The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 147: Escape, Ambush (3rd update)

"Boss, it's bad. Those two are destroying the wall and forcing their way in. They are moving towards the exit."

Wu Changqing stood in the middle of the maze. He originally thought that with the help of the Punisher Team, the problem would be solved quickly.

As long as he could drag on for two days, his own plan could be implemented. He would not care even if someone discovered the problem here.

But now it seems that the two people who came in are obviously not simple. Although the wall here is just a brick wall, it is impossible for ordinary people to break it.

At least it takes the top level to break it. Thinking of this, he looked a little surprised.

"Is it that they are here to cause trouble? Has the news been leaked?"

"Is it those competitors in the organization?"

Thinking of this, his face changed slightly, and he no longer hesitated.

He took a step onto the green maze sand table, and the dark green power rose up and instantly injected into the sand table.

The next moment, the vast dark green light spread towards the maze.

The green silk thread that had originally penetrated deep into the maze grew at an astonishing speed, spreading toward the walls, ground, and ceiling of the maze.

An invisible dark green wave rushed to the back of Zhuang Wuming and Ai Qing at an astonishing speed.

They had just passed through the wall that was broken by Lin Yi, and a strange change occurred.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the hole behind him, his face condensed, revealing a trace of solemnity.

He saw a dark green wave rushing towards him, and instantly swept him and Ai Qing away.

Then he felt a familiar power, "Is this a strange power?"

Then a scene that made his scalp tingle happened.

Countless dark green silk threads quickly appeared on the walls of the maze around.

The walls that he had just broken through all spread out countless dark green silk threads, quickly repairing all the broken walls.

A dark green wall appeared behind the two, and this kind of dark green was still expanding.

The most terrifying thing was that Lin Yi discovered that the silk threads in the maze walls were absorbing the resentment in the air.

Wisps of resentment rushed into these threads, and the speed of the threads' expansion continued to increase.

He immediately realized that something was wrong. This underground palace seemed to be assimilated by some strange power.

He couldn't help but think of something - a strange illusion.

"Damn, I can't be so unlucky."

"I wonder why it's so familiar. This is the breath of a strange illusion."

Lin Yi's face changed, but his heart tightened, and he looked at Ai Qing on the side.

Although he also saw the changes, he had no idea what happened.

"We have to move faster, big changes are starting to happen here."

Lin Yi's eyes swept across his wrist, where the bracelet was so dazzling.

"By the way, throw this thing away."

He took off his bracelet and threw it on the ground.

Ai Qing also reacted. This bracelet can be located, which means that their position has been exposed to others' sight.

After throwing away the bracelet, the two quickly left the place.

At the same time, Lin Yi's eyes flashed with green light, and he grabbed the wall casually.


He grabbed a piece of stone, and there were dark green threads connecting the stone, which made the stone always connected to the wall and difficult to pull out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's hands flashed with a cyan-gold light, and the dark green threads began to emit black smoke.

The next moment, it broke apart. Lin Yi clenched his right hand hard, and the wall fragments in his hand turned into more than a dozen pieces.

He picked up a small piece of debris with his left hand and threw it at a monitor on the top of the wall.

The stone wrapped in essence was powerful.


The monitor was destroyed instantly.

Lin Yi and Ai Qing destroyed the monitor while walking, and he still followed the path he originally came from.

As long as he encountered obstacles, he would do his best to destroy the wall and then rush over.

Because of the power of the spiritual wave, he could easily tear those stubborn threads.

Wu Changqing placed his hands on the maze sand table, and countless dark green lights merged into the sand table, and he seemed to be integrated with the sand table.

He felt the situation of the maze and saw Lin Yi's destruction of the maze wall.

A trace of anger appeared in his heart, "Damn, who is this guy?"

At this time, his Punisher team was less than a few hundred meters away from Lin Yi and the others.

"It seems that we have to make some sacrifices."

Thinking of this, a dark green light rose from the ground and enveloped the Punisher team.

The leader of the Punisher team, Scar Man, changed his face. They naturally saw the changes here.

The sudden appearance of the light startled him and he was about to resist.

But a voice appeared in their ears, "I am Wu Changqing, don't resist, I will send you to the target location."

Hearing the boss's voice, Scar Man and his team members did not dare to move immediately.

The next moment, a dazzling distorted light flashed, and they appeared in front of the passage where Lin Yi and Ai Qing were moving forward.

As long as Lin Yi and Ai Qing turned a circle, they would see them.

The moment they appeared here, Scar Man and his team were all upset.

Obviously, this mysterious space transmission is not a good thing.

It took them a few seconds to come back to their senses, and then Wu Changqing's voice appeared in their ears.

"The target is at the fork in the road ahead of you. They will come out from here in a few dozen meters. Be prepared to attack."

"The people coming are at least peak warriors, two in total."

The scarred man nodded, "Yes, boss."

Lin Yi and Ai Qing were heading for the fork in the road, and they rushed out of the fork in the road.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with green light, observing everything, and his pupils shrank.

Five figures appeared on the left, and the sense of danger instantly enveloped him.

Without any hesitation, the whole body's "Vajra Seal" instantly operated to the extreme.

With both hands, he made two fearless seals, and at the same time, he swung his left arm and hit Ai Qing.

Ai Qing was like being hit by a cannonball, flying backwards and crashing into the passage he came from.

And Lin Yi shrank his body, protecting his front body with both hands, and facing the left direction.

Bang bang bang

Muffled gunshots rang out, and Lin Yi could feel five bullets accurately falling on him.

The huge impact made his whole body shake, and at the same time, five holes appeared in the clothes on his arms and legs.

However, Lin Yi was not injured. The Vajra Seal covered his whole body. The function of this seal was to turn the essence into a tight structure that could defend against various impacts.

Secondly, under his clothes, he was wearing a tactical suit, which was specially designed to defend against hot weapons.

No one knew the horror of hot weapons better than him. The current power of Red Lotus Realm weapons could only be compared to that of Earth during World War II.

Although there were no terrifying weapons like atomic bombs, they were also irresistible to humans.

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