to be slowly crawling out of the cave, and it wanted to come to the time and space of the border of death.

It was a huge object composed of countless heads.

Those countless heads had countless faces, some of which were human and some were non-human.

Painful wails, desperate curses, angry roars, and trillions of voices were all permeated in it.

Each of these heads flashed the same power as the true destiny, but it had been completely distorted into something else.

This power is very strange and peculiar, similar to the true destiny but different in essence.

If you can break these heads, you will find that the true destiny in these heads has completely lost the form that the true destiny should have.

The original true destiny looks like a seed, but now these true destiny have become deformed and strange plants.

These strange plants twisted and expanded, extending one branch after another.

These countless branches are intertwined with each other, and seem to be connected again.

These countless branches extend a black wave, and countless arms are born from these heads.

And in the depths of this huge object, it seems that there is something else.

As long as it is an intelligent life, the moment it sees this monster, it will instinctively have an idea.

It will destroy everything, whether it is beautiful or ugly, or bad, evil, without exception.

In the sky of the abyss of despair, the thoughts of the three crowns are communicating with each other.

"Do you want to continue?" The golden crowner asked first.

"The barrier between the past and the present has not been completely opened yet. Wait a little longer."

The Silver Crowner replied calmly.

The Golden Crowner, whose face was hidden under the golden armor, frowned slightly.

"If this thing continues to be released, we may not be able to control it."

"Now he is still suppressed outside the barrier, it is relatively easy to deal with."

The blue crown said in a cold voice, "The barrier of the past is too huge, even we can't break it at once."

"We have stayed here for a long time."

"This thing has been suppressed for too long, and we need to release some of its power, otherwise it will be a huge consumption for us."

"It's just right to use its power to consume the past."

"We have to do it, otherwise we will be in danger."

"Only by integrating the past, present, and future can we truly transcend."

"Get rid of all restrictions."

"And you should also feel the foreshadowing left by the seven original true kings."

"They will never die so easily, they are waiting for us to reveal our flaws."

"This is a war where whoever strikes first will lose."

"We have no choice."

"Even if most of the death border is destroyed, it doesn't matter."

The blue crown seemed very determined in his approach.

The golden crown thought about it and finally fell silent.

"Okay, everything will go according to the original plan."

"Just hope that no other changes will occur."

"After all, besides us and the seven true kings, there are also some hunters watching all this..."

The three crowners seemed to have thought of something, and their naked eyes became more and more gloomy.

The golden, silver and blue light was like a huge millstone, covering almost 95% of the space above the abyss of despair.

Only the 5% gap allowed these countless arms to drill out.

It seemed that this was a failed interception, but everything was still under their control.


In some battlefields of the Death Border, a large number of living dead disappeared out of thin air.

That was the result of them being eliminated by the arm in the earlier coordinate points, which directly affected all the coordinate points after that.

In huge palace-like buildings.

Some past existences sat quietly in the most secret places of these palaces.

But only their bodies were left here, and their consciousness seemed to have left.

In the Death Border, there is an illusory and erratic point on a piece of operating rules.

At this time, a huge consciousness space has been formed inside this point.

One after another, the figures outside the consciousness appeared here.

This place has become a super-large venue, densely packed, countless figures appeared here.

Among them, Wang Donglai's figure is located in the center of the entire venue.

His thoughts are remembered in everyone's mind.

"Everyone, our plan has been successful for the time being."

"The death border is about to be destroyed."

"The future and the present will disappear, and the past will also be affected."

"The barrier between the present and the past will be broken, and the final conflict will break out."

"This means that time and space will also collapse, and we will be freed from the network of time and space and the predetermined fate."

"At this point, our covenant has officially ended. Whether you can escape from everything that has been predetermined depends on your own ability."

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