The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 336 Vision, Advent (Fourth Update)

For long-range sniping, a top-level warrior will be equipped in the melee team. Its main function is to give these strange beings a fatal blow in the end.

To kill strange beings, pure energy attacks such as essence must be used.

Energy waves are a large-scale energy weapon developed by the Red Alliance Empire.

But this kind of energy wave has an upper limit to its power.

It cannot cause fatal damage to overly powerful strange beings, and is only suitable for cleaning up cannon fodder-type strange beings that have been baptized by artillery.

Or the remains of strange beings that are already seriously injured and broken into pieces, waiting to be overturned.

The Red Lotus Empire has long studied how to deal with large-scale strange beings, and there is no shortage of large strange areas in the Red Lotus Realm. These methods have long been verified.

It is an effective method, and then each city in the Red Lotus Empire will be equipped with this weapon.

As a country that has developed for hundreds of years, it is naturally prepared for this potential danger.

When a large number of strange beings appeared, the Red Lotus Empire immediately responded and launched a defense plan.

The activation of these plans quickly stabilized the cities of the Red Lotus Empire, and even eliminated 99% of the strange beings that besieged the cities.

The remaining 1% were basically very strong strange beings.

Most of them reached the peak level, and there were even some at the human immortal level.

However, even at the human immortal level, equipped with perfect tactical suits, individual combat weapons, and under the siege of a warrior team, the final outcome was only death.

Although after the second world change, a large number of human immortal masters appeared in the Red Lotus Realm.

But their number was distributed among the cities of the entire Red Lotus Realm, just like a drop in the ocean.

On average, there were only 2 to 3 new human immortal masters in each city.

Among them, there was probably only one who could be recruited by the empire, or even none, and the others were lured away by other forces with more abundant resources.

However, this incident obviously affected every corner of the Red Lotus Realm.

The original powerful forces in each city had to use their own strength to join the city's defense war.

Solve those strange existences that enter the city through the defense line.

Because of the actions of these forces, the pressure on the empire is naturally reduced a lot.

The situation in the entire Red Lotus Realm is stabilizing. In just a few hours, a seemingly unreasonable crisis has been resolved for the most part.

At this time, different changes have also occurred in the famous mountains and scenic spots in the Red Lotus Realm.

Some mysterious illusions appeared in these scenic spots.

Especially those scenic spots with countless myths and legends, the visions are even more amazing.

For example, on the legendary Jade Emperor Mountain, a mysterious palace appeared in various parts of the mountain.

The golden light flows down from the mountain, full of powerful vitality and an unprecedented purification ability.

Any strange existence that comes into contact with this golden light will be burned to ashes in a shrill scream.

Ordinary animals and plants will not be harmed at all, on the contrary, they will even grow faster.

The trees will become more crystal and exquisite, the leaves will be crisper, and full of vitality.

Animals will become more agile, as if they have spirituality and are smarter. The entire Jade Emperor Mountain within a radius of ten miles is affected by this brilliance.


A golden mist spread down from the top of the mountain, slowly covering the entire Jade Emperor Mountain, making it impossible for people to see the true face of the Jade Emperor Mountain.

From time to time, you can see golden armored soldiers flashing in the golden mist, each of them exuding a powerful aura.

At least they are warriors at the top level, with pure and solid energy. Every golden armored soldier is covered with golden light, like an eternal and motionless golden statue.

The changes in Jade Emperor Mountain naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding mutated strange existences, and then they rushed towards Jade Emperor Mountain automatically under the instinctive attraction.

But at this time, Jade Emperor Mountain had already undergone unknown changes.

The palace on the peak seemed to be connected to the entire Jade Emperor Mountain, and this connection extended all the way to the ground.

At the same time, a pure golden light column rose from the top of the mountain and rushed straight into the deepest part of the sky.

One after another, faint golden threads fell from the sky to the ground.

These golden threads were faintly visible and merged with the entire void.

The area of ​​100 miles around Yuhuang Mountain was gradually turning into another time and space.

The arrival of these strange beings quickly stimulated a will in this area.


Thunderclouds surged.

Countless dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, and golden thunder shuttled through them.

The next moment, these countless thunders were pulled by the opportunity and fell down with a bang, covering the entire 100-mile area of ​​Yuhuang Mountain.

Thunder was ruthless and dominated the power of life and death in heaven and earth. Any existence with ill intentions would be shrouded by power.

Under countless lightning, all the strange beings that entered this area were hit by lightning.

The lightning was sharp and ruthless, and all the strange beings that were hit would disintegrate in an instant.

Turned into countless charred ashes and fell to the ground.

A trace of strange power, under the cleansing of this golden thunder, turned into an inexplicable nothingness and dissipated.

But the most surprising thing is that the energy disappeared out of thin air.

And this huge change is happening in all parts of the Red Lotus Realm.

It's just that the coverage of these mysterious phenomena varies.

The large ones cover hundreds of miles, and the small ones also cover 10 kilometers.

And their appearance has also attracted a large number of strange beings, which has relieved great pressure on various cities in the Red Lotus Realm.

It has to be said that as soon as this situation appeared, it was immediately detected by the Red Lotus Empire.

At this time, in the capital of the Red Lotus Empire, in the parliament hall.

The deputy prime minister temporarily took the position of the prime minister. The disappearance of the prime minister was naturally a big deal, but compared with what happened in the entire Red Lotus Realm, it was just a small matter.

The Red Lotus Empire immediately held a bill to transfer the prime minister's rights to the deputy prime minister.

At this time, in the parliament hall of the Congress, the deputy prime minister and many members were watching various pictures appearing on the big screen.

The satellite floating above the Red Lotus Realm is transmitting back abnormal phenomena occurring in various places.

Looking at the sudden rays of light, everyone fell into silence.

At this time, a figure appeared on the screen. This person was Huang Yuxian from the Weird Object Management Office.

A trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes, "Everyone, we have studied these pictures."

"According to the ancient inscriptions, those should be the legendary ancient sects."

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