The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 53 Rescue, Collision (Please collect and recommend)

Lin Yi said in a deep voice, "Get ready, we are going to rush over."

Sakuramiya Shirley took a deep breath, clenched the sword in her hand, and abandoned all emotions in her eyes.


Just when the two were ready to take action, a roar came from the opposite passage.

There seems to be something terrifying approaching here.

At this time, crazy roars and huge vibrations came from behind the two people.

Lin Yi and the two looked behind them, where a group of terrifying corpse monsters had mutated.

They chased a figure and rushed towards the direction where the two of them were.

Sakuragiya Shirley's expression changed slightly when she saw the person coming, "It's Butler Xia Qiu."

"Miss, help me quickly."

"These monsters are terrifying."

Butler Xia Qiu's face was covered with blood. He had obviously suffered some trauma, and it was on his head.

A dozen corpse monsters followed him, only a few meters away. This was a precarious position.

Seeing the behavior of Butler Xia Qiu, Shirley Yingong said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin Yi, I will save him."

"After all, he has taken care of me for more than ten years. I will save him even if I have this little affection."

"As for his betrayal of me, I will investigate after I get out."

"I need you to help me, as long as he doesn't mess around."

Sakuramiya Shirley's words were decisive and full of firm will.

The Hundred Flowers Spiritual Sword in his hand dropped, and a faint mist enveloped it. In the next moment, countless mists had spread around.

A three-meter radius was shrouded, and Butler Xia Qiu had already rushed into the mist.

swish swish

The sword light exploded, directly covering the back of Butler Xia Qiu.

Butler Xia Qiu felt that the sense of crisis looming over his back had disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Lin Yi appeared silently behind Sakura Gong Shirley.

At the moment when the opponent strikes a sword with all his strength, the old strength is exhausted and the new strength is not yet born.

He grabbed her shoulders, stepped on the ground, and instantly retreated.

Then Lin Yi and Shirley Yingong had already caught up with Butler Xia Qiu who was staggering away.

Shirley Sakuramiya's voice sounded, "Butler Xia Qiu, we are going to rush out. Be prepared and follow us."

A calm voice, but full of power, as if her words were unbreakable.

Butler Xia Qiu was stunned when he heard this, and then looked ahead, at the top of the opposite corridor.

It was the strange illusion door they passed through when they arrived.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes. He had been running for a long time while being chased by corpse monsters.

In this place that was almost a maze, he felt that he would be consumed to death sooner or later.

Coupled with several raids by corpse monsters, he had already suffered serious injuries.

Now that he saw the door to the strange illusion, hope arose in his heart.

In the next moment, Lin Yi and Sakura Gong Shirley had already rushed over, with astonishing speed.

Butler Xia Qiu's expression changed, and he quickly followed without saying a word.

On the opposite side of the passage, a group of people wrapped in black smoke were rushing toward the exit.

The person who came was none other than the God of Death, Li Huan. His eyes were cold and he was holding an unknown object in his left hand, which seemed to be something like a book.

Behind him, countless twisted mists of pitch-black smoke were grabbing at him crazily.

Lin Yi and Sakura Sakura Shirley, who were rushing toward the exit, saw this scene, with a hint of horror in their eyes.

The aura behind the God of Death Li Huan was terrifying to the extreme, making them instinctively fearful.

Both of them can feel that as long as they are involved in the darkness behind the other person, they will definitely die.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, and the flow of energy in his legs turned into "Shen Xing Qi".

In an instant, his speed increased by 10%, directly surpassing Sakuramiya Shirley.

At the moment of life and death, everyone depends on their ability.

Within three seconds, he arrived in front of the completely alienated Li Qiuyu.


The green-gold light all over his body flashed, his feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and he punched the sky.

This blow hit mutant Li Qiuyu's abdomen.

The terrifying power was like a cannonball. Her body was instantly shaken, and her slender upper body bent directly under the violent impact on her abdomen.

At this time, Lin Yi did a somersault in the air and hit Li Qiuyu's bent head with a kick from top to bottom.

All the huge power was poured into Li Qiuyu.


With a soft sound, the back of her head exploded, and her entire head was blasted into the ground by Lin Yi's blow.

At this time, Lin Yi used this reverse momentum to jump to the top of the three-meter-high corridor.

The dark and strange door to the illusion there would never change. Lin Yi was like a missile, hitting the door.

At the same time, in the direction behind Li Qiuyu, the god of death Li Huan came quickly like a ghost.

The dark mist enveloped him, and he had already reached a corpse monster not far behind Li Qiuyu.

Like a shadow, he reached the opponent's back in a flash and stepped on the corpse monster's back.

The terrifying power exploded, and the monster was directly blasted through the body.

And with the help of this stepping force, he jumped up like a cannonball.

He arrived first, and he and Lin Yi rushed towards the black door at the top of the corridor almost at the same time.

In mid-air, Lin Yi had already noticed the fierce death god Li Huan.

Narrowing his eyes, he could already sense a strange aura from the other party.

It was the same aura as the mutated maid he killed first.

The power of the "Foreign Spiritual Sutra" in the body was condensed to the extreme, and the blue light was unleashed to the extreme.

It even covered up the essence of the "Great Power Diamond Sutra" in his body.

He punched out with a punch, and the green light burst out.

At this time, the face of the Death God Li Huan was full of cold and ferociousness, and he didn't take Lin Yi seriously at all.

He could suppress a master of cultivation with a backhand.

His left hand was still holding a book, and his right hand made a handprint.

In an instant, countless black air gathered into a one-meter knife light, sweeping towards Lin Yi's punch.

His eyes were cold, as if he was looking at a bug that was trying to stop a car with his arms, and he could kill it with a casual hand.

But the next moment, something horrified him happened.

His Taoism - the Death Scythe, when it touched Lin Yi's punch, it actually collapsed like tofu dregs.

The huge fist hit his face.

He instinctively raised his left hand and blocked the fist.


The face of the Death God Li Huan changed. The power of Lin Yi's fist was so great that cracks appeared on the bones of his left hand in an instant.

Instinctively, his left hand loosened, and a scene of him spitting blood happened.

Lin Yi's right fist instantly grabbed the book that fell from his left hand.

At the same time, with the help of the force of the collision, he directly hit the strange black door at the top of the corridor.


With a muffled sound, the door opened directly.


Lin Yi flipped in the air and landed steadily on the ground of Laboratory No. 5, with the black door of the strange illusion under his feet.

Following closely below was Sakuramiya Shirley.

Because of a mistake in the fight with Lin Yi, the Death God Li Huan was hit back by him.

The countless black mists and tentacles chasing him instantly engulfed him.

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