The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1364: Glimpse, Tragedy (First Update)

The power of the True Destiny Solution, with the blessing of the title Savior, was raised to an infinite level.

His eyes crossed countless distances and fell directly on the mysterious gray mist figure.

The next moment, his eyes seemed to see through everything.

Every corner of the decayed existence was captured by him, countless information poured into his mind, and he saw many, many pictures.

Even more distant and incredible pictures.

The power of the title Savior slowly disappeared after a moment.

Taking a deep breath, a trace of solemnity flashed in Lin Yi's eyes.

He already knew what that thing was.

"It's incredible, it's the remnant left over from the last era."

"They have survived until now."

"I didn't expect that there was an ancient era before the torrent of time and space."

"The era of chaos."

Through the True Destiny Solution, he saw a lot of information that he didn't know in the past.

Some mysterious beings were born in the chaos, and they were born in charge of the Extreme True Destiny.

But their number is not large, only 800.

That era was an era without any reason, only chaos.

They fought and killed each other, gradually understood everything in the battle, and grew up with super wisdom.

The so-called seven original true kings were also born at that time.

In countless fights, they united together and finally won with invincible power.

They used the corpses of the strong men of that era and their extreme true destiny to merge their own power.

They constructed the illusory wilderness, the real land, and the four pillars of heaven, and gave birth to the characteristics of time and space. Gradually, the torrent of time and space began to appear.

Everything became colorful, everything began to develop, and a torrent flowed to the infinite future.

Whenever the present determines the direction, other parallel time and space will disappear, merge into the present, and become the past.

An eternal network of destiny binds all life in the torrent of time and space.

Only the existence of the extreme true destiny can transcend it.

But for countless years, no one has ever achieved it.

Among the strong men who were killed, there are several mysterious existences who have left a chance of resurrection by chance.

Because the time-space torrent was constructed by their corpses, the marks in their corpses naturally flowed into the bodies of some lives as the time-space torrent developed.

They quietly replaced the original lives in the dark, hiding in the depths of the original lives' souls, quietly waiting for the turning point to come.

There was only one time-space torrent in the past, but now there are countless choices, and the future is also countless.

The result is that the future is full of uncertainty.

This uncertainty seems to have produced some weird defects.

It caused some mysterious existence to appear in the future time and space, and they were called Crowners.

There are three Crowners in total, and they seem to have caused some unknown changes at a certain moment.

The future collapsed directly, and countless futures collapsed into a dark world, which was controlled by the Crowners, that is, the death boundary.

The death boundary swallowed up all the future and turned it into a special state with only the present time.

After the Crowners swallowed up the future and the present, they also wanted to swallow up the past, so as to completely control everything.

This attracted the attention of the original seven true kings, and also attracted the attention of these debris.

They immediately realized that this was their best chance to get rid of the shackles of the time-space torrent.

So they quietly spread the method of consciousness projection, which permeated every time and space in the past.

Countless people whose fates were already determined saw a new possibility, the possibility of transcending the constraints of fate and death.

They projected one by one, and their consciousness entered the boundary of death, where it was not affected by the past time and space.

Their careful plan, everything was originally to break the past time and space and free themselves from their own destiny.

But what they didn't know was that when the past was broken, the survivors of these wreckage could wake up again.

Now these corrupted people seemed to be integrated into one, and they could even use their original extreme destiny.

He even saw that they could regain their past power by devouring the existence that was free from the constraints of time and space.

Suddenly seeing so many conspiracies and hidden information, Lin Yi was also a little shocked.

All of this was almost a destined result from the beginning of the condensation of the torrent of time and space.

"It turns out that this is an imperfect time and space."

"The future will actually give birth to an inexplicable existence due to uncertainty and devour everything."

"Then what is that thing under the abyss of despair?"

"Is it the devoured future? A monster formed by countless true powerful people?"

Lin Yi fell into thinking, and the City of True Destiny and the mysterious corrupted one were constantly approaching the end of time.

However, they would also spend a lot of time to reach the place where the Wanshi House was located.

This is a race destined to race against time.

The escape is constantly taking place, with cracks constantly appearing in the torrent of time and space.

One after another, figures rushed out of the cracks.

They were powerful people who got rid of the constraints of time and space one after another.

Some people were swallowed by the death boundary the moment they appeared.

Some people were attacked by the mysterious debris the moment they appeared, and were swept into it and swallowed up.

After the other part appears, it will receive information from the City of True Destiny and quickly approach the City of True Destiny.

The Death Border, the Decayed, and the City of True Destiny are all constantly collecting those who escaped.

This is destined to be a cruel struggle for survival. In this almost unimaginable disaster, even the King of True Destiny seems to be extremely weak.

Lin Yi looked at the tragic scene in the distance, shook his head slightly, and then his mind connected the entire Wanshiwu.

The Wanshiwu moved faster, bringing a stream of light, heading towards the end of time.

The disaster is spreading, and where the Death Border is spreading, pieces of fragments of the space-time torrent collapse and fall into the Death Border under the influence of huge gravity.

The Death Border is expanding at a geometric speed, and the three crowners stand at the center of the Death Border.

Standing on the abyss of despair, they seem to be very happy to watch all this quietly.

A hint of joy permeates them.

"Hehe, we won in the end."

"There is only one chance in this era."

"Is it destined to belong to us?"

The golden crowner slowly said something.

The other two crowners nodded slightly and looked at the land at the border of death.

On the battlefield, countless living dead were fighting frantically, and their elimination speed was getting faster and faster.

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