The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 275: Start, Pursuit (Fourth Update)

He saw some black filamentous lines appearing on the rear carriage of the train.

Like a spider web, these lines were spreading towards this carriage.

Frowning deeply, Lin Yi stood at the rear door of the last carriage.

He saw the situation inside the carriage through the tempered glass.

The light of the true destiny solution flickered, and he keenly noticed something wrong.

The last carriage was filled with a faint black mist.

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This black mist seemed to have life and was spreading towards the bodies of those in the carriage.

Seeing this scene, he immediately noticed something wrong.

He looked around the last carriage.

He was looking for the source of these black lines.

Soon he noticed the source, the rails under the train were covered with strange black lines.

These black lines are spreading from the wheels of the train to the carriages.

Lin Yi's pupils shrank, and he immediately knew that something was wrong.

A thought flashed through his mind, "It might be a mistake to ask them to stop the train?"

"What would happen if we start the train now?"

A cloud of black smoke floated into the carriage from the back door.

The strange child appeared there, stretched out his hand and shook the lock of the back door a few times.


The door slowly opened, and Lin Yi stepped in.

At this time, everyone in the last carriage was startled by the sound of the door opening and looked at Lin Yi.

But their eyes were a little creepy, and an inexplicable negative emotion was slowly gathering in their eyes.

All kinds of evil thoughts were appearing in their hearts.

Many people seemed to be imagining that Lin Yi in front of them was dismembered by them.

Lin Yi looked at them quietly, and then closed the door behind him.

The strange child had already continued to lurk in his shadow.

Looking at this last carriage, there were about 30 people, which was the least crowded car.

At this time, the attendant of this carriage came to Lin Yi with a strange look on her face.

Various evil thoughts kept flashing through her mind.

For example: "I want to bite him?"

"Kill him? I want to dig out his heart?"

But her reason made her suppress this evil thought.

It was because of the constant conflict between reason and thoughts that a strange look appeared on her face.

At this time, a faint green spiritual wave appeared on Zhuang Wuming's hand and gently patted the attendant's body.

The next moment, the evil thoughts in the attendant's heart disappeared like glass.

Then he woke up from a dream and immediately realized that something was wrong with him just now.

At this time, Lin Yi told her, "Call everyone to leave this carriage immediately."

The attendant nodded quickly after hearing this, turned around and said to everyone in the carriage, "Everyone, follow me to leave this carriage."

The people in these carriages were already affected, and when they heard the words of the attendant, someone immediately had a problem.

A man about 1.8 meters tall stood up with a ferocious look on his face.

He walked towards the attendant, "You let us leave now, what were you doing just now?"

As he spoke, his hands were already covering the attendant, and a trace of black was spreading in his eyes.

Lin Yi took a step forward, and came in front of him like a phantom, and gently slapped him on the body.

"Be quiet, listen to the attendant's words, understand?"

The man was slapped by Lin Yi, and a spiritual wave swept through him.

Hearing Lin Yi's words, he instantly regained consciousness.

He looked at the attendant and Lin Yi with a very strange expression, and his face was inexplicable.

At this time, he seemed to react to what had just happened, and a trace of fear gradually appeared on his face.

Lin Yi's voice sounded calmly in his ears, "Everyone, leave this car quickly."

The man's face changed, and he walked towards the second to last car with a trace of fear.

The looming black in the eyes of others was constantly flashing, but it seemed that this man played a guiding role.

They also instinctively followed the man and walked towards the second-to-last car.

In just over ten seconds, the first-to-last car was completely empty.

Lin Yi and the attendant also came to the second car.

He turned his head and looked at the attendant and said, "Can you contact the chief purser immediately and ask him to notify the train driver to start again."

The attendant was a little panicked, but immediately replied, "Yes, I will contact her immediately."

He took out a walkie-talkie from his arms, fiddled with it, and said to the walkie-talkie.

"Courser, purser, I am Zhang Fangling. Mr. Lin asked me to inform you that the train can be started again."

Zhou Yujiao's voice sounded on the walkie-talkie, "Okay, I know."

Lin Yi stood quietly in front of the door connecting the first-to-last car and the second-to-last car.

The green light in his eyes kept flashing, capturing the changes there.

At this time, the countless black smoke was getting more and more, eroding every corner of the last car.

The train under his feet began to start slowly, and the speed gradually increased.

Lin Yi's eyes went straight through the bottom of the last carriage.

He was observing the black lines spreading from the rails.

Would they be cut off due to the high speed of the train?

He soon got the answer.

The black lines on the rails were stretched rapidly and became thinner as the train traveled at high speed.

Although the black lines on the rails kept trying to spread, they would break instantly under the high-speed train.

Without the support of the black lines on the rails, the black mist in the train could not continue to grow.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi thought, "Is the problem with the rails?"

At this moment, his eyes suddenly condensed slightly.

His eyes looked through the door of the last carriage and saw the outside.

There was a strange black figure, approaching the train at a high speed along the rails.

The flying black hair fluttered, like countless tentacles, and a breath of human immortal level came to his face.

At this time, Lin Yi had swallowed the Lingyuan Pill he got from Sakuramiya Shirley.

With the effect of the "Qi Condensation Method", he had completed the liquefaction of 30% of the essence in his body.

He stood firmly at the first level of liquefaction of the human immortal.

Feeling the breath of the black-clothed being approaching the train at a high speed.

A trace of solemnity rose in his eyes, "The breath of the peak level of the first level of the human immortal way."

Thinking of this, he slowly opened the connecting door of the carriage and slowly walked into the last carriage.

At the same time, he closed the connecting door between the last carriage and the second to last carriage.

The next moment, this carriage fell into a strange silence.

The summoning album in his hand flashed, and the two-headed dog, the bad doctor, and the purple corpse monster appeared around him.

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