The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 385 Amplification and Inspection (Second Update)

Lin Yi immediately knew that this power was the secret of this life substitute.

When he endured the power of death level, this substitute would bear all the damage for him.

This was an instinctive enlightenment, and he was thinking.

He put the puppet in his arms and looked at the Acacia Bell.

The spiritual wave was injected and the thing was quickly refined.

He quickly understood its function in his mind.

"This thing can't be used for the time being. I have to wait until the next time the power of the wish shrine is connected to the unknown world before I can try it."

"If the attempt fails, this thing will be useless."

However, thinking that he could leave the Red Lotus Realm, Lin Yi didn't feel sorry for its loss. After all, once he succeeded, he could escape from this dangerous world.

Putting down the Acacia Bell in his hand again, Lin Yi finally digested all the gains this time.

"Then the next step is to condense the first level of the Seven Souls Realm and try it."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the bed, and the true life source was activated.

Instantly, all the skills were transformed into the essence of the "Vajra Seal Method", and at the same time, the essence quickly began to operate according to the method of the Seven Souls Realm of the "Vajra Wisdom Method".

Along with the operation of the method, the essence quickly formed a wonderful force field, and more soul matter diffused from the body and floated towards the force field core of the head.

The soul matter was quickly integrated into the spirit, and at this time Lin Yi began to use his spirit to construct the first soul of the Seven Souls Realm according to the records in the "Vajra Wisdom Method".

As time passed, Lin Yi's spirit began to change.

A strange structure appeared in his mind under his control.

When this structure was completely formed and stable, he slowly opened his eyes.

He took out a Seven Souls Pill from in front of him and swallowed it into his stomach.

As the pill entered his stomach, a magical force surged out of it and rushed directly to his brain.

Like an invisible torrent, it directly filled the spirit.

This torrent wrapped around the mysterious structure in Lin Yi's spirit, creating a mysterious huge suction force.

This suction force was very strange, directly covering Lin Yi's Lingchi Danwan, causing the entire Danwan to jump unconsciously.

This jumping was caused by the attraction of a mysterious breath inside the Danwan.

The true life source was running, and Lin Yi immediately grasped the source of this breath.

This was the power in the deepest part of the Danwan, a kind of essential power. He could feel that this essence was connected to his life.

Once this ray of Danqi was consumed, his life would also be affected.

He immediately understood that this was Danqi.

With a thought, Danqi had rushed out of the single pill and rushed directly to the spirit in his mind.


An explosion like a roar sounded in his mind.

An illusory figure walked out of the spirit. This illusory figure had a nose and eyes, exactly like Lin Yi.

The only difference was that he looked very illusory, like an illusion.

At this time, the illusion was rapidly stabilizing, and the structure formed by Danqi and spirit, as well as the invisible torrent of the elixir, quickly merged, and finally completely merged into one.

The first of the seven souls, the swallowing thief.

As the first soul took shape, it immediately emitted a hazy illusory wave, which enveloped Lin Yi's whole body.

A trace of invisible mysterious air was driven out of Lin Yi's body.

A kind of spiritual comfort spread rapidly, and Lin Yi felt that his body seemed to become more relaxed, and something heavy was driven out of his body.

This is the phenomenon of evil spirit being driven out, and he thought about it in his heart.

"This is the characteristic of the power of the soul. This invisible force seems to be able to attract the energy of heaven and earth."

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Yi extended his right hand.

At this time, he did not use his essence, but a mysterious wave rushed out of the swallowing thief and covered his arm.

Countless golden lights in the air around him quickly spread to his palm.

In the blink of an eye, these golden lights turned into a palm-sized light floating on his palm.

Feeling this light, Ling Yi roughly estimated that it was about equal to 1% of the essence content in his body.

After thinking about it, the energy in his body turned and quickly covered the entire palm.

At the same time.

The golden light on his palm seemed to be attracted by the energy and quickly covered his palm.

Resonated with the energy in his body.

At this time, he mobilized about 15% of the energy in his body, which was the maximum power output that his body could withstand.

But with the resonance of about 1% of the energy in the outside world, the upper limit of the power he used at this time reached 16% of the energy.

This is the increase of the first soul, and he immediately understood it.

"That is to say, every time you condense a soul, you can basically increase the external energy attraction by 1%."

"If you condense all the three souls and seven souls, you can increase it by 10%. If the soul and soul return to the peak of the soul realm, the absorption capacity of external energy will be increased to 15%."

"Combined with the energy output of the human immortal path itself, it is 30% of the maximum power."

"This output is really terrifying."

"What if it is combined with my true life source?"

Thinking of this, Lingyi's heart moved.

The true life source was activated in an instant.

Countless energies from all around were attracted and instantly gathered towards him.

There are countless kinds of energy, but under his control, all of them turned into the same power as the "Great Vajra Wisdom Law".

These powers enveloped his right arm again, and the pure power and the energy pulled by the swallowing thief were perfectly integrated, and at the same time resonated with the essence in Lin Yi's arm.

The true source of life was pulling endlessly, and more energy was attached to his arm.

But after just a few seconds, he felt a pain in his arm. He knew that this was the power he could bear and had reached the limit.

The light of the true destiny solution flashed, and he quickly looked at his right arm and observed the energy ratio.

First of all, the upper limit of the output of the essence in the body is still 15%.

Secondly, the energy pulled by the corpse dog is about 1%.

And the power pulled by the source of life is about 16%.

In general, the power enveloped by the right arm at this time is equivalent to 32% of all the essence in his body.

This is a very amazing number, which has directly reached the conventional combat limit of the peak existence of the ghost fairy.

The conventional combat here refers to the use of pure martial arts to determine the winner without the use of magic tools or Taoist methods.

He took a deep breath, and he had a rough idea of ​​his current combat power.

At this time, the Earth Seal slowly floated up in front of him, and Lin Yi raised his right hand and lightly tapped the magic weapon.

All the power in his hand was transferred to the magic weapon.

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