The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 349 Weakened, Earl (First Update)

The content on the white paper quickly reflected in his mind.

"Mysterious existence."

"I am a noble earl of the Azure Principality. I was framed by the king and my whole family has been arrested."

"The king wants to take back our family's territory."

"But I disagree, because there is a conflict between our nobles and the king."

"In a meeting, the king was assassinated."

"Then someone reported that this assassination was done by someone hired by our nobles."

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"Then the king's army pressed forward and attacked the territory of my family, which is closest to the kingdom."

"After a fierce battle, My family was outnumbered and eventually defeated and captured. "

"The king took back our family's territory for treason and issued an order to execute everyone in our family."

"My family will be executed in two days."

"I hope to save all my family members."

"Let them be safe and send them to the territory of the Duke of the North."

"That is the most prestigious noble in our territory. He can protect our family."

"I am willing to give everything I have, even my life and soul."

"Great existence, please save my family."

Lin Yi saw this scene with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"King, nobles, duke, this seems to be a world similar to Western civilization."

After thinking about it, Lin Yi opened the True Destiny Dao Jie and observed the information on this piece of paper.

He can be sure that the aura exuded by the owner of this paper is only at the peak of the mortal way.

The aura on the blood cannot be faked, and the aura in this blood is very dim.

It is obviously something written by a seriously injured person.

"This person has been seriously injured, so we can infer that his martial arts level is about the peak of the mortal world."

"A noble at the earl level only has the martial arts cultivation of the mortal world."

"Then if converted to a duke, he can only reach the ghost fairy level at most, and his power level is not high."

"The feasibility of this matter is not low."

"Then the price is your soul and all your life."

As he spoke, a pen appeared in Lin Yi's hand, and he wrote the request at the end of the white paper.

"The price is all your life and soul. If you agree, just sign your name."

As he said, he handed the white paper to the strange child.

After a flash, the strange child had returned to the lobby and threw the white paper into the door emitting red light.

At this time, the hazy fog in the Wanshi House was slowly dissipating.

Obviously, the alien beings will not come again today.

Lin Yi and everyone returned to the lobby, only to hear Brandy say.

"Manager, the fog has dispersed so early today. Is the arrival of the beings from other worlds slowing down?"

Absinthe smiled distortedly, "Brandy, you are so cowardly. You are so scared by such a small thing."

Brandy glanced at Absinthe, "I am a human, not a ghost."

"I am not as bold as you. I am not afraid of anything."

"I like sunshine, food, beauties, and all beautiful things."

"Unlike you, you only have spirit left. You can't enjoy anything. You can only use fear as food. It's really pitiful."

Looking at Brandy's disdainful sarcasm, Absinthe was so angry that his three corpses jumped.

"Damn, this guy is looking for death."

It must be said that Brandy has mastered how to deal with Absinthe's ridicule and fight back.

Looking at the two people who are like live treasures, Vodka watched them from the side, and had no intention of interrupting them at all.

Lin Yi looked at the fog outside and said lightly, "There will probably be no more strange beings descending tonight."

"Now the frequency of strange beings descending in the Wanshiwu is rapidly weakening."

"The impact of the third world change is rapidly stabilizing."

"Everyone can go to rest."

"It will be enough if we hold on for a few more days."

Recently, there have been continuous battles every night. Whether it is brandy, absinthe, or vodka, even Lin Yi has felt a considerable degree of pressure. Mental fatigue is not so easy to dissipate.

A trace of contemplation appeared in his eyes, "What will the Red Lotus Realm become next?"

Lin Yi was the only one sitting in the lobby. Vodka, absinthe, and brandy all returned to the second floor.

Suddenly, the door of the wish shrine became bright again, and a piece of white paper floated out from somewhere.

"Hey, it's opened twice in one day, interesting."

The strange child appeared silently and placed the white paper in front of Lin Yi.

There were a few replies written on the white paper, "I am willing to sacrifice my life and soul, and I hope you can save my wife and three children."

Lin Yi nodded after seeing the content, "Then the contract is concluded."

He folded the white paper and put it in his arms. A strange picture book appeared in his hand, and the strange child and the purple corpse monster were taken away by him.

The two-headed dog, the bad doctor, and Absinthe were left behind.

Absinthe looked resentful at this time, standing at the entrance of the passage and looking at Lin Yi.

He was just about to have a good sleep when he was called up, which made him very angry, but he had no way to deal with it.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at him and said, "The store is in your hands. Call them up if you have something to do."

"After all, they are still living beings, and you are no longer. It is normal to have some pressure."

Looking at the high-sounding ordering of coolies, Absinthe wanted to jump in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

He took a deep breath and said with gritted teeth, "Yes, store manager."

Lin Yi nodded and opened the door of the Wanshiwu.

What he saw was a dark cell, where a man with iron chains all over his body was locked.

He collapsed on the ground weakly, with injuries on the tips of all 10 fingers.

Lin Yi's arrival immediately attracted his attention.

He looked at Lin Yi and the bright red door behind him.

The door was slowly becoming illusory and gradually disappearing from this world.

There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Are you answering my existence?"

Lin Yi looked at the person who was speaking.

This was a middle-aged man with disheveled hair, and his scattered hair reached the position of his shoulders, all gray.

His face was full of wrinkles and fatigue. He was in his forties or fifties, but he looked like he was only in his sixties or seventies.

Although his eyes were tired, there was still a glimmer of hope and determination.

He was wearing a white prison uniform with a big word "prisoner" written on it.

It was just the writing of this world, which looked similar to hieroglyphics and was similar to ancient China.

From the facial features, this was an oriental face.

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