The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 544 Business, Evil Things (First Update)

This knock on the door was very strange, because this vibration was transmitted to every corner of the Wanshi House.

It was as if something was shaking the whole house.

Lin Yi was startled, with a strange look in his eyes.

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"What's going on?"

He jumped up from the bed and reached the lobby in a few short steps.

There was a thump of footsteps upstairs.

Brandy and others were also alerted and walked down quickly.

Lin Yi stood in front of the French window in the lobby, looking outside.

Through the glass of the window, he saw the person knocking on the door.

A mysterious man wearing a white robe, the robe covered his entire head.

At this time, the door of the House of All Things is emitting a faint red light. This is the phenomenon when the wish shrine is activated.

The scenery outside the window changed. It was neither another world nor Red Lotus City, but some kind of unknown world.

A world shrouded in a dark starry sky.

The place seems to be a dense forest, full of trees and various wonderful plants, all of which emit a faint fluorescent light.

The world is like a dream, like a fairy tale.

The brilliance of the true meaning of life flashed in his eyes, and he could see through the figure under the white robe. What was it?

It was a race similar to humans. In terms of power level, they were just ordinary people without any fluctuations in power.

But the blood flowing in her body was extraordinary. The peculiar genetic structure hidden deep in the blood gave it a natural affinity for the energy in the air.

Her ears are different from humans. The tops of her ears are very long, her skin is very fair, and her facial features are also very delicate.

The pupils of her eyes are purple, and her long silver hair reaches her waist. She is very beautiful, just like a legendary elf.

Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of curiosity, and Lingbo increased his investment and began to analyze the blood structure in the opponent's body in detail.

Tracing back to the source, she locked onto her spinal cord and saw the bone marrow in the spine, which was a piece of silver bone marrow.

The blood cells transformed from the bone marrow have strong energy affinity.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's eyes lit up, "Is this a talent? The talent of a different race."

dong dong dong

This foreign woman knocked on the door of Wanshiwuwu again.

Lin Yi looked at Absinthe and said, "Open the door."

Absinthe pursed his lips, walked over and opened the door.

"Welcome to the House of Everything," Absinthe said with a smile on his face.

At this time, the power of the wish shrine enveloped the entire lobby, and everyone in the lobby was connected to the power of the wish shrine.

The foreign woman in white robe looked up at the people in the Wanshi Room and said calmly, "Hello, I am the high priest of the Tianling Clan."

"I received a message somewhere, and it led me here."

"There is power here that can solve our family's disaster."

"Can you please help me?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi smiled slightly and came to the woman.

"Hello, I am Lin Yi, the owner of Wanshiwu."

"First, I need to know what disaster you are facing, and then I can talk about whether this disaster can be solved."

He already knew that this woman should have received the message from the Wish Shrine, and then came to find the House of All Things.

In other words, business is coming to your doorstep, and it is a different kind of β€œbusiness” than before.

"Interesting, that is, does the wish shrine keep changing."

A thought flashed through Lin Yi's mind, "Please come in and let's talk slowly."

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, a foreign woman sat opposite Lin Yi and heard Lin Yi say, "What would you like to drink? I have water, tea, coffee, etc. here."

The alien woman's purple eyes looked at Lin Yi quietly, shook her head and said, "No need."

Lin Yi didn't take it seriously, "Then let's start a formal discussion."

"What kind of disaster did your Tianling clan encounter?"

The alien woman said slowly, "First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Elli Rose."

"The high priest of the Tianling tribe."

"The position of director of communication with the gods."

"A month ago, my communication with the gods was interrupted."

"But before the interruption, I received the only message from the gods."

"The content is that disaster is coming, and a mysterious evil is coming to our world."

β€œThe gods ask us to hide and find hope.”

"Only I know this information at the moment, I haven't told my people yet."

"But I ask the tribesmen to be fully armed and build weapons to prepare for the coming disaster."

"At the same time, I also found a safe place to leave a fire for the clan."

"Originally, I planned to lead my tribe to face the disaster together, but today I received an unknown message."

"This information tells me that there is an existence here that can grant wishes, so I will appear in front of you."

After hearing the whole story, Lin Yi nodded, "I already understand the situation you mentioned."

"In other words, your opponent is that mysterious beast, a message conveyed by your gods?"

Elliros nodded and said, "Yes, that is our enemy."

"Judging from the information passed down by the gods, it is definitely an existence that we cannot resist."

"But our race is proud and does not allow us to retreat in the face of the enemy."

"So we will use all our force to defeat it."

"Do you know where this evil creature is?" Lin Yi asked calmly.

A trace of heaviness flashed across Elliros's delicate face, "We have found its traces. It is in the Western Death Canyon."

"I feel that it is brewing a disaster. If it cannot be killed in a short time, the disaster will sweep our world."

Lin Yi completely understood the situation of this world after hearing this.

"God? Send a message? Evil creature?"

"If there is a god, what level is it?"

"And why after this god conveyed the message, there was no information feedback at all."

"Does this god have fallen?"

"There is a certain possibility."

"For example, he was killed by the evil creature."

At this time, Lin Yi was very interested in the existence of this evil creature and the god. This god seemed to be another different power system.

He looked at Ellyros, "You want me to help you deal with this monster, first I must know his approximate strength level."

"So what can the strongest person in this world do?"

"For example, destroying mountains, turning rivers and seas upside down, or destroying cities?"

Hearing this, Ellyros shook his head and said, "That's something only gods can do."

"The strongest of our Tianling tribe can fight beasts, destroy huge rocks weighing several tons and tens of cubic meters, and can defeat thousands of people."

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