The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 40: Escape, Alarm (New book, please collect and recommend)

Boom, boom, a gourd rolled on the ground.

The purple humanoid knocked down the countless black shadows that were about to rush out of the morgue.

The figure of the black-robed man paused, and the dark vision allowed him to see the countless black shadows behind the purple figure.

The moment he saw it clearly, he got goose bumps on his body.

What surprised him most was that a huge scar appeared on the chest of the purple humanoid.

The naked eye could see that the scars were growing rapidly with the growth of countless granulations.

In just a few seconds, the wound had completely disappeared, leaving only a hideous scar with a scab.


The black-robed man took a breath of cold air, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.

He knew very well that he had just exerted 70% of his strength, but the death sickle did not cut the opponent open.

The mysterious man had a very clear understanding of his own power.

His own attacking technique, the death sickle, could not kill the opponent.

This was a very terrifying thing, and it would be very bad to stay here.

He made a prompt decision and turned around and rushed in the direction of the passage.

A cloud of black smoke filled the air under his feet, and his speed increased by 30% instantly.

"Roar, roar, roar."


Strange breathing and roaring sounds sounded behind him.

So many strange and terrifying sounds represent a large number of dead things whose origins are unknown.

In the passage, there was a dense sound of chasing.

Among the dark figures, a purple figure was the most eye-catching.

His speed was very fast, almost biting the black-robed man in front of him and chasing.

He jumped up like a beast that was attacking.

The black-robed man felt the threat from behind, and a trace of anger appeared on his face. He turned around and pinched a handprint with his right hand.

A dark knife light burst out from his hand.

The death sickle is the most powerful killing technique in the Taoist arts he mastered.

With his eyes, he could see that the dark group of figures rushing from behind were all dead people.

Other Taoist methods he mastered did not have much effect on them.

Only this death sickle could ignore the characteristics of the other party's dead people.


Another muffled sound, the death sickle was smashed on the spot.

The purple figure's arms were covered with a layer of dark scales at some point, blocking the death sickle.

Its arms grabbed the black-robed man with a bang.

The arrival of danger made the black-robed man look solemn.

A black cross lit up in his eyes, and a strong strange power permeated from his eyes.

This power was so terrifying, containing a death-like, but different death intention.

The cross in the black-robed man's eyes gushed out a cross of black light.

The black light could not be stopped at all, and instantly hit the purple figure.


A beast, like the wailing before death, and like an angry roar.

Its chest was deeply embedded with a black cross, and the strange black power rushed into the body of the purple monster.

Its body structure was madly destroyed, but the black runner was not happy.

Behind the purple humanoid creature, a group of dark figures were rushing over.

Without any hesitation, he made a prompt decision and used another technique.

Countless black mists emerged from his body, quickly covering the three-meter-circle passage.

In this black mist, there was only infinite coldness, and all senses were submerged.

The purple humanoid monster waved his hands frantically and beat his chest.

Boom boom boom

Huge muffled sounds continued.

A faint black strange power burst out from his body, colliding with the cross wound on his chest.

On both sides of him, a big black man pounced into the black mist.

But the ability of the black mist to block all senses seemed to be affected.

They slowed down their steps, as if looking for the target just now.

The mysterious black-robed man who released the black mist had turned around and rushed towards the source of the passage at this time.

His body movement was very fast. Every time he landed and stepped on the ground with his toes, he would move three meters away as if he had teleported.

In just a few seconds, he had rushed to the fork in the road where he came from.

The other side of the passage.

Lin Yi was checking various documents and collecting various information with others.

This mysterious superman laboratory hides too many secrets.

Time buried everything, especially in this special era, various mysterious phenomena continue to appear.

Any changes in this place are possible.

"Here is a bunch of keys, which looks a bit special."

Li Qiuyu's voice was full of doubts, and everyone gathered around and looked at the bunch of keys in her hand.

It was a bunch of keys that looked like they were made of special metal, without any trace of rust.

There were 9 keys in total, each with a number on it.

From 1 to 9.

Lin Yi took a look and immediately knew what was going on.

"This is probably the key to the laboratory passage."

"According to the drawings, there should be 9 laboratories inside."

"There are exactly 9 keys here, and each key corresponds to a laboratory."

Everyone suddenly realized it, and Li Qiuyu handed the key to Sakuramiya Shirley for safekeeping.


A huge sound suddenly came from the direction of the fork in the road, attracting everyone's attention.

Everyone who was still searching carefully in the room stopped what they were doing.

Everyone looked towards the entrance of the passage, where a huge sound was coming from.

Lin Yi's face condensed and his eyebrows raised, "No, there is a problem."

"Everyone follow me, quickly."

Lin Yi is a very cautious person. In such a dangerous place, he will not be careless.

His body flashed and rushed out.

His speed was amazing, and at this time, a faint golden light flashed under his feet.

At this time, he had converted the route of the essence to the "Shenxing Qi" he had secretly learned.

"Shenxing Qi" instantly increased his speed by 10%.

Others saw Lin Yi move and followed him.

Although they didn't know what Lin Yi had discovered.

In just a few dozen seconds, a group of them had arrived at the original fork in the road.

When Sakuramiya Shirley and others came here, they saw Lin Yi confronting a man in black robes.

The man in black robes glanced at Sakuramiya Shirley, revealing a deep murderous intent.

Although this murderous intent flashed, it was noticed by Sakuramiya Shirley.

Thinking about something, Sakuramiya Shirley sneered.

At this time, a dry roar sounded from the direction of the middle passage.

Hearing this strange sound, everyone's face changed.

Especially Lin Yi's party, they knew where this place was.

These strange sounds were obviously some kind of terrifying thing.

They couldn't help but think of the information they saw in another passage.

Suddenly, everyone's face became very ugly.

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