The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 477: Reveal, Powerful (First Update)


The dark green fire dragon was torn to pieces by dozens of strange beings.

At this time, the bodies of these strange beings were full of tiny holes.

A stream of sharp air whistles erupted from their bodies.

The airflow formed a stream of air on their bodies, isolating the air like armor.

There was also a trace of black strange power in the airflow.

The airflow sprayed the green flames and scattered them on the surrounding walls, ground, and ceiling.

After defeating the green fire dragon, they still rushed towards Lin Yi and the deputy general manager fiercely.

A sneer appeared at the corner of the deputy general manager's mouth, and a golden glove suddenly appeared on his left hand.

Five golden filaments spread out from the glove at some point.

These filaments were very delicate, and a flashing, wonderful pattern closed all the space in front of the deputy general manager.

The deputy general manager's five fingers on his left hand lightly hooked, and a dark golden strange power had been injected into these filaments.

Then these filaments suddenly trembled slightly, vibrating at a frequency beyond imagination.

The moment those strange beings touched the network formed by these filaments, they were all cut into pieces like tofu.

At this time, another green flame surged out, sweeping all the fragments.

In less than a breath, the deputy general manager was surrounded by ashes.

Seeing this series of sophisticated means, Lin Yi couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

The opponent's strength is really completely different from his own.

There are more than 30 strange beings, each of which is at the level of human immortals.

But the deputy general manager only eliminated all these things in two moves.

At this time, the strange power in the opponent's body was only consumed by 5%.

This kind of combat power and endurance made him feel a huge pressure, which weighed heavily on his heart.

"It seems that my plan is not so easy to achieve, I can only deal with it as it happens."

"The existence above the ghost immortal is too powerful, I am very passive."

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Lin Yi's face couldn't help but become more solemn.

At this time, the deputy general manager seemed to have seen the solemn expression on Lin Yi's face.

"What do you think of my two moves?"

Hearing the deputy general manager's teasing, Lin Yi smiled, "The deputy general manager's methods are indeed powerful."

"More than 30 strange beings at the level of human immortals were eliminated by you in a few moves."

"It's really terrifying, I admire you very much."

The deputy general manager nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go, I want to see what kind of thing came this time."

Lin Yi did not notice a trace of greed in the deputy general manager's eyes.

He came down so readily this time, in fact, he also had his own purpose.

He was interested in the gem on the head of that strange being.

"Strange original stone, I didn't expect that we would see this thing."

"Hehe, God really helps me."

"Getting the Heaven Crystal and the Strange Original Stone at the same time means that I can push all the power of the cultivation path and the strange side to the highest level."

"I am afraid that I am the only one in the world who has this opportunity."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but reveal an unspeakable smile on his face. It was a kind of confidence that the world and the world would be in the same destiny. He felt that the world was helping him to break through.

But Lin Yi hadn't noticed this yet.

The deputy director was invincible all the way, and nothing could stop him.

He wore a golden glove on his left hand, and countless golden threads were spread on the glove, like a net blocking the road ahead of him.

He pushed forward step by step, and these threads vibrated at a wonderful speed under his strange power.

Let each of these threads have the power to split gold and split stones.

All the strange tentacles or strange existences that want to attack him will be cut into pieces and burned to ashes in the green flames.

During the whole process, he did not use any other power, and simply killed all the enemies who blocked his way.

It took only about 10 minutes for the two to reach the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage was a huge biological laboratory covering hundreds of square meters.

There was a broken gate here, and the ground was a thick black biological tissue structure.

Hundreds of strange tentacles hung from the canopy, stretched out from the ground, and swayed on the wall, looking like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Looking at this scene, the deputy director had no expression or worry at all.

His eyes flashed with a dark light, staring closely at the center of the biological laboratory.

There was a huge black egg with a diameter of about 5 meters, and the egg was covered with countless tiny holes.

A shadow could be vaguely seen inside the air.

A pair of black eyes seemed to see through the countless dense holes and saw the deputy director and Lin Yi standing at the door.

A cold murderous intent enveloped the two of them.

After the deputy director saw the strange existence in the giant egg with his own eyes, a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Is it the combat power of the Heavenly Immortal Dao level? Fortunately, it has not yet completely descended, and its strength is about the peak of the Earthly Immortal Dao."

"I still have a chance."

After judging the opponent's strength, the deputy general manager already knew what to do next?

His eyes passed over the strange existence and fell on the other party's head.

There was a black stone there, which was releasing mysterious power continuously.

This force maintains a hole with a diameter of about one meter above the weird boss's head.

Black liquid keeps pouring out of the hole, falling into the giant egg, and then spreading to the ground along the tiny hole.

The biological tissues on the ground are frantically swallowing these black liquids.

It is input into every corner of the biological laboratory along the pipes inside the biological tissues.

"Interesting, the entire biological laboratory is being transformed. Are you going to turn this place into a nest?"

"This guy is really powerful."

At this time, Lin Yi was also observing the nest, and his eyes fell on the deputy general manager.

Through observation, he could see the flow of power in the deputy general manager's body.

"The fourth weird power, the eye part?"

Lin Yi was carefully analyzing and collecting information about the deputy general manager.

So far, he has detected 4 different weird powers on the other party.

The golden gloves bloomed with a high-frequency sharp power.

The clothes on his body involved the power of space.

The black candle is a kind of green flame power.

And now the black light gathered in the eyes is filled with a strange fluctuation.

His true destiny has analyzed what kind of power this wave is.

It is a kind of ability to observe and analyze everything, a kind of resonant observation.

When the wave emitted by the eyes covers an object, this wave will change its own frequency and resonate with the object, thus understanding all the information of the object.

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