The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 140: Shock, News (Fourth Update)

"Store manager, you didn't sleep last night?"

Lin Yi glanced at him and said, "Come here, I will introduce you to a new person today."

"Newcomer?" Brandy showed a hint of surprise in her eyes and walked over quickly.

Looking at the exotic absinthe, Brandy became more and more surprised, "Is he a mixed race, a barbarian?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "No, but it's almost the same. But let me tell you in advance, his name is Absinthe."

"Not a human being."

"Not a human?" Brandy's expression changed drastically. He looked at Absinthe in horror and backed away three meters away.

His face turned pale, he crossed his arms across his chest, he was very alert, his eyes looked around, staring at the absinthe, "Manager, don't scare me."

Looking at Brandy who was as frightened as a quail, Lin Yi rolled his eyes and said, "You need to exercise your courage."

"Don't worry, he is under my control. I have given him orders. He will obey your orders completely."

"From today on, he is the waiter in the store, and you are his boss."

"Don't worry about him attacking you yet. If he does, he'll die."

"Don't worry, just use him to your heart's content."

"Now get me a breakfast. I want to rest after eating."

Brandy's expression changed after hearing this, and in the end he could only stare at the absinthe cautiously before entering the bar and starting to prepare Lin Yi's breakfast.

Absinthe looked at Brandy with a weird smile on his face.

He found that Brandy seemed to be very afraid of him, and he felt as if he had found a way to vent his anger.

With a weird smile, he walked towards the bar.

Jumping up and down like a lively boy, he came behind the bar and looked at the brandy.

"Mr. Brandy, what do you need me to do?"

At this time, Brandy looked at Absinthe, who was walking towards him with a strange smile on his face, and his expression changed.

"Stand there and don't come near me."

Along with his roar, Absinthe stopped at the bar and looked at Brandy with an even weirder and distorted smile on his face.

"Mr. Brandy, what are you afraid of? I won't eat you."

The low tone was full of inexplicable terror.

Brandy felt as if he was being stared at by some kind of wild beast, and a kind of coldness rose up from his back.

But Absinthe obeyed his order and stopped moving closer, so he breathed a little.

After a while, Brandy finished a breakfast and placed it on the plate on the bar.

He glanced at Absinthe, who had been standing at the entrance of the bar, and his expression changed slightly.

"Is this guy sick? He keeps watching what I do."

Goosebumps rose up all over his body, "Doesn't this guy have any special hobbies?"

Thinking of this, his complexion became very ugly again, as if he had eaten a fly.

Turning to Absinthe, "Bring the food to the store manager, be careful not to knock it over."

Absinthe's expression was weird and twisted, and he smiled slightly, "Okay, Mr. Brandy."

With that said, Absinthe walked towards the bar, brought Lin Yi's breakfast and came to him.


With a crisp sound, breakfast was placed heavily in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi glanced at him, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Brandy, your task today is to give him all the etiquette in the store."

"Remember, as long as you say it, he will do it, and he will do it well."

Lin Yi saw anger in Absinthe's eyes, but for this kind of resentful spirit with certain mental flaws.

You must constantly stimulate him like an eagle to make him obey.

Brandy nodded blankly when he heard this, and then said, "Okay, store manager."

Then Brandy started to make his own breakfast.

A strong fragrance hit his face, and Lin Yi looked at today's breakfast.

Fried hash browns, baked beef patties, fresh salad, a glass of pure milk and half-boiled fried eggs.

A nutritious breakfast made him hungry.

At this time, Brandy turned on the TV in the lobby, which was playing the morning news.

"Yesterday, another suicide incident occurred in this city by falling from a high-rise building."

"The deceased was a young woman, about 20 years old. This is the fifth suicide case in this city."

"Witnesses once again confirmed that when the suicidal man jumped from the building, a figure seemed to appear at the scene of the incident."

"The official has entered the stage of investigation and evidence collection."

"The serial murder case of women in this city has been solved. The official has caught the murderer. It was a perverted man who suffered violence when he was young."

"The man's surname is Zhang Mingming. He is 23 years old, 4 meters tall, and suffers from dwarfism. He lived with his mother when he was young."

"His mother is a single mother, and because Zhang Ming was born with dwarfism, she suffered discrimination from her surroundings."

"Zhang Ming was also treated coldly by his mother."

"Later Zhang Ming's mother fell ill and died, causing Zhang Ming to become an idle member of society."

"The long-term psychological distortion caused him to be filled with hatred for all women, which triggered those serial murders."

"This person has been sent to a mental hospital and will be heard by the court on a later date."

"Yesterday, the city's third missing person case occurred at an amusement park in the East District. The missing person was a young man."

The scene turned, and two middle-aged men and women in their forties appeared in the camera. They were seen explaining to the reporter with pain on their faces.

"Our son is only in college. He went to the amusement park yesterday and did not come back. We called the police and investigated the surveillance."

"My son went to the amusement park. There are only pictures of him going in, but not coming out."

"I heard that this is the third case in this amusement park."

"Please help us. If anyone can help us find our son, we will definitely reward him handsomely."

"We only have this one son. Please, if anyone has any news, please tell us."

The parents were very eager to ask for help from everyone in front of the camera.

Looking at the various cases broadcast in the news, there were at least six completely different cases in Honglian City.

As for the serial female murder case reported in it, Lin Yi shook his head.

He knew that this was pushed out to take the blame. The murderer was definitely not a human, but some kind of vengeful spirit or strange existence.

But he was more inclined to a strange existence because he had fought with the existence in the black fog.

That kind of feeling and power was not what a vengeful spirit should have.

Ring, ring, ring

The sound of the reception room sounded, and the door of the Wanshiwu was pushed open.

The door of the Wanshiwu is still bloody, but other people seem to have no feeling at all.

Or in their eyes, the Wanshiwu is still the same as before, at least Brandy did not raise any objections.

Lin Yi was a little surprised, as if only he could see the changes in the Wanshiwu.

Lin Yi remained calm, and a young man came in.

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