The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 33 Center, Arrival (New book, please collect and recommend)

There is a stainless steel iron bridge inside the platform, which is always connected to the sewer step walkway under their feet.

Because of the darkness just now, everyone couldn't see clearly, but now everything is clearly exposed to everyone's sight.

There are four iron bridges in total, leading to the four directions of the hollow.

At the same time, they are returned at the sewage treatment center platform to form a network that can reach any place on the platform.

Li Qiuyu turned to look at the crowd, "Mr. Lin, Miss Yingong, and Butler Xia Qiu, please go in the middle."

"Qin Lei, you walk in front and I'll walk in the back."

Qin Lei nodded and walked onto the iron bridge with his big shield in hand.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐•ฅ๐•จ๐•œ๐•’๐•Ÿ.๐•”๐• ๐•ž]

This iron bridge is not wide and can only accommodate one person walking.

Butler Xia Qiu looked at Lin Yi and said, "Mr. Lin, please go ahead. After all, you are good at dealing with resentful spirits."

"You may encounter wraiths on the iron bridge on the platform of the sewage treatment center."

"You can walk behind Qin Lei for easy support."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "No problem."

As he said that, he followed Qin Lei with a smile.

Swinging and swinging, it looked like an outing, with no tension at all.

Li Qiuyu, who was walking in the aisle, looked at Lin Yi, who looked calm, and felt a trace of anger in his heart.

A brother in his team died, and he was immersed in grief, but he still had to carry out the mission.

Lin Yi looked so relaxed and showed no respect at all for this serious task, which made Li Qiuyu very uncomfortable.

However, she was a mercenary and managed her personal emotions very well. Although she didn't like Lin Yi, she didn't show it at all.

"If something happens later, I won't care."

"Anyway, my mission is to protect Miss Sakuranomiya."

A group of five people climbed onto the Iron Banqiao and walked towards the sewage treatment platform.

The iron bridge is composed of steel plates and steel pipes, painted with red paint. The red paint has peeled off in some places, exposing the stainless steel inside.

Lin Yi seemed careless, but in fact, the spiritual waves and energy had already circulated throughout his body and could explode at any time to hurt others.

A huge roar sounded in the sewage treatment center, and the water surface roared.

Turbid sewage impurities cover the water surface, and an unpleasant smell hits your nose.

dong dong dong

The collision of steel plates and footsteps continued, and dozens of seconds later, they boarded the sewage treatment plant.

This large-scale equipment is composed of countless components and covers an area of โ€‹โ€‹hundreds of square meters.

There are also narrow iron bridges on the platform of the processing center that lead to various parts.

Under the bridge is either sewage or some kind of component. It's like a maze of steel machinery.

The maze is filled with the humming sound of machinery.

After setting foot here, everyone became obviously more cautious.

Li Qiuyu said, "Miss Ying Gong, the environment here is very dangerous, and our hearing is almost blocked."

"Everyone had better look in one direction to avoid the scene just now and being attacked by the evil spirits."

"At the same time, pay attention to everyone's situation to prevent being possessed by evil spirits without knowing it."

This time he learned his lesson, and Li Qiuyu arranged it more carefully.

His face was serious, the Bishuang sword in his hand was unsheathed, and his murderous intent was fierce.

The iron bridge on the platform of the sewage treatment center is relatively small, about 1 meter wide, and can accommodate two people walking side by side.

Li Qiuyu walked at the end, turning his back to everyone to protect him.

Butler Xia Qiu faced the right side, Shirley Yingong stood on the left side, Qin Lei held up his shield and moved forward, and Lin Yi was behind Qin Lei.

Shirley Sakuramiya said at this time, "When we get to the place where the group disappearance occurred later, I will conduct a careful investigation."

"Just take good defense, especially Mr. Lin Yi."

"I asked you to come here to deal with all the ghost incidents."

"I hope what happened to Huang Bing won't happen again."

"Otherwise I will doubt whether you are strong enough to handle this matter."

Lin Yi smiled lightly when he heard Yingong Shirley's words.

"Understand, what just happened was just an accident. Such accidents will not happen all the time."

"But Ms. Sakuranomiya still has to be careful. After all, this kind of thing is risky."

"Not everything can go smoothly, especially when other factors are involved.\

,"Sakuramiya Shirley didn't say anything when she heard this, she just frowned.

"I know, just do your own thing."

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, the true light of his eyes flashing, and he glanced around.

Every few seconds, he makes an observation.

The resentment around them was very strong, but there was no trace of the resentful spirits. It seemed that they had no interest in appearing here at all.

Amid the roar, Li Qiuyu looked at the tablet in his hand, and a three-dimensional model appeared on it.

It seems to be a model of the sewage treatment center platform, showing their location.

โ€œWe are now on the first floor of the wastewater treatment center.โ€

"The location where the mass disappearance occurred is located to the west of the first floor."

"There is a resting platform there, which is where the staff of the sewage treatment center usually rest."

"A total of more than 30 people were resting there at the time, but in the end they were all missing."

"This is the clue left by the first group of people who entered here to investigate."

Li Qiuyu explained with a cold expression.

Shirley Sakuramiya nodded, "Let's go and take a look."

Turning his head to look at Lin Yi, "Mr. Lin, we have arrived at the scene of the vengeful spirit accident."

"The next exploration here depends on your professional knowledge."

"So, you need to take the lead."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "No problem."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yi had already walked to the west.

Li Qiuyu pointed out the direction of the west, and Lin Yi only needed to follow the iron bridge straight.

The group was silent, Li Qiuyu and Qin Lei walked at the end, vigilantly guarding Sakura Palace Xueli and Xia Qiu Butler.

A yellow talisman paper appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

A faint golden essence flowed in his hand, ready to be injected into it at any time.

This trick learned from the master of the phantom spirit was used directly by him.

This thing is very economical in spiritual waves, and only needs essence to have an effect on the vengeful spirit.

Spiritual waves are his trump card, and if they can be consumed, they will not be consumed.

A minute later, the group came to the rest platform on the west.

As soon as he stepped in here, Lin Yi frowned, and the resentment was pervasive here.

"Such a heavy resentment."

Under the spiritual eyes opened by Sakuramiya Shirley, everyone can see the resentment.

At this time, on this platform, the resentment that was as black as ink and almost submerged the entire rest area floated here.

There is a passage on the platform that extends all the way to the sewage channel opposite,

which is one of the three main sewage outflows in the sewage treatment center.

After Lin Yi took a look, "Let's go, it seems that the source of the problem is in the sewage channel."

Sakuramiya Shirley and others also saw the source of the resentment, and with the increasingly pungent stench, they all wrinkled their noses.


ps: New book, please collect it, Tianji really needs your support, Tianji's production must be completed.

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