The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 181 Sheepskin, Phone (First Update)

"By the way, Zhang Tianlin is dead now. Mr. Lin, are you interested in taking over her mission?"

Lin Yi thought for a moment, "Her case directly caused her death, which means that the danger of this mission is beyond imagination."

"Three Lingyuan Pills in a bottle are definitely not enough."

"Unless you can come up with something that makes me excited, I won't take this mission."

Huang Yiming frowned when he heard this, and then said, "Okay, I'll report to the higher-ups."

Lin Yi hung up the phone, thought of Zhang Tianlin, and shook his head.

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I just saw him this morning, and he died in the evening.

This change is too fast, and it can be foreseen that the danger in the hands of the other party is absolutely extraordinary.

It can't even let a master of the human immortal way escape, which shows how dangerous it is.

Although Lin Yi loves money, he also cherishes his life and will not take risks casually.

"But it happened in Lan Kwai Fong. Did something happen there again?"

In the north of the city, five strange and weird figures appeared in the dark.

They were chewing something in five slum rooms, blood filled the room, and the smell of blood filled the entire space.

There were more than a dozen highly rotten corpses piled up in the room, which was obviously the result of their work in the past few days.

People disappear in the slums every day, and dozens of people will not even cause a ripple.

There are more than 300,000 poor people here, and no one cares about their life or death.

The empire is also a world of capital, full of the cruelty of the law of the jungle.

These five twisted corpses are becoming more and more like humans, with pale skin, no longer rotting, and their bodies gradually turning into human shapes.

They are all corpses sealed in cement in the dark river, and the original corpses have long been in tatters.

Although they climbed out of the dark river and cement under the influence of the weird power and gained strength, their bodies did not change.

After a few days of flesh and blood, they began to become more like humans.

There was coldness in his eyes, without human wisdom, but full of a mechanical instinct-like pattern.

Every move became like a human.

Their faces began to wear strange smiles, and strange black air permeated around them, entangled them, and a piece of black clothes was worn on them.

A very strange change, five figures wearing uniform uniforms, like funeral personnel.

No communication, no sound.

They slowly walked out of this slum and disappeared into the night.

Lin Yi left the data storage building of the Transportation Bureau and returned to the Wanshiwu.

Looking at the time, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Tonight, the Wanshiwu was very peaceful, nothing happened, and no alien beings came.

Lin Yi, who had worked hard all day, looked at the time, "It is likely that I can't sleep well, so I'd better practice."

Turning over to bed, Lin Yi began to practice "Yiling Sutra" and "Mighty Vajra Seal Method".

The essence and spiritual waves slowly circulated in his body, making him fall into a deep state of meditation.

In the red door of the Wanshiwu, a yellow parchment gently fell to the ground.

There were unknown words written on it, and there were some blood stains on the parchment.

An illusory figure appeared here, and the strange child took the parchment in his hand with an indifferent look.

He slowly floated towards Lin Yi and gently stuffed the parchment under the bedroom door.

At the same time, he passed through the door, picked up the parchment from the ground, and put it in front of Lin Yi's desk in a few steps.

After doing everything, he quietly disappeared in the bedroom.

Lin Yi did not wake up. He was immersed in cultivation. Only danger would alarm him.

Time passed in a blink of an eye and it was the next day. With the crowing of the rooster, Lin Yi woke up.

He stretched his body. A night of hard practice restored him to his peak state.

His eyes swept across the desk next to him, frowned, and a yellow parchment appeared in his sight.

A message came from the strange child, and Lin Yi immediately knew what had happened.

"Is it the gate formed by the power of the wish shrine? Parchment from an unknown land."

"I don't know what's written on it."

Lin Yi stood up and walked over, stretched out his hand and picked up the parchment, which had unknown words on it.

At this time, the wish shrine in the lobby emitted a mysterious and strange power.

The information on the parchment was directly reflected in Lin Yi's mind.

"Hey, there is also a translation function?"

As the information flowed in, Lin Yi already knew what was going on.

"God, please save me."

"I really can't hold on anymore, it's so painful, I'm willing to give everything I have."

"Pray for your mercy and let me be free from this eternal pain."

"I sincerely regret all the sins I have committed in the past."

"God, please forgive me and save me."

The bloody words on the parchment were obviously written in blood by this person.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, "A sinner? A letter asking God for help?"

"Strange, looking at the writer, it seems that he is sure of the existence of God, so he prays."

"Or, is there a being who can be called God in the place where this writer is located?"

"Save him? He seems to be imprisoned somewhere, or suffering from some kind of pain."

"Then should I try to communicate with him in the name of God?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi thought for a while, "Give away everything you have?"

"A free laborer, a new clerk, seems not bad."

"You can give it a try, but you have to figure out the situation on the other side first."

"Lin Yi took out a pen and began to write a few words on this parchment."

"I'm not a god, but I can make a deal with you and let you go."

"But the premise is that you can pay me something and tell me what happened to you."

After writing, Lin Yi put down the pen.

He said to the strange child who had appeared next to him at some point.

"Throw it into the red gate at night."

The strange child nodded. He had a certain amount of wisdom, but he couldn't speak.

Lin Yi got up and went to the hall. The fragrant breakfast was ready.

Brandy and absinthe obviously got up early today and prepared everything.

While enjoying each meal, the news began to broadcast.

"At 5 a.m. today, a large number of bodies were found near the Blue River slum."

"These bodies were highly decomposed and piled up in a bungalow. Gnawing marks were found on the bodies."

"The police have now blocked the scene and experts are conducting an on-site investigation."

"This newspaper will continue to follow up."

"At 30 a.m. today, a girl jumped from the building in the World Capital Building."

"Similar to the jumping case a few days ago, the authorities are investigating."

"It seems that this case is not a suicide case as initially inferred."

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