The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 262 Be alert and go (first update)

A ball of pitch-black flame burst out from his sleeves, covering the flesh and blood.

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In a faint burning sound, the flesh and blood were burned to ashes.

At this time, a breeze blew, and the ashes drifted away and disappeared on the road to the cemetery.

After Tongshenzi did all this, his figure flashed and disappeared from here again.

In the tomb of Taizu of the Dayu Dynasty, Xingyuezi looked at Honglianke who walked in with a confused face, and a hint of understanding appeared in his eyes.

"The senior is really amazing. He solved them so quickly."

A ball of black light flashed in from the passage and then turned into Tongshenzi.

He looked at Xingyuezi, "Are the people needed gathered?"

"Including the people who set up the net today, there are a total of 13 royal families from the previous dynasty, and the bloodline has been gathered."

"We can start planning."

Tongshenzi nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, I noticed someone was peeping just now, do you have any information?"

Xingyuezi nodded, "Someone just entered the tomb."

"And attacked the captured people, so I was alarmed."

"After I went out, I found this fat man and the other two immortal masters?"

"But after a fight, I found that the people who attacked were not the two of them, there was a fourth person."

"But this person hid very well, I didn't catch anyone A breath of air."

"Did Senior Tongshenzi meet him?"

"When I killed one of the immortal masters, I noticed someone peeping."

"But when I searched carefully, he was gone."

"Although I don't know which side of the force it is, this matter can't be delayed any longer."

"Now that we have gathered the people, let's get started."

"Start today."

"You leave here first, leave it to me, the Prime Minister can't see your existence, otherwise he will be suspicious."

Xingyuezi nodded slightly, "Yes, senior."

"I'll go and arrange it first, you can leave after you arrange it here."

After saying that, Tongshenzi didn't wait for Xingyuezi to reply, and turned into a black light and disappeared here.

Xingyuezi slowly walked down from the high platform and quickly disappeared into the tomb along the passage.

Lin Yi had already left the royal cemetery, and he didn't know what happened here.

But it is certain that a mysterious conspiracy is going on here.

He felt that this conspiracy was related to the bloodline of the previous dynasty and was very dangerous. If he intervened rashly, he might bring him unbearable threats.

He chose to leave directly and did not intend to intervene. He even called Lao Wei.


"Mr. Lin, it's so late, is there something wrong?"

"Cancel all the information I asked you to release tomorrow, and don't let anyone know that you are investigating the Honglianke family."

Lao Wei was sharp and noticed something, "Is there danger?"

"Unpredictable danger, so you must be very careful."

"I feel that things will not be simple. You'd better go out and hide for a few days immediately."

"It's better to be careful."

Lao Wei nodded, "I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yi thought of the task he had taken from Sakuramiya Shirley, frowned, and then dialed the phone.

"Lin Yi, calling so late, do you have any news?"

"Can I come to your house now? I have something to talk to you about."

"Can't talk on the phone?"

"I'm afraid of being monitored."

Sakuramiya Shirley looked serious. Obviously, what did Lin Yi's words remind her of?

"The disappearance is related to the authorities?" This thought flashed through her mind, and she was a little bit unconvinced.

But after a little consideration, she said to the phone, "Come on, I'll send you the address."

It was already around 11 o'clock in the evening, and there were almost no people on the street.

There were even fewer people on the road from the suburbs to the city.

Lin Yi stepped forward, his feet covered with golden light, and the speed seal was running to the limit, running towards the city.

About 10 minutes later, he had arrived at the main street of the East City of Honglian City.

He entered the address of the Honglian mansion on the mobile navigation and began to move quickly towards there.

The figure was like a phantom, leaping across the street.

Each flash was a distance of more than ten meters, as if shrinking the earth into an inch.

The mansion of the Sakura Palace family was in the East City, but in 10 minutes he had arrived at the gate of the mansion.

After ringing the doorbell, a voice sounded on the video device in front of the gate.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?"

This was an old voice, obviously a person like a butler.

"I'm looking for Sakuramiya Shirley. I have an appointment."

"Okay, please wait a moment. I need to verify it."

A minute later, the gate slowly opened, and a long road extended to the inside.

Lin Yi walked in, and along the asphalt road, he soon came to a huge white mansion.

At this time, there were luxury cars parked in the yard in front of the gate, and a group of waiters in uniforms stood in front of the gate.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi was a little dumbfounded, and was confused, "Are you having a party?"

Just when Lin Yi was a little confused, an old man walked out of the gate of the mansion.

The man was wearing a black butler suit, with neat makeup, and came to Lin Yi.

"Sir, please follow me, the lady is waiting for you in the side hall."

Lin Yi nodded and walked into the gate of the mansion under the guidance of the housekeeper.

The lobby of the mansion is large enough, with reception staff, and there is a sofa for waiting by the window next to it.

There are two winding stairs leading to the second floor on the left and right of the lobby.

At the end of the lobby on the first floor is a huge door.

The lights are brilliant inside, classical music echoes, and men and women in formal wear can be seen from time to time, a scene of luxury and wealth.

Lin Yi did not look at it for long, as it was out of place for him, and the old housekeeper did not take him there.

The old housekeeper led the way in front and took Lin Yi to the second floor.

After climbing up to the second floor, they came to a door.

Pushing open the door, it was a living room of more than 100 square meters.

In the middle of the living room, there is an exquisite white lacquered round table and several white luxurious chairs, showing grace.

The interior decoration of the room is also very classical, with famous paintings that look valuable hanging on the walls.

Lin Yi was very interested in these valuable things, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

"It's really the world of the rich, it's enviable."

This thought flashed through his mind, and at this time the old butler led him to sit on a chair.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I will go to inform the lady."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble."

The butler rang a bell, and a maid came in with a dining cart.

The maid was wearing a classic black and white female costume, tall, graceful, and pretty.

She looked to be in her 20s, the most beautiful age for a girl, full of pure hormones.

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