The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 403: Viciousness and Enlightenment (First Update)

After hearing this, the elders of the sect slowly calmed down the murderous intentions in their hearts.

What happened this time gave them too much stimulation, and made them clearly understand that they were not the overlord of the Red Lotus World.

There are many things in this world that can threaten their lives.

Originally, these sect elders still had a sense of superiority.

But these strange existences taught them a hard lesson.

At the same time, the empire's power also surprised them.

In such a short period of time, a space-time series of formations was set up. This method would take even sects like them a while to achieve.

Everyone is more and more impressed by the empire.

This is a giant force that far exceeds the ancient dynasties. They can no longer look at secular forces with the eyes of the past, but must treat them as equals.

Many people's eyes fell on Lin Yi. They really wanted to know how this mysterious detective found the traces of this strange existence.

At this time, the foreign affairs elder of the Red Lotus Immortal Sect fell on Lin Yi, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Wait a minute, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

Hearing his voice, everyone looked at him.

At this time, the strange humanoid existence, I don't know if it was resigned to its fate or something, but it actually stayed in the corner and never moved.

It just looked at everyone quietly, very strange.

Madam Rose looked at the elder of the Red Lotus Immortal Sect, her face condensed slightly, "Elder Hongri of the Red Lotus Immortal Sect, I don't know what you mean."

Elder Hongri sneered, "You actually put on a good show."

"This strange existence is so mysterious and unpredictable that we elders are not aware of it at all."

"This detective has only been here for a day, right? Can he find traces of it?"

"You said there was nothing fishy in this, who would believe it?"

"If I had to make a guess, I'm afraid this is a scene directed and performed by your Red Lotus Empire."

"You want to use both kindness and power to intimidate our sect."

"I still want to gain an advantage in the negotiations, but the price is the lives of four elders in our sect."

"Your Red Lotus Empire is really vicious."

"I'm afraid this monster's heels are also from your empire."

Elder Hongri looked at Lin Yi with sinister eyes, as if he had decided that there was something wrong with him.

At this time, the other elders suddenly came to their senses.

They looked at the people of the Red Lotus Empire in silence.

Some people showed a fierce look in their eyes, some people showed a look of understanding, and some people showed a trace of amusement.

Obviously many of them have already tasted the meaning of Elder Hongri's words.

In fact, most of what Elder Hongri said was just speculation.

But now they have a unified position and need to support speculation like Hong Sun.

Because if they don't do this, their sect will be at a disadvantage in this negotiation.

Because the empire found out who the murderer was for their sect, and at the same time, the sect showed its own powerlessness in this incident.

This is tantamount to weakening one's own negotiating advantage and exposing the sect's shortcomings.

Elder Hongri actually had only one purpose in saying this, which was to shift the responsibility for the entire matter to the Red Lotus Empire.

No matter what the truth is now, it is no longer important. What is important is that they have to confirm this guess.

The best way is to prove that there is something wrong with this great detective.

Why can he find a strange existence that no one can detect.

Moreover, Elder Hongri actually gave the Red Lotus Empire a step up.

All the problems lie with the detective.

Since he could find traces of this strange existence, did he arrange all of this for some ulterior purpose?

For example, show your abilities during this crisis and gain the trust of the sect and the Red Lotus Empire.

Soon everyone present quickly grasped the meaning of Elder Hongri's words.

Even Mrs. Rose has understood.

Her face was uncertain, and she already understood what the Hongri elder meant.

The other party wants to put all the responsibility on the detective, a person from an unknown force.

Now for the empire, this is also a good solution, otherwise these elders will definitely fight for their own tasks.

Even if the empire and the sect go to war, it is not certain.

At this time, Lin Yi frowned slightly when he heard the words of Elder Hongri.

Naturally, he also heard the underlying meaning.

Now this thing needs a scapegoat, and unfortunately, of all of them, he is the most suitable person for this position.

However, he smiled faintly and said, "It's a good idea to be a donkey's liver and lungs."

"That's why I hate dealing with people with powerful backgrounds like you. Selling your teammates is always your favorite thing to do."

"However, let me reiterate."

"Weird beings from other worlds appear frequently. This is not a matter of one person, but a matter of concern to the entire Red Lotus World."

"This strange existence, if my guess is correct, should have come from another world."

"And the intelligent type."

"If you have time to blame the problem on me, it's better to seize it and study it carefully."

But obviously no one would listen to him. Mrs. Rose said at this time, "Elders, this detective was invited by the empire, and we don't know his specific origin."

"As for the elders' speculation, let's catch this strange existence first."

"Anyway, no one can leave here today."

Lin Yi didn't say anything at this time, and stood quietly aside.

Although this place has been blocked by the time and space series formation.

But as long as he wants, he can leave at any time.

He wants to see how this farce will end.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared in his eyes.

Elder Hongri smiled with satisfaction, "Since the empire has this intention, then it's fine."

Mrs. Rose's words are actually equivalent to a statement that the empire recognizes what Elder Hongri said.

Everyone's negotiations have returned to an equal level again.

As for the truth of the matter, it doesn't matter anymore.

At this time, Mrs. Rose looked at the airflow in the corner, and a trace of murderous intent appeared in her eyes.

It is because of this guy that the empire is so passive now.

Mrs. Rose's face rarely showed a trace of cold murderous intent, holding Heizi's right hand and raising it, grabbing the strange existence in the air.

This claw instantly mobilized the power in the surrounding space.

It turned into an interesting space-time barrier that completely enveloped the strange existence formed by the airflow humanoid.

Unexpectedly, this strange existence did not resist, but quietly watched itself being blocked by the twisted barrier.

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