The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 312: Lure and attack (Second update)

Tongshenzi looked in one direction of the river, his body emitting a faint light, and slowly moved towards it.

It can be seen that his movement was quite laborious, so the speed was very slow.

The Prime Minister on the side frowned when he saw this scene.

He flew up at once, grabbed Tongshenzi's arm with his left hand, and flew forward suddenly.

Here he was basically not restricted by any restrictions, and his speed was exactly the same as outside.

Tongshenzi showed a faint smile in his eyes, all of which was within his calculations.

He calculated according to the Prime Minister's character. In such a place, in order to avoid more troubles, the other party would definitely not delay.

First of all, Donggong Taiyu would definitely take the initiative to lead him forward to avoid accidents.

The two moved forward in the direction pointed by Tongshenzi.

In just over ten minutes, they had advanced dozens of kilometers.

Soon they saw a place emitting a strong black light.

That was the bottom of the long river, where there was a conspicuous black substance.

Of course, in Tongshenzi's eyes, it was a red glow, and in the eyes of the prime minister, it was pitch black.

Tongshenzi smiled and said, "Prime Minister, we have found it."

"The place where the glow is is the reverse scale, but there must be dragon guards guarding it."

"I will find a way to attract their attention later, you have to rush in as quickly as possible."

"In this dark depth, you will see a tiny real dragon made up of countless scales."

"That real dragon is the reverse scale, you have to kill it, and this dragon-slaying sword will absorb a lot of dragon energy and inject it into your body."

"All your troubles will be driven away in an instant, and the dragon energy will be absorbed by you."

"As the prime minister of the Red Lotus Empire who cut off the remaining dragon veins, you will get more dragon energy."

Hearing this, the prime minister nodded, "Aren't you going down with me?"

Tongshenzi had a very embarrassed smile on his face, and then he raised his left hand.

It turned out that his left hand was becoming illusory without knowing when.

A layer of light black air enveloped it, corroding his arm.

Tongshenzi said, "I can't get any closer. If I get any closer, I'm afraid I'll die."

Seeing the abnormality of Tongshenzi, the Prime Minister's face showed a trace of solemnity.

The other party really did not lie to him. The dragon energy suppressed all the power of cultivation.

Tongshenzi couldn't even get close to the location of the reverse scale now.

Everything the other party told him at the beginning was true and did not lie to him.

It was not until this time that he slightly let go of the last worry in his heart.

Tongshenzi looked at him seriously, "Prime Minister, I wish you good luck in martial arts, all efforts are for now."

"Complete the ultimate goal this time."

Donggong Taiyu nodded, "Okay, you wait for me here."

"After completing this matter, I will definitely cooperate more deeply with your master."

Tongshenzi smiled gratefully, "Then I will lead the master, thank you Prime Minister."

"Prime Minister, wait for me to use my means to lure out those dragon guards."

As he spoke, more than a dozen statues appeared in his hands. These statues were pitch black, but there was a trace of dragon energy in them.

These statues were dragon energy puppets made by another sect that spent a lot of time.

They were made of the bones of the emperors of the Great Yu Dynasty, and each of them had the combat power of the human immortal level.

All these plans are not just for their Qitian Dao Sect and Nitian Xie Sect.

There are also some other sects on the same front that have unified planning and design.

It is a very difficult task to cut off the dragon vein. Not only do you need to select the right people, but you also need to arrange each step reasonably to ensure that the plan goes on as scheduled.

In this dragon vein, these cultivators have a hard time and almost no resistance.

Once they enter here, facing the existence of the Dragon Guard Puppet, it is like an egg hitting a stone, and they will definitely die.

In order to avoid this situation, the Dragon Guard Puppet was put on the agenda.

The corpses of emperors of all dynasties naturally have some residual dragon energy.

These puppets made from their corpses naturally have the ability to walk in the dragon energy.

At this time, these puppets all have the breath of Donggong Taiyu.

After following the Prime Minister for so long, Tongshenzi naturally collected a lot of things from him to refine these Dragon Guard puppets.

With the breath of Donggong Taiyu, these puppets will naturally have a certain degree of connection with Donggong Taiyu, and thus be protected by the dragon energy of the Red Lotus Empire.

Let them move freely here, and at the same time, because of the original dragon energy of the previous dynasty in their bodies, they can kill these dragon guards, and they are also the best bait.

This dragon spirit puppet is not a physical substance, but an invisible puppet made by extracting the dragon spirit from these corpses and combining it with the secret method of another sect.

Seeing Tongshenzi take out more than a dozen puppets, each of them was filled with a strong aura, which surprised Donggong Taiyu.

"What are these?"

Tongshenzi smiled and said, "These are special props prepared to attract dragon guards. They will rush to Nilin first."

"Attract those dragon guards."

"When the time comes, Prime Minister must seize the opportunity, these dragon guards will not last long."

Seeing the well-prepared hands of Tongshenzi, Xiang was also awed.

Obviously, Tongshenzi made a very thorough plan for this operation.

Every link was taken into consideration, and a thought came to his mind.

"This Tongshenzi is really good at doing things. Maybe I can dig him from the sect and really join my army."

If Tongshenzi knew what Donggong Taiyu was thinking at this time, he would definitely laugh at him.

An ordinary man also wants to recruit him, a cultivator of immortality.

Tongshenzi looked at the prime minister and said with concentration, "Then let's start now."

As soon as the voice fell, he pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the ten dragon guard puppets quickly rushed towards the inverse scale.

In just a few seconds, they had arrived less than 10 meters outside the inverse scale.

The light generated by the inverse scale covered an area of ​​hundreds of meters in radius.

As soon as they came here, more than a dozen red lights rushed out from it.

There were more than a dozen soldiers in armor, and only their eyes were exposed. Everything else was covered by the red armor.

Each person was filled with powerful power, which could rival the peak of the immortal way.

Directly sniped at the dragon guard puppets that were rushing towards him.

At this time, Tongshenzi's voice shouted in Donggong Taiyu's ear, "It's time."

Donggong Taiyu did not hesitate at all, and mobilized his strength all over his body. In a flash, he turned into a meteor and rushed towards Nilin's location.

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