The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 518: Trial, Begins (Third Update)

Wang Liu looked at his aging body, with a trace of sadness, a trace of fear, and a trace of confusion in his eyes.

But this was the price he had to pay for asking Lin Yi to take action. He had nothing to say about the price of revenge.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Liu looked at Lin Yi with his old face, and said slowly in an increasingly hoarse voice, "Thank you, sir, for avenging me."

Lingyi nodded slightly, "Then let me send you out, so that no one will cause trouble for you."

As he said this, he grabbed Wang Liu's shoulders, and his boundless power flashed through.

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The next moment, he disappeared into the Bai family's mansion.

At this time, the Bai family has become a mess.

The death of the family and the escape of the two priests plunged the entire Bai family into complete chaos. No one cares about who did these things anymore.

The next thing the Bai family will face is the attack from other forces in the city.

A beast that loses its sharp claws is equivalent to turning into a sheep, and will naturally become the target of hunting.

Countless hungry forces are eager to pounce on them and tear off a piece of flesh and blood.

Standing on the street, Lin Yi looked at Wang Liu's hunched figure walking away, with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

"The weak have to pay a heavy price to get revenge."

"Otherwise, there will be no chance for revenge and no choice."

"Fortunately, you met me and gave you at least hope of revenge. Otherwise, your final outcome would be to die sadly in a corner."

"With despair and hatred, it will be dissolved into the long river of history without making a single wave."

He watched Wang Liu disappear around the corner of the street before he looked back.

A red door flashed behind him, Lin Yi shook his head, turned and left this world.

Everything is very peaceful in the House of Everything.

Sitting quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, the fifth ray of true life in his body had already lit up 50 rays at this time.

All the strange powers gained recently have been transformed into the power of hand seals.

"There are still 315 steps left. It will be a long process, but as the number of strange existences increases, the speed at which I accumulate strength will also increase."

Lin Yi's eyes revealed a hint of anticipation.

At this time, no one knew that mysterious people had appeared in many cities in the Red Lotus Realm.

These people appear in hidden corners of one city after another.

In these corners, there are black spheres one after another, filled with strange auras.

All the cities in the Red Lotus Empire are without exception.

And these people all have the same mark on their bodies, they all wear white gloves.

In the huge hollow above the North Pole, a giant black egg is beating slowly.

The figure inside slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Ai Qing had already noticed his awakening.

He turned to look at the giant egg, and there was a trace of struggle in his eyes, which was the remaining humanity deep in his heart.

"Are you awake? The trial is about to begin."

"All human beings will welcome the final justice, and death will cleanse this dirty world."

There was a trace of struggle in his cold eyes, and his humanity seemed to be shouting, "No, this is not fairness, this is destruction."

"Get the word out, get the word out."

This is the voice coming from his remaining humanity, but this trace of humanity is so powerless that it cannot influence his current will at all.

A cold voice sounded in Ai Qing's mind, "Let them begin, the final scene - the trial."

Ai Qing nodded, "Yes, the great weird one."

As he spoke, a mysterious ball appeared in his hand. The ball was filled with countless tiny shadows of the ball.

If someone with trypophobia sees it, they will be very scared.

The tiny balls are like eyes.

Ai Qing held the ball in his left hand, with a cold light in his eyes, and he exerted force suddenly.

Click click click.

The ball was instantly covered with five-color fragments, and then shattered.

In the dark corners of cities around the world, these spheres were all shattered instantly.

Small black holes appeared in cities one after another.

Then, the strange black power surged out from it like a fountain.

They spread rapidly along the sewers and spread toward the entire city.

At first, these strange powers did not cause any changes. They just spread quietly and enveloped the lower part of the city along the passage.

And soon, these strange powers came into contact with every dark corner of the city.

The first to bear the brunt are various snakes, insects, rats, and ants, which mutate rapidly under the cover of strange power.

They turned into various twisted monsters, climbing in the sewers, looking for a way out of the sewers.

There are countless tombs all around the cities.

Changes are also taking place in these tombs. One corpse after another is exposed to strange power.

Whether they only have white bones or rotting corpses left, they are all beginning to become distorted.

Corpses emerged from the ground one after another, and they slowly gathered and headed towards the city.

In Honglian City, a quarrel was taking place in a family's home.

The host and hostess angrily yelled at each other because of trivial matters in life.

The woman's sharp voice sounded, "You useless thing, you only get 3,000 yuan a month."

"You need money for food, clothing, and children's schooling."

"You only know how to play games at home and do nothing."

"This life is unbearable. How could I be so blind to find a husband like you."

The husband was furious, "You sit at home and eat up all the money every day. Why don't you go to work?"

"I want to support you two in this imperial city by myself. Don't you know it's very difficult?"

"Every day you say that you do housework at home?"

"Being a full-time housewife has delayed your work and future?"

"Why don't you think about it? You used to be a clerk with a salary of two or three thousand yuan. What future do you have?"

"You have no future at all. Even if you work for a lifetime, it's just like this."

"What do you mean by being a full-time wife makes you lose your future? It's just an excuse."

"If you really go out to work, how far can you go?"

"If you don't like me, then don't marry me?"

"Don't you know what my situation is? Then why marry me? Because of love, isn't it because you can't find anyone better."

When his wife heard what her husband said, her face suddenly turned ashen.

Anger rose from the heart, and evil was born.

The wife seemed to be crazy, waving her hands and rushing towards her husband.

"You beast, how dare you say that to me."

At this time, the wife's face was ferocious, veins on her forehead emerged, and the whole person looked very scary.

She grabbed her husband's neck with both hands, and the huge force made her husband fall to the ground.

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