The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 200: Nourishing and Luck (3rd update)

After eating a pound of steak, Lin Yi found that he didn't feel full at all.

After a slight feeling, his stomach had actually digested all the steak he had swallowed.

The intestines and stomach were moving violently, quickly squeezing out all the nutrients from the steak.

Lin Yi was also very surprised when he saw this scene, "This is a bit amazing."

"Can the body's changes reach such an astonishing level?"

In his mind, Lin Yi had a completely new understanding of the techniques at the Human Immortal Dao level.

"This is simply evolving into a superhuman being."

The Wanshiwu House is very peaceful at night, filled with a faint eerie atmosphere.

Lin Yi sat on his own sofa, enjoying the second delicious meal he had prepared, which was another kilogram of black pepper steak.

His body is recovering rapidly, and the "Aoki Kungjin Immortal Way" is running rapidly in his body.

The majestic vitality constantly repaired his cell damage.

One cell after another rapidly divided and proliferated, allowing his seemingly thin body to gradually recover.

This is an incredible phenomenon, and he has gradually moved in a completely inhuman direction.

At this moment, Lin Yi's expression suddenly hardened, and a piece of parchment floated out from the red door.

The strange child appeared in front of the parchment at this time.

He gently caught the parchment and placed it respectfully in front of Lin Yi.

Holding the parchment, Lin Yi glanced at it and understood what it was saying.

"Whether you are a god or not, I am willing to give you everything I have to get me out of here."

"I am in a prison, and the guards here use torture on me every day."

"I don't know what they are, but what I know for sure is that they are not human."

"Please help me."

On the parchment were unknown words, still written in blood.

But Lin Yi was able to understand the meaning of this text through the power of the wish shrine.

Lin Yi looked at the parchment, the light of true destiny flashing in his eyes. He was carefully observing the condition of the parchment.

A dense mass of resentment covered the parchment.

Through the concentration of resentment, Lin Yi quickly sensed a hint of human-immortal level power.

He frowned slightly, "This is something at the level of human immortality. This blood looks like human blood."

"But the blood seems to be the breath of different humans."

"Haha, it's really interesting."

"Is it a trap? Do these beings who issue wishes like to do this trick so much?"

With a cold smile on his lips, Ji Yi picked up the pen and wrote a few words at the end of the parchment.

"I can save you from the sea of ​​misery, but you have to become my slave forever."

After finishing writing, Lin Yi threw the parchment to the weird child.

The weird child walked up to the red door with the parchment and threw it in.

Seeing the parchment disappear instantly after touching the red door, Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of thought.

"Can the door affected by the power of the wishing shrine be physically transmitted?"

"Maybe I can descend directly to the opposite world?"

With this thought flashing through his mind, Lin Yi made a decision.

Back in his bedroom, Lin Yi began to practice the "Foreign Spirit Sutra".

His spirit slowly fell into tranquility, and he saw the deepest part of his soul, where a mysterious scripture shone with green light.

At this time, it had opened two pages, and Lin Yi could see that the third page was looming.

But for some unknown reason, it never fully emerged.

"Is there a third page of the "Foreign Spiritual Sutra"? Are there other divine seals and true destiny?"

"But on this third page, it seems that there are some conditions that I need to meet before it will emerge."

Countless thoughts came to Lin Yi's mind, and in the end he had no choice but to give up.

He knew so little about the "Book of Strange Spirits" that he didn't even know where this mysterious scripture came from.

There was nothing to say all night, and the second day came in the blink of an eye.

Lin Yi, who got up early, turned on the TV and was watching today's morning news in the hall.

"Yesterday's latest news is that a mysterious disaster broke out in Bailin City, the provincial capital of Southeast China, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths."

"Bailin City announced its closure yesterday morning."


Lin Yi was very surprised when he saw this message. He didn't expect that a mysterious disaster would break out.

This is the first time he has heard of such a thing after being in this world for so long.

"Is it the impact of the second world change?"

Lin Yi continued to watch the news, the content stunned him.

"The latest news is that 10 members of Congress died unexpectedly yesterday."

"Member Zhang Binglin died in an accidental car accident."

"Member Wu Donglai died in a sudden fire while resting at home at night."

"Congressman Zhou Mingquan accidentally got his trachea stuck during dinner, and he died of suffocation on the way to the hospital."

Next, the deaths of a total of 10 congressmen were broadcast continuously.

When Lin Yi heard these reports, his first reaction was - absolutely impossible.

It is impossible for all 10 members of Congress to encounter accidents in one night.

At this time, Brandy and Bitters walked out of the corridor.

His expression was very exaggerated, "Store manager, have you read the news?"

"Ten congressmen died last night, and all of them were accidental deaths. This is simply unscientific."

Lin Yi nodded, "Did I just see this?"

"It's really amazing. This incident will probably attract countless attention."

The morning news continued to play the news, "The Honglian City Police Department has formed a special task force and is investigating these 10 accidents."

"Determine whether these 10 cases are really accidents or premeditated murders."

At this time, Brandy's voice exclaimed, "Manager, look at the Youth Forum."

"Someone above said that this incident was caused by Prime Minister Donggong Taiyu."

"What? Prime Minister? What the hell is this?"

With a head full of question marks, Lin Yi opened his phone and entered the Youth Forum APP.

After a careful look, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes, and a large red word appeared in his eyes.

"Donggong Taiyu is unworthy of his position, causing the members of his faction to encounter unexpected dangers."

Lin Yi became interested and clicked into the post to take a look. He saw thousands of words written in it.

After a careful look, Lin Yi understood what it was talking about.

According to this post, Donggong Taiyu, as the prime minister of the Red Lotus Empire, has a status equivalent to that of an ancient emperor.

The emperor has his own Feng Shui luck, and the so-called instrument of the country belongs to the virtuous.

What is virtue? Feng Shui luck, favored by heaven and earth.

If such a person becomes an emperor, everything will go smoothly, and he can turn misfortune into good fortune, and any political views can be smoothly implemented.

This is the power of the emperor.

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