The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 376 Differences and Situations (First Update)

However, as Lin Yi, who had just stepped into the threshold of the Ghost Immortal Path, he did not feel that the Ghost Immortal Path was much stronger than the Human Immortal Path.

The only difference was that the Ghost Immortal Path condensed a spiritual body that was suspected to be a soul, and now he had not discovered the role of this soul.

He slowly raised his right hand, and his will was concentrated on the suspected soul in his mind. A wisp of invisible thing flowed out from it.

It quickly merged into his own essence and then gathered on his right hand.

He could feel that this essence that was integrated with the power of the soul had some wonderful changes.

It was a feeling that he could control it at will.

The essence slowly diffused from his hand and turned into a ball the size of a finger.

Lin Yi was surprised to find that the power flowing out of his soul was always connected with this ball of essence.

This ball of essence floating in his palm seemed to be connected by a silk thread, dancing with his will.

He thought, "In other words, the Ghost Immortal Dao enhances the control of the essence."

"Thus, the essence becomes more flexible and changeable. By analogy, the control of the magic weapon may also be affected."

When he thought about the time when he controlled the Earth Seal in the past, it was basically straightforward. Once it was used, it was difficult to have a huge change.

But if it is controlled by the power of the soul, the control of the Earth Seal will become very flexible, as flexible as the flying sword in the legend.

He looked carefully at this group of essence, and it was still undergoing some subtle changes.

The wisps of energy in the void were merging into this group of essence.

They were all the same source and nature as this group of essence, which increased the power of his essence by at least 1/10.

"That is to say, after incorporating the power of the soul, the essence can also draw power from the outside world to increase its own power."

"Is this the combat power after the combination of the Ghost Immortal Path and the Human Immortal Path?"

"But the strange existence is different from the vengeful spirits. They seem to directly and purely increase their own power limit, surpassing the human cultivation path of the same level by nearly times the volume."

"Simply put, one is based on quality and skills, and the other is based on pure volume crushing."

"At least this is the case at the level of the Ghost Immortal Path and below. I don't know if the existence above the Ghost Immortal Path is also like this."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he had a deeper understanding of the cultivation path and strange existence.

It was already four or five in the morning, and the fog in the lobby dissipated a lot. Obviously, there was a high probability that nothing would happen today.

Lin Yi looked at the brandy and vodka, "It's almost time, everyone go and rest, we have to get up and open the store at 8:00."

Because the people in the store are all practitioners, or vengeful spirits, they basically don't need to sleep.

At most, they can recover to their peak state by meditating for two or three hours.

Practicing is a time to restore energy better than sleeping.

It was soon morning, and everyone had started to prepare for the new day after practicing.

Lin Yi sat in his seat, watching the morning news, with a hint of comfort in his eyes.

The chaos in the Red Lotus Realm has gradually calmed down, and there is almost no news about what happened in the north.

Obviously, the news was blocked at the first time, and no news would leak out except for the top leaders and insiders.

The news is reporting the cleaning of the wild safety range in various cities.

The strange existence is being cleaned up quickly, and all areas involving farmland and food are the first places to deal with.

As for many uninhabited places in the primeval forest, no one has asked about it for the time being. Now the first goal of the Red Alliance Empire is to ensure the safety of transportation and food.

In addition, the empire has issued many bounties, inviting civilian warriors to form teams to clean up strange objects in exchange for a large amount of funds.

The news is also mixed with news about the enrollment of various martial arts schools. From the news, the whole world is still calm, and there is no unmanageable situation.

Lin Yi analyzed the news and found that the situation in the empire is generally stable and has not been out of control.

But he was sure that this was just the news reported on the surface.

According to his senses of clearing those strange places outside Honglian City some time ago.

He deeply knew the power of those strange existences.

Honglian City had to use a large number of troops and modern weapons to deal a fatal blow to them.

It was hard to imagine what would happen to ordinary villages and towns under the siege of such strange existences.

But what was strange was that there was never any news about villages and towns in the news.

Although Honglian City had issued an order at the beginning to let the people in the villages and towns gather in nearby cities.

But this takes time and process.

On the night of the first day, those villages and towns could only face the strange existences by themselves, and there would be no rescue force.

Only those who could survive the first night could survive.

But if you think about it, you will understand that such things cannot be broadcast in the news, otherwise it will cause widespread chaos, which is not good.

After breakfast, Lin Yi searched the Internet.

Now because of the appearance of strange existences, many transit stations in the outside world have been affected.

There are often network outages, which affects the connection between various places.

However, the network has been recovering rapidly in the past few days. It is obvious that the Red Lotus Empire is using its backup means to restore the network.

Took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

From time to time, some gossips can be seen on the Internet, such as a village or a town that has completely lost contact, and a student studying abroad can no longer contact his hometown.

In particular, many students are in fear, so they will ask what is going on online or seek help.

This is destined to be a disaster with a very wide impact.

For the future of the Red Lotus Empire, Lin Yi felt a shadow. Thinking of the words of the mysterious existence last night, he had more guesses about the weird existence.

"I am afraid that weird existences will become more and more frequent in the future."

"In the end, it may really be like what the mysterious existence said, and the Red Lotus Realm will inevitably go to destruction."

Seeing the micro, he can roughly see the final result of each city in the Red Lotus Realm from the results of those villages and towns.

If weird existences continue to appear, the armed forces of the city will eventually be exhausted.

Although technology has brought humans powerful combat capabilities, all of this requires material support.

Many villages and towns are the origins of materials. These raw minerals need to be processed before they can be produced in various industrial cities and converted into weapons and ammunition, etc.

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